Northern Suburbs Wrestling Federation
Back Yard Brawl
Boulder vs Gravedigga
A very intense match to kick off the PPV. Gravedigga coming out fierce with two huge DDT's to the big Boulder. Boulder came back with a few punches and then a nice suplex straight into a quick pin. The two count was there, but Boulder was unhappy with the referee's counting. Gravedigga gets Boulder on the ground and a few heavy stomps to keep him there. Gravedigga gets the Boulder back up, only to put him back down with a massive bulldog. Boulder slowly gets back up, looking to try take some advantage back, he gets Gravedigga in a easy side busta, straight into another quick pin. Gravedigga easily kicking out. Both wresters getting up, a few punches being exchanged, Gravedigga gets Boulder in a nice fameasser. 2 count, Boulder just powers out. Gravedigga managing to daze Boulder, goes up top with a high flying drop kick. Boulder on the floor, Gravedigga going back up top again looking for another damaging move to hopefully finish the match. Out of nowhere comes an unknown intruder.  He gives Gravedigga a TKO, knocking him out, picks up Boulder, getting the big man into a massive power bomb! The unknow one, pushes the Ref down, leaving the ring scattered with bodies.
The match was called a no-contest.

Sqamo and Jim Russ, talk about Mad Dog Marty's  attack on Commissoner Pearcy, and the change in the card for the NSWF Championship match. Suddenly the Unknow intruder comes out, and reveals himself as Blade. He offer's an open challenge to any wrestler in the NSWF. Who else to come out, than the NSWF Champ, The Assassin. The unscheduled match gets underway quickly.
Blade vs The Assassin
With the Assassin going straight up top, and a huge dive onto Blade. Both wrestlers getting up, Assassin charges at Blade, 1 hoptoss, Assassin gets back up charging again, 2 hiptoss's. Blade getting the Assassin back up, Huge DDT. Then a sidebuster into a pin. Assassin too strong at this point in the match powers out. Powerfull suplex by Blade, then going right up top, with a massive leg drop. Assassin and Blade fighting it out, both wrestlers up top now. Assassin over powering Blade, an ABSOLUTLY HUGE Facecrusher of the top! Assassin seemed to have a major advantage at this point in the match, but Blade coming back strong with a big 180 DDT, getting the NSWF Champ down. But he wasn't out, coming back with a Killer Combo. Then a russian leg sweep, pin. Another 2 count. Blade trying to get some momentum back. Gets The Assassin down. Blade leg drops Assassin right between the legs. Assassin Stumbling around, Blade swinging some massive punches. Both wrestlers back up top again, Blade this time, over powers Assassin, just pushing him off top. Jumps down, Gives Assassin an Illegal foot choke. Ref jumping in to break it up. Blade getting The Assassin in a big gut buster. Punches back and forth. Blade goes for a huge clothsline, Assassin ducks, and Blade accidently knocks out the Ref! Assassin grabs Blade goes for a punch, Blade blocks it, then knocks Assassin out with a huge punch. WHAT!! Boulder comes charging out, knocking over Blade. Gets him into a BIG, BIG Powerbomb!! Boulder then leaves the ring quickly. Assassin gets back up, making use of the situation, pins Blade.The ref gets back up, makes the count 1, 2, 3.
The Assassin, winning a match from hell.

Little Micky showing Boulder some footage of last PPV, when Boulder got attacked by a masked suspect. Boulder, realising that it wasn't Little Micky who attacked him, gives back the Hardcore Title, which he stole after he lost the I Quit match. Little Micky then Challenges Boudler to a HARDCORE TITLE MATCH right here at Backyard Brawl! Boudler willingly accepts.

Boulder vs Little Micky(c) - HARDCORE TITLE MATCH
This promises to be a very good match as both wrestlers have something to prove. Little Micky enters the ring first and scatters goddies everywhere. Boulder enters the ring next with a steel tray and a pipe. Just a few punches to kick the match off. Big DDT by Boulder, and an early 2 count. Micky getting up, taking Boulder to the outside. Massive DDT by Mick on the outside. Little Micky grabs the Pipe, smacks Boulder with it, Boulder falling face first onto the steel tray. Boulder quick to get up, picks up the Tray and whacks Little Micky. Whip by Boulder, off the ropes, a big Boulder Shoulder! Then a side walk slam. Little Micky down on the ground, Boulder looking for some big damage, goes up top. But he misses the Leg Drop. Little Micky, once again taking it to the outside, spears Boulder down. Boulder getting up. Only to get knocked back down by Little Micky Flying off a crate. Then a clothsline by the Mickster. Little Micky having total advantage at this point in the match. Little Micky russian legs sweeps Boulder onto the frying pan. Boulder getting up, a suplex on Little Micky. Boulder smashing Little Micky with a weapon now. Quickly goes up top. BOULDER AIRLINES!! Pin, but only a 2 count. Alot of fighting backwards and forwards now. Little Micky gives Boulder a Micky Finn onto a tray. Then to finish the job a few bottle shots. Boulder getting up though. Big Double Arm DDT on Little Micky. Into another quick pin, 2 count. Boulder going back up top. But Little Micky smacks Boulder with a kendo stump on the way down. Little Micky jumping at the oppurtunity, applies an Ankle Lock. Boulder in a lot of pain. Crawls out the ring. Little Micky setting up a table. Boulder still down, Little Micky hits him a few times with the pan. Little Micky draging Boulder over to the table. Little Micky goes for the Micky Finn through the table. NO!! Boulder reverses it...Powerbomb!! Little Micky's head straight through the table!! Little Micky on the floor. Boulder wanting to really finish him off. Comes out with a few more tables. But seeming to have a little trouble in setting them up. After finally setting one up Boulder goes to Power Bomb Little Micky through the table... Little Micky with a lucky low blow. Boulder whiping Little Micky right into the wall. Boulder desperatly trying to put this one away. Boulder and Little Micky fighting back and forth around the table Boulder set up. Little Micky grabs a weapon, smacking the Boulder repeatadly. Little Micky with an X-Factor through the table! Boulders arm hitting the edge of the crates that the table was set up on. Little Micky with the Pin. 1, 2, 3. Its all over. Little Micky retains his NSWF Hardcore Championship. Little Micky celebrating.The Ref offers Boulder help out of the ring but he refuses.

Blade coming out once again, and now he is bad mouthing Boulder. Blade calling him out to the ring. Boulder comes out with his arm bandaged after going through that table. Blade offers Boulder a match. Boulder a little hesitant, after the beating he had just received by Little Micky. Blade ticks off the Boulder, and its on!
Blade vs. Boulder
Well Blade's trademark Whirling DDT, to start of the match. You could tell from the start that this match was going to be a fierce one. Blade whips Boulder over the table, Boulder rolling and rolling, right onto his sore arm. Blade quick to get a few more stomps on Boulders sore arm. Boulder slowly getting up. Fighting back. DDT, and a few stomps to go with it. Big Suplex by Boulder, into a quick pin. 2 count. Blade and Boulder fighting it out on the outside. Spear by Blade. Blade spreading the legs of Boulder. Leg Drop, right into no mans land. Boulder getting up slowly whips Blade into the table. Top rope suplex. Another pin by Boulder, and another 2 count. Blade and Boulder back up, fighting it out. Boulder goes up top. Big drop kick. Pin by Boulder. 2 count. Blade rolling Boulder over. 2 Count by Blade. Boulder getting Blade back over, 2 count for Boulder. But Blade with a few punches trying to get some advantge back, works on Boulders sore arm. Getting the Big Boulder on the ground. Stomping away. Blade taking off Boulders bandage and starts choking him with it. Ref managing to stop him, but not for long, as he goes back, and starts choking him again. Blade picking up the Boulder, with the bandage still around his neck. Pulling him into some sort of shortarm clothesline DDT. Blade goes for an elbow into the inside of the Boulders leg. But Boudler coming back with a big Side Busta. Blade getting back up, gives Boulder a double arm DDT. Blade hits the big running leg drop off the top. Blade picking up Boulder like a rag doll. Attempts the Powerbomb, but Boulder luckly powers out, back body dropping Blade. Boulder DDT's Blade on the outside. Gets Blade up. Goes for the Powerbomb and hits it. But Blade sits straight back up! It didn't phase him one bit, and Boulder can't belive it. Blade glaring the Boulder in the eyes. Boudler tries to exit the arena but Blade stops him and knocks down Boulder. Picking him back up, and bulldoging him back into the ring. Blade then Powerbombs the big Boulder into a pin! But doesn't even get the 1 count. Boulder getting up. Big DDT. Then a choke. Blade back up, Boulder and Blade heading up to the table. Top rope Suplex by Boulder. Blade down, and out. Boulder goes back stage, grabs a couple of crates, and a peice of wood. Boulder sets up the piece of wood in between the two crates. Blade getting up, jumps over the piece of wood clothslining Boulder. Front face DDT by Blade. Blade now going backstage, grabbing a steel tray. Blade strategically places the steel tray under the piece of wood. Blade grabs Boulder, JACK-KNIFE POWERBOMB! Straight throught the table, onto the steel tray! Blade covers Boulder. 1, 2, 3. Its all over! Blade wins.

Gravedigga vs. Little Micky vs. The Assassin(c) - ELIMINATION TABLES MATCH - NSWF CHAMPIONSHIP
As soon as The Assassin handed over his title he was double teamed by Litte Micky and Gravdigga. They try a double clothsline. Assassin ducks, Gravedigga and Micky coming back, Assassin Clotheslines them both. Assassin picks up Little Micky and DDT's him. Gravedigga hitting Assassin with a tin. Gravedigga and Micky whipping the Assassin, double shoulder block. Assassin whipped onto the table. Gravedigga with a DVD into a Little Micky piledriver. Little Micky snapmare to Assassin on a steel trey. But then Gravedigga turned on Little Micky. Gravedigga with some bottle shots. Assassin side walk slam on Gravedigga. Little Micky with tin lid shots to Gravedigga and Assassin. Little Micky picking up the ring bell and laying out Assassin. Gravedigga being choked out by Little Micky's boot. Assassin pounding away on Litttle Micky. Gravedigga and Assassin with a double wishbone legsplitter on Mick. Gravedigga whipping Little Micky into The Assassin's waiting elbow. Gravedigga pickin up 2 pieces of wood. He smashed one over The Assassin's skull, and one over Little Micky's. Gravedigga with a ring bell shot to The Assassin. The Assassin standing there dazed. Gravedigga tried to hit him again but Assassin blocked it and sent it straight back into Gravedigga's face. Little Micky coming in and smashing another piece of wood over Assassin's head. Little Micky with a drop toe hold on Gravedigga, with Gravedigga landing on Assassin. Little Micky argueing with the commentators now. Gravedigga with a short arm clothesline to Mick. Assassin with a DDT to Little Micky. The Assassin then Guerilla Pressed Gravedigga onto Little Micky! Assassin pounding away on Mick, hit him with the ring bell. The Assassin setting up 2 pieces of wood on some chairs, Gravedigga cleaning house with ring bell shots. Little Micky with a DDT to Gravedigga, followed by a neckbraeker and some tin lid shots. Assassin kick to Mick, then layed him out with the tin lid. Assassin then went up top and attempted to do a standing Soviet Suplex to Gravedigga, but Gravedigga moved and The Assassin went staright through the 2 pices of wood. Because the wood resembles a table  it would have been classed as being a table, however, The Assassin isn't eliminated because he wasn't put through by an opponent. The match continues as Little Micky nails Gravedigga with a half of the wood Assassin just went through. Gravedigga fighting back now. He places a chair over Mick's face and lays into with his shovel. Assassin kicking Gravedigga, fisherman's suplex. Assassin slamming Little Micky into the wall, then The Assassin charges at Mick but Assassin ended up wearing a pepsi can. Gravedigga working on Little Micky's knee with some wood. Assassin about to Chokeslam Gravedigga, but Micky pounding Assassin and slamming him onto Copmmentry desk. Little Micky taking The Assassin up stairs and nials a superplex. Gtavedigga nailing Mick with the bell, and thewn dropped him face first onto it. Gravedigga then gave The Assassin 6 feet deep onto a metal sheet, but Little Micky nailed Gravedigga with a bottle. Little Micky hitting a piledriuver on Little Micky onto the ring bell. Assassin then silenced Little Micky with The Silencer. Gravedigga nailing Assassin with the pepsi can, and then steup the pepsi can on Little Micky's throat. Gravedigga went up top and drove the can striaght into Mick's throat with a leg drop. Assassin pounding away on Gravedigga, Little Micky with some elbows to Assassin's ribs. Assassin down, Little Micky goes up top and hit the Micky splash. Gravedigga with metal sheet shot th Little Micky and then sets up a table. Assassinlocking in Point Blank on Little Micky, but Gravedigga lays out The Assassin form behind with the metal sheet. Gravedigga whipping Little Micky onto the table. He then threw Little Micky off the table through another table to eliminate Little Micky from the match. That leaves The Assassin and Gravedigga to go one on one. Gravedigga laying into Assassin's knees with some wwod. Assassin stacking 4 crates on top of each other.Gravedigga then grabbed Assassin and whipped him straight through smashing the crates to the floor. Gravedigga hitting 6 feet deep and then some kcicks to The Assassin. Gtravedigga hit a nice takedown maneovour, but The Assassincoming back with big right hands and then hit the Soviet Suplex. Assassin wheeling a bin dinto the ring and then whipped Gravedigga into it. The Assassin picked up the bin and put it ontop of the table and shoved Gravedigga inside it. Assassin then set up another table inside the ring. The Assassin then pusher the bin off the table, and  through another table! Gravedigga is eliminated and The Assassin has won the match, and therefore retained the NSWF Championship. Well thats it for Backyard Brawl. We hope you enjoyed it and we'll see you next time.
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