Welcome to NSWF Reload! We have a great card lined up today. We have all 3 NSWF Titles on the line, including the NEW Intercontinetal Title. But to kick things off we have Little Micky going up against Jester formerly known as Gravedigga.

Little Micky vs Jester
Little Mcky came out first and got on the mike. He said that he refuses to wrestle against his tag partner Jester. Jester's music hit and he came out and shook Little Micky's hand. He then gave him a short arm clothesline and the match was under way. Jester started the match just pounding away at Mick, which Little Micky put to an end with a hiptoss. He then went up top, missing an elbow drop. Jester with a clothesline and a backdrop. Jester whiping Little Micky, Mick ducks the clothesline and a takedown. Little Micky with the cover, only a 2 count. Jester taking back the advantage, splash from up top. A cover, 2 count. little Micky mounts another come back and nails the Little Micky Splash, but only manages to get a 2 count. Jester gets up hits the Sideshow, cover, near fall. But after Jester hits another Sideshow he gets the win and defeats his tag partner. After the match Jetser continued to stomp away at Little Micky and then deck the referee.

Handicap Match - Imperial Killers vs Earthquake
The next match was the
explosive debut of the Imperial Killers. They are teaming up against Earthquake. The Imperial Killers started the match double teaming Earthquake, not giving him a chance. But Earthquake managed to make a comeback, bulldogs to both Imperial Killers. A suplex to Krimetime, and flipping Punisher of the top. Earhtquake going for a clothesline on KT, but reversed into an arm drag. Imperial Killers with a double suplex on Earthquake. Earthquake fighting back with a clothesline and a russian legsweep. Flapjack to Punisher. Flapjack to Krimetime. Earthquake whipped Punisher into the table. Wile the referee checked on Punisher, Earthquake whipped Krimetime accidently into the referee, knocking him down. While everybody else lay on the floor, Earthquake set up a table. He thwn picked up Punisher and powerbombed him through a table. Earthquake grabbed a pice of the broken table and smashed it over Krimetimes head. High Times for Krimetime. Earthquake then hit a Chokeslam for the victory. After the match Earthquake smashed another piece of the table over a cowering Punisher.

Tag Team Match - Little Micky and Mad Dog Marty vs The Assassin and Jester
Without his partner present, The Assassin was forced to tag with Micky's ex-partner, Jester. Little Micky and Jester started in. Little Micky with a bulldog, quick tag, Mad Dog in. Jester tags in Assassin. Assassin pounding away at Mad Dog, takes him down for a disguised choke out. Mad Dog coming back with a clothesline, wishbone legsplitter on Assassin. Mad Dog tags in Little Micky. Running neckbreaker, pin and 2. Assassin whips Mick into table, bulldog. Assassin tags in Jester. Little Micky gets free from the Assassin/Jester corner, and tags in Mad Dog. Clothesline to Jester, and steals the Jesters hat. Jester didn't like this at all, he had an enraged expression on his face. Jester with a DDT to Mad Dog, and then picks up his hat and puts it back on his head. Tags in Assassin, double suplex to Mad Dog. Assasin with a pin on Mad Dog, only 2. Assassin pouding away at Mad Dog, and then goes up top. Mad Dog with a turnaround spinebuster, 2 count. Mick tags in. Little Micky charged at Assassin but Jester interupted, knocking down Mick. That prompted Mad Dog to come in the ring. After it was back to just Assassin and Little Micky, Assassin wnet up top and hit a big elbow drop. A pin, 2 count. Jester tagged in, a double powerbomb on Little Micky, and Jester nailed a leg drop on Mick. Mad Dog only just interupted the pin in time. Jester with a whip on Little Micky, but Mick made a tag to Mad Dog on his way coming back with a take down on Jester. Mad Dog and Little Micky with a double flapjack on Jester. Mad Dog with a frog splash, and the count broken up by Assassin. Jester with a double leg takedown and then locked in a sharpshooter on Mad Dog. Just as Mad Dog looked like reaching Mick's hand, Assassin ran in and took out Little Micky. Mad Dog fought out of the submission and tagged in Mick who took out Jester with a flying clothesline. Little Micky with a DDT and then went up top. He completely missed Jester, who tagged in Assassin. Assassin picked up Little Micky, while Assassin held him in postion Jester flew from the top with a leg drop. Mad Dog just braking up the pinAssassin whipping Little Micky, who came back and gave The Assassin a Tornado DDT. Jester made the save with an ax handle smash. While Assassin goes up top Little Micky tags in Mad Dog, who gives Assassin a belly to belly suplex of the top. Mad Dog Driver on Assassin, a pin, Mick tries to block Jester from breaking up the pin, but Jester dived. An all-in brawl sated in the ring. Mad Dog stole Jsters hat again, this time slagging in it. Assassin and Jester with a double tema move. MDM makes a tag to Little Micky, double clothesline to Assassin. Mad Dog with an arm flip and a Frog Splash to The Assassin. Jester breaking tup the pin again. Little Micky locks in the arm breaker clutch, then a double team move with Mad dog on Assassin. Mad Dog in, and hits the Mad Dog Dump on The Assassin but again Jester the day and broke up the pin.Mick tags in but Jester comes in and cleans house, nice side walk slam on Little Micky. Mad Dog came in with a huge spinning heel kick to Jesters face, Little Micky tags in. He hit the Double Arm DDT on Jester, took out The Assassin, then hit a Litttle Micky Splash from the top on Jester for the win. Mad Dog and Little Micky continued the beating after the match.

Intercontinental Title
Earthquake vs Krimetime w
Earthquake started the match strongly with a clothesline to Krimetime, then slamming him into the wall. Earthquake with a Bulldog and two straight suplexs, a pin, only 2. Earthquake taking Krimetime over to the Commentators table and then slamming him back in the ring. Krimetime coming back with some punches, a DDT, and a combination of quick elbow and leg drops, pin, only 2. Krimetime stomping away, headlock takedown, splash, 2 count. Krimetime locking in an ankle lock, Earthquake powering out, flapjack on Krimetime, cover, near fall. Earthquake with a stomp to Krimetimes groin area, whip,m spinning spinbuster, another whip but Krimetime came through with a big clothesline to Earthquake. Krimetime with an armbar on Earthquake, but Earthquake reverses it into a pin, Krimetime kciks out. Krimetime with a roll up, Earthquake kicks out. Whip, clothesline, Krimetime goes up top and hits a big splash, near fall. Krimetime with a headbutt to Earthquakes groin and then working on the knee. Krimetime with a couple more stomps to Earthquakes family jewels. Dropkick, Krimetime covers, 2 count. Krimetime and Earthquake exchanging blows, Earthquake takes the advantage and slams Krimetimes head against the Commentry table. Earthquake pushes the ref out of the way, grabs the Intercontinental title belt and hits Krimetime with it. Earthquake with the pin, Krimetime just kicking out. Earthequake hits High Times, pin, it was so close, James Russ thought the match was over., Earthquake with a Chokeslam, Krimetime just managed to kickout. While Earthquake turned away in disbelief, Krimetime rolled him up for a 2 count. Earthquake was whipped into the referee with force, knocking him out. While thew action spilled outside the ring, Punisher set up a table. Earthquake went up top, when he noticed what was going on inside the ring, he was pushed from behind by Krimetime, into an x-factor by Punisher, putting Earthquake through the table. The Imperial Killers quickly cleared away the evidence. The ref regained consiouness, and crawled back into the ring to make the 3 count. Krimetime is the winner of the match, therefore becoming the first ever NSWF Intercontinental Champion!

The Assassin vs Earthquake
In a rematch of their no contest at Moday Night Brawl, where Little Micky came in and cost The Assassin the win. Earthquake started the match on top, slamming Assassin onto the commentry table. Whip, Assassin with a clothesline to Earthquake. Assassin pounding away. Assassin with a karate kick, and then a drop kick to the back of Earthquake. Some big chops to the big chest of Earthquake, and then a vertical body press. Assassin going up top, and hitting a diving splash, 2 count. The Assassin with a dropkick, but didn't knock down Earthquake. Another dropkcik by The Assassin still couldn't move Earthquake. After another unsuccessful dropkick, Assassin snuck in a low blow, which surley enough brang down the big man. Assassin with an elbow drop, cover, and a 2 count. Assassin takes Earthquake over to the commentators table, and then brings him back into the ring with a bulldog. Cover, only 2. Assassin goes for a jumping calf kick, but Earthquake caught him, but Assassin revered the sidewalk slam into some sort of variation of a DDT. The Assassin crawled on top of Earthquake, pin, near fall. Assassin with some kicks and a DDT. Earthquake coming back with a nice suplex, but looking exhausted, Earthquake used a sloppy pin which could have cost him the 3 count. Earthquake whips Assassin and nails the Flapjack. A pin, 2 count.Earthquake slamms Assassin into the wall, and then slams Assassins head onto the mat. Assassin punching Earthquake onto the table, and then fliping him off, leg drop, and a 2 count. Earthquake blocking an Assassin punch, and then king hitting The Assassin down to the floor, pin and 2. Assassin whipped, came back to find the big fingers of Earthquake wrapped around his throat, Chokeslam! A near fall. Earthquake taking Assassin over to the commentry table, ligting him up then running ito the ring and slamming him down, another near fall. Earthquake almost hit High Times, but Assassin reversed it. Assassin with a fist drop and then an armbar takedown, Earthquake uses his strength to get out, revreses it into a standing armlock. Earthquake attempted to powerbomb Assassin, but he reveresed it into a hurricanrana. It took a lot out of both men. Quake up first, and nailed High Times, The Assassin kicked out. Out of no where, Soviet Suplex. The Assassin went up top and hit a big Sniper Scope on Earthquake for the victory. Assassin would later regret not leaving the ring quicker because Earthquake recovered and caught him. Earthquake brang Assassin back into the ring and gave him Chokeslam.

Hardcore Title
Time Title Match - Little Micky vs The Assassin

The way the match works is as follows. The last person to pin his opponent before the end of the 20 minute time limit is the winner. The Assassin started the match with some huge metal sheet shots to Little Micky, and then a suplex. Assassin with some more lethal shots with the metal trey. Assassin grabbed a metal strip and repeatedly smashed it over Mick. Assassin with some plastic bottle shots, and then elbow dropping the bottle onto Mick. Little Mickys first offensive move of the match is bending the metal of Assassin back. Little Micky with a snapmare and some more bottle shots. Little Micky with a running neckbreaker and a frying pan shot to The Assassin. Little Micky then showed us some of his skills with the Kendo Stump. Little Micky going up top, but Assassin knocked him down. Whip, Assassin with a flying forearm. Assassin completly bending that metal over Mickys head. Little Micky locking in the painful Little Micky arm breaker clutch, he let Assassin out and then nailed him with the metal sheet. Little Micky then tried smashing some cornice over Assassin head, but it just bounced off. Assassin coming back with right hands, a big bulldog of the top. A pin, only a 2 count with 14 minutes left in the match. Assassin picked up the cornice that Mick failed to smash over Assassin. He then smashed it hadr over little Micky's head. A pin, only 2. Assassin picks up Mick and slamms him into the shed. Assassin with a Killer Combo with the metal sheet on little Micky. The Assassin then hit a big Crucifix Powerbomb and then a big leg drop of the top with the metal sheet right on Little Micky's face. The Assassin gets the 3 count and now has to hold on to the title for 13 minutes. He tried to escape to the backstage area but Little Micky recovered and brang him back out from the certains. Mick tried to slam Assassin into the brick wall, but Assassin blocked it, and sent Mick into the wall. Assassin bringing Mick back into the ring. But Little Micky fighting back, and hitting an elbow drop. Little Micky then went backstage looking for a weapon. He came back with... a 2X4 Wrapped in Barb Wire! Little Micky with 2 shots to Assassin back, and then a big one right to Assassin's head. Little Micky grated away at Assassin face with the barbed wire. The Assassin is busted open! Mick with some shots with the metal sheet and then a tornado DDT onto the 2X4 wrapped in barb wire. Little Micky gets the 3 count. little Micky gets on with it straight away with some more shots to Assassin, and then a headlock takedown. Little Micky hit the Twisting Inverted X-factor and smashed some debris over Assassin's head. Little Micky takes Assassin over to the Commentry table, but Assassin throws Little Micky onto the desk. Assassin picks up the bell hammer and nails Little Micky in the face! Now Little Micky is busted open as well. Assassin with some 2X4 shots, ripping Little Micky's shirt and flesh to shreds. Assassin then set up a table. Assassin and Little Micky stood on another table, and then Assassin choke slammed Little Micky through the table. Assassin got the pin, and the title bakc. The Assassin goes and grabbs the ladder and nsils Mick with it, he then sets it up. Little Micky fighting back with some forearms. he then hit a doublearm DDT, but misses a splash from the ladder. Assassin climbs to the top of the ladder, but Little Micky pushes him off. Little Micky hits a twist of fate, near fall with just 3 minutes left. Little Mcky sets up a table, as Assassin clims the ladder, but befroe Assassin could leap at Mick, Little Micky pushes over the ladder sending Assassin through the table! Little Micky covers Assassin for the 3 count. Both wrestler exhausted. Assassin fighting back with some very angry shots with the metal strip. Assassin went backstage and get something to inflict pain on Little Micky. He came back with tacks and pours them over the ring. The Assassin hits the soviet suplex onto the tacks, and scores a pin with just a minute to go. assassin also got some tacks stuck into his own arm after that soviet suplex. Assassin tried to put Little Micky out of commission by tombstoning him onto the tacks, but Little Micky still gets up. Assassin with some big shots with the metal sheet. Assassin attmepts to powerbomb Little Micky onto the tacks, but Mick reverses it into a back body drop, sending The Assassin onto the tacks. Little Micky then hit a soman neckbreaker onto the tacks. Little Micky covers The Assassin. 1.... 2.... Ding, Ding, Ding. The time expired before Little Micky got the 3 count. Therefore the winner of the match, and NEW NSWF Hardcore Champion, The Assassin!

NSWF Championship
Anything goes, NO INTERFERENCE Match - Jester vs Mad Dog Marty vs Punisher
Anything goes in this match, except there is no interference. That means that Little Micky, The Assassin, and Krimetime must stay out of the match. Punisher came out with Krimetime,but Krimetime was imediately sent backstage. Mad Dog Marty entered and started the match befire Jester had even arrived. but as soon as the Champion emerged from behind the curtain he was set upon. Jester goes up top, and hits a tornado DDT to Mad Dog, then a sidewalk slam to Punisher. jester with the pin, but broken up by Mad Dog. Punisher whips Mad Dog, clothesline. Punisher aslso with a DDT to mad Dog. jester then went to hit Punisher with some debris, but Punisher moved and Jester wound up smashing it over the referee's head , knocking him out. Mad Dog laying into Jester, as Punisher smashes a pice of cornice across Jester's mid section. Punisher pounding away at Jester, Mad Dog whipping Punisher, but Punisher revereses it, and Jester runs up and puts Mad Dog through a table set up diagonally. jester tries to powerbomb Punisher, but Punisher everses it into a backbody drop. Mad Dog comes in And smashes some debris over Jester's knee cap. Pununisher going up top, Mad Dog comes from behind and gives him a Mad Dog Dump. Mad Dog pounding on Jester, Punisher plants Mad Dog with the metal sheet from behind. Punisher is picking up the bell hammer. He took a swing at Jester but Jester managed to get a piece of debris in the way to block it. Jester then picked up his skateboard and nailed both mad dog amd Punisher. Jester then displayed his skills with the skateboard with a kickflip. Punisher hitting Jester with the metal strip, then Mad Dog. Punisher slamming Jester into the Commentry desk. Mad Dog coming in and nailing Punisher with the Kendo Stump. Mad Dog choking Punisher out, and then nailing a snapmare on Punisher. WHAT THE HELL! The Imperial Killer's Music hit, and it's Krimetime. Krimetime nailing Jester and Mad Dog Marty with his Intercontinental Title. The ref is calling for the bell, Punisher has been DQ'ed, but the match must go on. As the match resumed , Jester takes down Mad Dogand locks in a submission. Mad Dog fighting back, arm flip, and then nailed Jester with the Championship belt. But Jester nailed Mad Dog with the metal and screamed "It's MINE!" referring to the Championship. Jester then grabbed his title and layed out Mad Dog. Mad Dog coming back with a bulldog, but then missed a frog splash. Jester then tried to lift Mad Dog, but he couldn't do it, his knees buckling under the presure. Mad Dog crashing down on top of Jester. Mad Dog with a backdrop, and then nailed him with some cornice. Jester tried hopping away on his bad leg, but Mad Dog caught him. Mad Dog hit jester with his own board. Jester with a boot to Mad Dog's mid section, and then whip into the table. Jester is still hobbling around. Jester with a piledriver, cover, and a 2 count. Jester smashing some more cornice over Mad Dog. Jester charging at Mad Dog, spinebuster.  Mad Dog slowly putting his arm over Jester, 2 count. Jester walking over to get some crates now. Mad Dog taking a swing at Jester with some debris, but Jestetr ducked and nailed Mad Dog with the crates. Jester then set up a table. Mad Dog coming in and shattering some debris over Jester's head. Mad dog then chokeslammed Jester through the table. Mad Dog then cleared the remains of the table out of the ring, wnet up top and hit an increduble Frog Spalsh from the top rope for the win. Mad Dog Marty is the NEW NSWF Champion! But Mad Dog Marty's celebrations were cut short as the Imperial Killers hit the ring again. A huge Brawl ensued between The Imperial Killer's, Jester, and Mad Dog Marty as the PPV came to an end. Well, that's it for NSWF Reload. We hope you enjoyed it, and Goodbye!
NSWF Reload
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