Northern Suburbs Wrestling Federation
The First Show
Things kicked off with a match between the two biggest men of the NSWF, Mad Dog Marty and Boulder. This was real rough neck encounter between these to huge guys. After alot of brawling backwards and forwards Mad Dog nailed the Mad Dog Dump, but it was only enough for a 2 count. Then Mad Dog made a big risk but it didn't pay off. He was getting frustrated so he grabbed a weapon. He was getting ready to hit his opponent when Boulder jumped off the top rope and drop kicked the weapon right back into Mad Dog's face. Boulder picked up the victory.

The next match was between smaller opponents in Little Micky and Gravedigga. These two evenly matched competitors have nothing more for each other than respect. Little Micky specialises in more slower paced hardcore matches while Gravedigga is more energetic. No one could truly take the advantage because there were alot of reversals and qucik moves to catch each other out. After Little Micky hit his finisher the Micky Finn it looked like he had it won but he went up top and missed the Little Micky Flip. Gravedigga capitalised on this by giving Mick 6 feet Deep and a splash from up top to make sure of it. To show he is a good sport Gravedigga and the Ref helped Little Micky walk back.

Backstage: Boulder was walking along when a masked man attacked him from behind with a rope and ran away. Little Micky cam to the aide of Boulder but Boulder thought that Mick was the person who attacked him. Boulder lashed out at him and walked off telling Little Micky that he will pay.

Mad Dog Marty was back in action this time against The Assassin. Mad Dog took control early in the match against his smaller opponent. He used the Mad Dog Driver on The Assassin but it was to early. After Assassin reversed a Mad Dog Dump into a tornado ddt the Assassin went up top and landed the Sniper Scope on Mad Dog but not enough to keep Mad Dog down. The Assassin was then whipped into the referee knocking the ref out. Mad Dog grabbed a weapon and clocked The Assassin. The referee regained conciousness and made the 3 count. After the match while Marty celebrated on the top The Assassin got up gave him a Death Valley Driver and then locked on Point Blank sending a message to Mad Dog Marty.

Boulder came out to the ring and called out Little Micky. Boulder said he will defend his Hardcore Title against Little Micky. Mick accepted the challenge but he wanted to add just one stipulation - I Quit rules, where the winner is the wrestler who makes his opponent say the words I QUIT!

Hardcore Title Match - I Quit Rules
Little Micky entered the ring first then wited at the entrance for Boulder to enter. Boulder music hit but he didn't come out from the entrance way, he attacked Little Micky from behind and the match was under way. There was alot of anger in this match after what happened earlier. This match had eveything, frying pans, bottles, steel trays, tin lids and of course a microphone. Neither man would give up after brutal, numerous shots with weapons. I must mention the massive size difference between these two. Boulder is 2 times bigger than "Little Micky" but Mick wouldn't be intimidated. Boulder looked to take control of the match when he Boulder Slammed Mick through a table. Boulder asked Little Micky to say the 2 words but he wouldn't give in, probably because he was to exhausted to say it. Miraculously he recoveredand gained the advantage, he had a table set up ready to put Boulder through. Boulder said "I Quit" hoping that Little Micky wouldn't put him through the table but he Micky Finned him through it anyway. While Little Micky celebrated in becoming the new NSWF Hardcore Champion Boulder pushed Mick off the top rope and stole the Belt.

Interveiw: Sqamo talked to The Assassin about his upcoming match. They showed a flashbackof Monday Night Brawl when Gravedigga won the First Blood Match, he busted open the Assassin with his shovel and won the NSWF Championship. They went back to Sqamo and The Assassin who said he will kick Gravedigga's monkey ass. They then crossed to Bellsy who was interveiwing Gravedigga who said The Assassin is a piece of crap and that he will grab the belt.

NSWF Championship - Ladder Match
The NSWF Champion, Gravedigga entered the ring first, then The Assassin came out to the ring with his eye on the Gold which was hanging above. This was a match between two of the elite and most athletic wrestlers here in the NSWF. Anything goes but you only win when you grab a ladder and climb it to grab the belt. Alot of punishment was handed out throughout of the match, Gravedigga gave Assassin 6 feet deep and climbed the ladder but The Assassin got up and pulled him off. Assassin set uo a table and was ready to powerbomb Gravedigga through buthe reversed into a spinebuster. After brutally breating the Assassin with a piece of wood Gravedigga samoan dropped him onto it. Gravedigga thought that was enough to keep The Assassin down but his judgement was off again. As Gravedigga climbed the ladder the Assassin climbed up the other side and repeatedly hit Gravedigga with a frying pan sending him flying down to the ground through the table! The Assassin slwoly reached up and grabbed the belt to become the new NSWF Champion. Well that's the end of he NSWF's first show, Thank You and I hope you enjoyed it.

Reported by P-Man
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