Monday Night Brawl
Welcome to the special edition of Monday Night Brawl.
James Russ and Bellsy opened the show and announced that the NSWF Champion, Gravedigga, is yet to arrive. The opening match is between Major Matt and Earthquake, both making their debut in the NSWF.

Earthquake vs Major Matt
One half of the Military Men, Punisher, joined James Russ in commentry, while the other half, Major Matt, took on the BIG Earthquake.These two rookies showed they belong in the NSWF, having a pretty good match. Major Matt thought he had the match in the bag, after hitting the Fameasser, but Earthquake kicked out, and came back to win with the High Times.

Little Micky vs Mad Dog Marty
These two have had a history against one another, with Mad Dog winning their previous match. But Little Micky overcame his bigger opponent after hitting the Double Arm DDT and then going up top and nailing the Little Micky Splash for the win.

Special Challenge Match
Little Micky vs The Assassin
These two were out there to prove who is the intellectual champion today in a.... Chess Match!
Little Micky proved his smarts by defeating The Assassin in just 3 moves. The Assassin was outraged. He swept the board of the chess pieces, pushed Mick of his chair, decked the match official, and then picked up the board and started smashing Little Micky with it. The Assassin then proceeded to put Little Micky through a table with the Soviet Suplex.

Hardcore Handicap Match
Military Men vs Little Micky

After receiving a beating moments ago, Little Micky came back for more. The Military Men completely destroyed the Hardcore Champion until a surprise run in came to the aid of Little Micky. Mad Dog Marty came in and cleaned up both members of the Military Men. Mad Dog took Major Matt out of commission with a Frog Splash, which allowed Little Micky to give Punisher a Double Arm DDT and the Little Micky Splash for the win. Mad Dog had already left before Little Micky had realised what was going on.

Mad Dog Marty vs The Assassin
As always The Assassin started this match fired up, but Mad Dog managed to stop his momentum pretty quickly. Mad Dog Marty hit the Mad Dog Driver, but only got 2. Then he hit the Mad Dog Dump, 2 again. A Frog Splash, the smae result for Mad Dog Marty. Mad Dog continued to throw everything he had at The Assassin. Another Frog Spalsh and an X-factor still weren't enough to keep The Assassin down. Out of no where, The Assassin locked in Point Blank and there was nothing for Mad Dog to do but tap out.

Earthquake vs The Assassin
After defeating Major Matt in the opening match, Earthquake earned a shot at The Assassin in the Main Event. The ref was inadvertently knocked out, The Asassin hit the Soviet Suplex, the referee slowly came back to make the count but he was just too slow, Eartquake kicking out at the last moment. Moments later the referee was put on his back side by The Assassin. When Assassin turned around he was met by Eathquake and a High Times. Earthquake would have picked up the victory but there was no referee to make the count. While Earthquake checked on the referee The Assassin grabeed a metal sheet and planted Earhtquake. He repeatedly layed into Earthquake and then gave him a Soviet Suplex onto the metal sheet. Assassin stood on Earthquake and the ref rawled in to make the count. 1... 2... WHACK! It's Little Micky!
The Mickster cleaned up Assassin with a steel vent. As the ref called for the bell Little Micky handed The Assassin over to Earthquake for a Chokeslam as Monday Night Brawl came to an end.

Reported by P-Man
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