Monday Night Brawl
Flaming Tables II
Welcome to this very special edition of Monday Night Brawl. It's been a long time coming, but it's finally here. It will be an excellent show as we have all 3 Championship titles on the line, with ofcourse the Main Event being the Flaming Tables Match between Krimetime and Earthquake for the Inter-Sububan Championship. We will also be hoping to find out more about the attack on Mad Dog a few weeks back. The first match of the night will be Mad Dog taking on Punisher for the NSWF Championship.

NSWF Championship - Mad Dog vs Punisher
Punisher made his way out to the ring first. The NSWF Champion entered next, and was jupmed by Punisher. But Mad Dog with some kicks to Punisher. Mad Dog hitting some punches and a suplex. Mad Dog with some chops. Whip, a double takedown. Both wrestler back up. Punisher pounding away, whip, and a shoulder block. Mad Dog getting back on his feet, but Punisher jumps onto his back. Mad Dog hitting a nice reversal into a slam. The ref is slow to make the count, Punisher kicking out. Mad Dog unhappy with the ref. Punisher pounding away on Mad Dog. Punisher hitting a DDT and a leg drop. Whip, Punisher with a clothesline to Punisher. The cover, only a 2 count. Mad dog fighting back, nails a backdrop. Mad Dog off the ropes, hits a splash, 2 count. Mad Dog whipping Punisher, a big boot to face, and Mad Dog is happy about it. Mad Dog with a snapmare, and now he's working on Punisher's legs. Whip, Punisher clotheslining Mad Dog. Punisher with some big chops to chest. A whip, and a shoulder block. Punisher attempting to suplex his much bigger opponent, and he does it. Punisher with a real stiff punch and a backdrop. Punisher hits his finishing move, then dives on top of Mad Dog. 1, 2, NO! Mad dog kicks out. Punisher is outraged with the ref, and he's really letting him have it. But Mad Dog from behind hits his finisher and gets the 3 count to retain the NSWF Championship.

Footage is then shown of when Mad Dog was attacked in the carpark by a someone wearing a balaclava.

Mad Dog's music then hits, and he's on his way out to the ring. He talks about the assault he recieved after that training session. He then says he has a good idea who the son of a bitch is, he calls The Assassin out to the ring. The Assassin comes out to the ring and pleads his innocence to Mad Dog, but Mad Dog doesn't buy it. All of a sudden some music hits, it's the Masked attacker and he's heading towards the ring with the club he used to beat Mad Dog with a couple of weeks ago! The Masked attacker steps into the ring and takes off his mask to reveal himself. It's Krimetime, it's Krimetime. Krimetime is the masked attacker!! He throws his balaclava to the floor and starts pounding away on Mad Dog. Then out of nowhere, Punisher charges into the ring dropping The Assassin with a club. The Imperial Killer's continued to demolish Mad dog and The Assassin with their poles until they decided they had had enough.

Hardcore Title Match - The Assassin vs Little Micky
The Assassin came out looking a little sore after the beating he recieved, but he started the match on top with some big right hands. Assassin slinging Little Micky to the floor. Whip, and a clothesline by Assassin.Assassin now choking Little Micky, then picking him up by the throat, slamming him into the shed hard and then back into the ring. Assassin attempting to hit Mick with 2 trays, but Little Micky ducked, then pushing The Assassin over. Mick pounding away on Assassin on the floor, then hitting an elbow drop. Little Micky laying into The Assassin, slamming him into the shed, then nailing him with a tin. But Assassin coming back now, giving Little Micky a twirling slam onto a metal sheet. Assassin completley destroying Mick with a tray, followed by a huge shortarm shot with the tray. Assassin then hitting a huge dropkick right to Mick's jaw, blood pouring from Little Micky's mouth. Assassin attempting to kick Little Micky, but Mick grabbed his leg and took him down. Mick's still looking real groggy. Little Micky taking Assassin down to the floor with a hammerlock, then locking in the Arm-Breaker Clutch. Assassin managing to hit Mick with a vent. A whip, and Little Micky hitting a Tornado DDT. Mick with some shots with the metal sheet, and then a Double Arm DDT.Mick then hit the Little Micky splash, but Assassin just kicked out. Little micky pounding away on Assassin,but Assassin with a low blow on Mick. Assassin with some flying fist drops, then picking up Mick for a russian leg sweep. Assassin now grabbing a ladder and clotheslining Little MickyAssassin sets up the ladder and places a metal sheet over Little Mickys chest. Assassin then climbs the ladder and flys through the air for a Sniper Scope. But Little Micky moved and Assassin landed straight onto the metal sheet. Mick then placed the metal sheet on The Assasin's chest and nailed a huge Little Micy Splash of the ladder. Little Micky with some punches and then taking The Assassin to the outside. Mick attempting a suplex but Assassin reversed it into a suplex of his own. Assassin then hit a Silencer in the middle of the ring. Assassin lifting Mick to the top of the ladder, and then chokeslammed him. Assassin then climbed to the top of the ladder and hit a huge elbow drop to get the 3 count! So The Assassin retains the Hardcore Championship.

Inter-Suburban Championship - Krimetime vs Earthquake
And now for the match you've all been waiting for, FLAMING TABLES II! Both wrestler coming out pumped for this one. Krimetime taking a huge swing at Earthquake, but he didn't connect on anything. Earthquake pounding away on Krimetime, slamming his head into the shed, and again. Whip, Krimetime with a clothesline, and then slamming Earthquake into the shed. All of a sudden Punisher came down to the ring and told James Russ that he would be joining him in commentary. Back to the match, Krimetime off the ropes and another huge clothesline on Earthquake, who backflipped and landed on his head. Krimetime with some kicks, and a snapmare and legdrop. Krimetime choking out Earthquake with his own bandana, until Earthquake managed to give Krimetime an eyerake. Earthquake with some kicks and a big clothesline. Earthquake then hit a Flapjack and a suplex. Earthquake picking up Kriemtime, delivering some chops and a bulldog. Earthquake with a suplex, keeping it locked in, gives Krimetime another suplex, and then a third suplex, hold him up for a verticle suplex on the last one. Earthqiuke unhappy with some of Punisher's comments in Commentary, went over to the commentary desk and layed out Punisher. Back in the ring now, Earthquake with a whip, and High Times. Another whip, and a spinebuster. Wait a minute, Earthquake looking up at the top of the shed. Oh My God, Earthquake is climbing the shed! He's standing on top of the shed looking down at the ring where Krimetime is lying. Earthquake then jumped off the shed soaring towards the ring. But nobody's home, Krimetime moved just in time, as Earthquake came crashing down in the ring! Both wrestler down, but Krimetime is up, and so is Earthquake.I don't know how is is standing after that huge fall from at least 15 feet. Krimetime pounding away on Earthquake, hitting him with some big knees. Kriemtime off the ropes, and nice head scissors takedown.Krimetime showing his speed, with a jumping, spinning DDT. But Earthquake taking back the advantage, tearing Krimetime apart, then giving him a Powerbomb. Krimetime laying Earthquake with a crate, then stomping him twice in the groin. Krimetime has the table, but he's lying it across the top half of Earthqukes body on the floor. Krimetime giving it a big stomp. Kriemtime then hit his finishing move and layed out earthquake with some shots with the tin lid. Earthquake fighting back hitting a TKO.Earthquake setting up the table, but Krimetime stopping him, laying him out with a tin from behind. Krimetime placing the lid on Earthquake, then jumping onto the crate, and coming down with huge stomp on the tin. Krimetime pummeling earthquke, then starting to set up the table. Earthquake choking out Krimetime from behind with a hose. Punching back and forth, with Krimetime taking the upper hand. Krimetime slamming Earthquakes head on the commentators desk again and again, but Earthquake managed to pick up his club and hit Krimetime in the guts. Earthquake grabbing the metho and pouring it across the table. He then went over to Punisher and threatened him with the club, giving him a lighter. Punisher resisting at first, but it didn't take Earthquake long to convince him. Punisher walking into the ring and lighting up the metho, the table is on fire! Earthquake getting Krimetime in a Chokeslam, and putting him straight through the Flaming Table!! Punisher quickly grabbing a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. After the match Earthquake gave both Imperial Killers Chokeslams, sending them and the rest of the NSWF a message.

Well that's it for Monday Night Brawl. It was a great show, with Earthquake winning Flaming Tables II and the Inter-Suburban Title. The NSWF will be back soon with some more great show, with NSWF King of the Yard being the next PPV.
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