Welcome to NSWF Supremacy! This promises to be a great PPV with the big Flaming Tables Match later on.Things kicked off with Gravedigga against Blade.
Blade looked pumped right from the get go, but it was Gravedigga that took control early with a snapmare followed by a hiptoss. After a double take down which Blade got the better of, Blade suplexed Gravedigga, then a whirling DDT. Blade with the pin, and a near fall. Both of them up, Gravedigga locks in a sleeper hold, but Blade reverses it into a jawbreaker. Blade laying into Gravedigga, then a snapmare, Blade with a big leg drop, and another near fall. Blade went for a powerbomb but Gravedigga reversed it with a back body drop. Gravedigga with a spinebuster, and pummeling on the fallen Blade. The ref broke it up, but Gravedigga wnt straight back at Blade. Blade was getting very frustrated. He was going to hit Gravedigga with the diggaman's shovel but the ref took it away from him. Blade locked in the figure-four-leglock but somehow Gravedigga powered out of it and reversed it into a sharp shooter using his legs. It appeared that Blade had injured his leg, he battled on, hit his Jack-knife Powerbomb for the win.

Boulder and The Assassin are up next. Boulder came out first and he had something to say. The gist of what he said was that it wasn't Mad Dog Marty who ran over Commissiner Pearcey, it was a goon who was hired by Blade. The Assassin made his way to the ring and they exchanged punches untill Assassin blocked one then king hit Boulder to the floor. The Assassin whipedBoulder and tried a shoulder block but couldn't knock him down. He tried again but it was The Assassin who would get knocked down. Boulder locked in a head lock, Assassin pushed Boulder against the ropes, into a drop toe hold. Boulder took back the advantage with a big body slam. He tried the pin, only a 2 count. The Assassin fought back with a DDT and then a double arm DDT. He locked in a sleeper but Boulder powered out of it, some punches, then a huge suplex and a legdrop. The match was almost over as The Assassin only just kicked out. Boulder got a bit too cocky trying to give The Assassin his own move, The Soviet Suplex. Well The Assassin reversed it into exactly that move. Assassin went up top and nailed an elbow drop, a pin, and a 2 count. Boulder whips Assassin onto the table, Boulder with a top rope suplex, but wasn't enough to keep The Assassin down. Boulder went up top and hit Boulder Airlines. Assassin got up and slammed down the big Boulder, picks him up and whipped onto the table. The Assassin hits a top rope bulldog and almost a 3 count. The Assassin gives Boulder a DDT on the outside and then locked in Point Blank. Out of nowhere Blade came out to the ring with a metal trey. He offered it to The Assassin to hit Boulder. Assassin hesitated slightly but he took the trey. He had Boulder lined up, what the hell. The Assassin turned around and just about decapitated Blade! Assassin and Boulder proceeded to stomp the hell out of Blade. The Assassin and Boulder celebrated in the ring as Blade lay there lifelessly. The match wascalled a no-contest.

Sqamo announced that Commissioner Pearcey had re-instated Mad Dog Marty back into the NSWF after hearing his trusted friend Boulder's speech. Mad Dog Marty gets traight back into action against Little Micky. Mad Dog was that eager to wrestle again he jumped Little Micky before the bell had even rang. Mad Dog starts of with a knee smash and a DDT, a pin but an easy kick out. Little Micky just playing with Mad Dog takes advantagewith some punches to the mid section, a whip and Little Micky with a drop toe hold. Mick picks Mad Dog up, and a snapmare. Mad Dog actually uses his brain as he moves out of the way of a Little Micky elbow. Mad Dog hits a nice vertical suplex but a lazy pin only got a 2 count. Little Micky came back with some punches, a DDT and then a neckbreaker. After exchanging blows Mick put Mad Dog down with a hiptoss. Little Micky nailed a tornado DDT and it was almost over. Little Micky locks in his arm breaker clutch, you can actually hear Mad Dog Marty screeching in pain. Mick decides to let him go, picks him up, and works on his sore arm some more. It was clear Mad Dog's arm was hurting but he continued, whipping Micky into the table. Another whip, this time a double take down. Mad Dog gets up first and gives Little Micky a bulldog. But again Mick comes back with a wristlock on Mad Dog's sore arm. After Little Micky hit a spinning neck breaker he signalled for the Little Micky Flip. But Mad Dog Marty gave Little Micky a low blow and then dropped him with the Mad Dog Dump for the win.

The Assassin and Boulder came out and offered a challenge to any two jabroni's who want to take them on in a tag match. Gravedigga came out and accepted the challenge, and his partner will be ..... Little Micky! But Gravedigga added his own stipulation,Tables! The Tag Team Tables Match started straight away. There was a lot of action all over the place so it is hard to keep up with eveything that's going on. To start of with The Assassin and Gravedigga went at it, while Boulder and Little Micky brawled outside. Little Micky with a DDT to Boulder, and Gravedigga takes down Assassin. Mick and Gravedigga double bulldog Boulder. Little Micky went and grabbed a bottle and clobbered Boulder with it, then Assassin comes and takes bottle away from Mick. The Assassin with a huge short arm bottle shot. Boulder hits Gravedigga with metal sheet, Little Micky charges at Boulder, but he gets hit as well. Gravedigga gets up and takes down both Assassin and Boulder with a bottle. Little Micky and Gravedigga with a double clothesline to Assassin. Boulder hits Gravedigga with a pipe, Mick kicks Boulder, then Gravedigga drop toe hold's Boulder onto a tin. The Assassin comes in adn hits both Mick and Gravedigga with a metal trey. At this point all hell has broken loose with shots with all sorts of weapons. Assassin hit a spinning sidewalk slam on Little Micky, but Gravedigga came in and hit him with the pipe. After double teaming Boulder, Gravedigga got Assassin in a death valley driver into a Little Micky piledriver onto a metal sheet. After some more brawling Assassin recovered giving Gravedigga a fisherman's suplex and then hitting him sqare in the face with his title belt. Boulder hit a suplex on Little Micky, as Assassin and Boulder are controlling the match. But the momentum began to swing when Little Micky x-factor'ed Boulder onto the pipe and Gravedigga gave Assassin 6 Feet Deep. Assassin and Boulder decided to slow the match down and talk it over. Both teams grouped together as they watched their opponents. Gravedigga broke the deadlock as he whipped mick into no man;s land straight into a huge double clothesline. Assassin and Boulder went to clothesline Gravedigga as well, but Gravedigga ducked it. They went for it again, as all 3 were knocked down. After everyone recovered it was on again with some more wepon shots. Assassin and Boulder dropped Little Micky with a double suplex. Gravedigga came in and clobbered Boulder, he attempted to take out The Assassin also, but Assassin wouldn't fall down. Gravedigga hit him again but still couldn't knock him down. Assassin layed some punches and kicks on Gravedigga and then a DDT. Little Micky went up top and gave Boulder  the Micky Finn onto a metal sheet. Gravedigga and Mick with a double side walk slam on assassin and then went to work on Boulder. Gravedigga leg dropping a tin sheet onto Boulder. With both Boulder and Assassin down, it was time for tables! Gravedigga set up the table as Assassin was whipped, Gravedigga lifted him up for a 3D into a x-factor by Little Micky, putting The Assassin through the table. Boulder came over to help Assassin get to his feet. Now if Boulder is put through a table Gravedigga and Little Micky wi nthe match. The Assassin managed to lock in Point Blank on little Micky but Gravedigga made the save. Gravedigga then pildrived the big Boulder.Assassin came in and body slammed Gravedigga, taking advantage. Assassin and Boulder set up a table, Assassin placed Gravedigga on top of the table, Boulder got Little Micky into a pwerbomb, with Assassin on the over side of the table. A double powerbomb on Little Micky onto Gravedigga through a table!!!!! Both Mick and Gravedigga are eliminated so The Assassin and Boulder win the match.

After being involved in one brutal match Boulder is now up against his arch enemy, Blade. The match started with a test of strength which was won by Blade. Blade with a leg drop between the Boulder's legs, the referee tried to stop it but Blade pushed him away. Blade picks up Boulder and a Bulldog. Blade goes up top and hits a flying clothesline, a pin, but only a 2 count. Boulder punching back and forth, but Blade comes out with a brainbuster on Boulder, and then a leg lock. Boulder with a clothesline, then whips Blade onto the table. Boulder with a top rope suplex, a 2 count. Blade takes back the advantage with a whriling DDT and again stomps Boulder between the legs. While Blade was intimidating the ref Boulder came from behind and hit a double arm DDT and some stomps. Blade got up and and hit a sit down full nelson atomic drop into some sort of an arm lock. Boulder fighting out of it goes up top, Boulder airlines. Another double arm DDT and then applies a sleeper hold. Boulder attempts to go for a powerbomb but Blade with yet another low blow. Blade turns around Boulder and Powerbomb! The pin, and a near fall. Blade with a bulldog and then with the top rope leg drop, but still wasn't enough. Blade with a suplex and a sleeper. Boulder powers out, whips Blade and a shoulder block sneds Blade to the mat. Boulder hits a DDT on the out side and a running powerbomb for the win. Blade really controlled this match and probably deserved to win, but that's the way it goes.

Just as the Flaming Tables match was about to begin Mad Dog Marty came out to the ring and called out The Assassin. Mad Dog said he wanted revenge against Assassin for what he did to him in The First PPV. The Assassin said if Mad Dog defeats a mystery opponent, he has an invitiation to join in on the 20 min Iron Man match. The mystery opponent was revealed to be .... Blade! Blade comes out looking extremlely annoyed after losing to Boulder. Blade starts of with a clothesline to Mad Dog Marty and then starts hammering away but Mad Dog escapes. Mad Dog charges back, a big spinebuster by Blade. After a suplex to Mad Dog, Blade decided he had, had enough. Blade grabbed a weapon and destroyed Mad Dog. After about 10 huge shots, the match was finally called a DQ. Mad Dog might not have pinned or submitted Blade but he did win via DQ so he gets a shot at the title later on.

It's now time for the Flaming Tables Match for the Hardcore Title. The winner is who puts their opponent from a table which is on fire! Boulder came to the ring holding the metho. The Hardcore Champion, Little Micky came out with marshmallows. Boulder got the jump on Little Micky with a tin shot. Boulder then grabbing weapons and throwing them at the mickster. Boulder with some stomps and then a DDT. Boulder pciking up Mick and taking him over to the Commentry Desk and showing hom the metho he hopes to burn Micky with. Boulder with a hanas hanging suplex on Little Micky. Mick comes back with some tin shots but went up top only to have Boulder smack him back down to the ring. Little Micky took back the advantage with a tornado DDT and a big x-factor onto a tin face first. Mick with some more big shots with a tin and a crate. Mick placed the crate on Boulder as he lay on the floor and smashed it with pipe. Little Micky the tried standing on it but Boulder through him off. Boulder whipped Micky onto the table. Boulder tried to hit Mick with a metal sheet but Mick blocked it and gave Boulder the Micky Finn onto the metal sheet. Mick with some pipe shots to Boulders head, the pipe snapped into 2. Boulder came back with some bottle shots and stomps. He then locked in a sleeper which Mick reversed into an arm breaker. Mick choking out the big Boulder with his foot. Little Micky pounding away and then a hiptoss onto a metal sheet. Mick followed it up with a snapmare and tipping one of the buckets of water onto Boulder. But Boulder grabbed a weapon and hit Little Micky. What's this? It's The Assassin and he's attacking Little Micky. While Assassin ponds on Mick, Boulder set up a table. The Assassin grabbed the metho, poured it all over the table and lights it up. Boulder gets Little Micky up in the powerbomb somehow Little Micky reverses it into an x-factor! How ever it is quite a controversial finish as it appears that Little Micky's foot actually went through the table first. Boulder and The Assassin couldn't beleive it as they watched Little Micky walk out with the Hardcore Title. I'm sure we'll hear a lot more of this in the near future.

Onto the Main Event, The 20 minute Iron Man Match with the NSWF Championship on the line. Originally it was just going to be The Assassin and Gravedigga but after Mad Dog Marty won his match with Blade via DQ he was given a title shot. The winner of the match is the one who gets the most pins or submissions on their opponents in the time limit. As soon as the champion, The Assassin entered, Mad Dog Marty went straight after him. The Assassin and Mad Dog went at it as Gravedigga sat back and watched.
Gravedigga then grabbed The Assassin's title and took both of his opponents down. Gravedigga with a drop toe hold on Assassin onto Mad Dog. Mad Dog recovered with a bulldog to Gravedigga, and Assassin gave Gravedigga a DDT. Mad Dog came in and took out The Assassin with the belt. Gravedigga atteptted to suplex Assassin but he blocked. Gravedigga tried it again and was successful. Gravedigga then tried to hit Mad Dog with the ring bell but Mad Dog squirmed his way out of it. Gravedigga got him though and hit a bulldog on him. Assassin came from behind and choked out Gravedigga with some electrical tape, but Gravedigga got out of it with an eyerake. Mad Dog with a DDT on Gravedigga and again no one can gain an advantage because just as you get going someone gets you from behind, as Mad Dog found out when Assassin hit him with a metal sheet. Gravedigga was lying flat on his face when Assassin tapped him on the shoulder. Gravedigga looked up and got smacked on the head by Assassin. Assassin tried getting a double pin by laying across both Gravedigga and Mad Dog but it didn't quite work out. Gravedigga got up and slammed Assassin and Mad Dog's heads together like he was one of the 3 stooges. Gravedigga then proceeded to lay into The Assassin's knee with a pipe. Gravedigga then whipped Mad Dog and gave him a clothesline. Assassin came in with a front face DDT on Gravedigga, and Mad Dog layed him out with the bell. Mad Dog then gave The Assassin a huge Mad Dog Driver onto the bell. Gravedigga interferred with the pin, but Mad Dog hit him with the bell again, pinned The Assassin again, and got the first pin for the match. As Mad Dog and Gravedigga brawled Assassin recovered and gave Gravedigga a side walk slam into a pin, kickout. Then it seemed Mad Dog Marty and The Assassin were teaming up together. Mad Dog held Gravedigga's arms behind his back while Assassin hit Gravedigga with the bell. Then Mad Dog got on his knees and Assassin jumped of Mad Dog's back flying onto Gravedigga. The Assassin held his hand out to Mad Dog but Mad Dog Marty naturally kicked him in the guts and dropped him with a side walk slam. Gravedigga came back with a wrist lock on Mad Dog. Assassin grabbed Gravedigga but wasn't qucik enough to do a move. Gravedigga picked him up for a sjde busta into a pin. Mad Dog with the interference, goes up top and an axe handle slam on Assassin. Gravedigga with some puches to Mad Dog, and went to set up a table. While doing so The Assassin hit a DDT on Mad Dog and then locked in Point Blank. Mad Dog Marty tapped out giving Assassin his first fall with 9 minutes remaining. Gravedigga almost immediately picked up Mad Dog and gave him Nailin' Da Coffin through the table. The Assassin's interference of the pin was a little late, so now it is 1 fall a piece. The Assassin came in and hit a death valley driver, Gravedigga came in with a shot to Mad Dog with some cinder. Things weren't looking god for Mad Dog at this point. Gravedigga also caned Assassin. As Mad Dog went to get a table, The Assassin recovered and cleaned house with a tin. The Assassin then went up top and dropped an elbow with a tin on to Mad Dog. Gravedigga got a sunset flip on the unexpecting Assassin, and almost got the 3 count. Mad Dog then set up a table as Gravedigga hit Assassin with the title belt. Mad Dog Marty came from behind and layed out Gravedigga with some cinder. Mad Dog then put Gravedigga through the table with a Mad Dog Dump. He got the pin, so with 5 minutes remaining Mad Dog leads with 2 falls. The Assassin tried a quick roll up on the dazed Gravedigga, but Mad Dog interfered.The Assassin hit Mad Dog with a crate and then set up another table. Gravedigga hit Mad Dog with some cinder and then Assassin slammed Gravedigga's head on the commentry desk. Assassin with a soviet suplex of the table through a table on Mad Dog, and the 3 count. The Assassin now shares the lead with Mad Dog Marty with 2 each. Gravedigga has just 1. Assassin and Mad Dog brawling it out. Gravedigga comes in and locks in a full nelson on Mad Dog. Assassin with a big shot to Mad Dog's head with a metal sheet. Assassin and Gravedigga continued to lay into Mad Dog with weapons. Assassin turned around and nailed a backbreaker on Gravedigga. Mad Dog got up and hit Assassin with some cinder, but was then speared down by Gravedigga. The Assassin was slammed into the NSWF shed by Gravedigga, but then had a CD case shattered over his head by Mad Dog. Mad Dog with a buuldog to Assassin, and you guessed it, set up another table. Assassin got up, grabbed Mad Dopg and knocked him to the floor. And it looked like The Assassin had a little surprise, TACKS! The Assassin pored the tacks all over the table, but Mad Dog recovered and powerbombed The Assassin through the table onto tacks. Gravedigga out of no where, flew in and nailed Mad Dog with his shovel. With less than 10 seconds left, a double pin, 1 ... 2 ... 3!!!!!!!! Gravedigga is the NEW NSWF Champion. What a dramatic end to the match, and also NSWF Supremacy. I hoped you enjoyed it, see you at the next PPV.

Reported by P-Man
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