
Josh's Website Homepage
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Latest Events:

Apr. 17, 2005

Well, it has been one hell of a long time since a good and proper update. Totally my bad. I got lazy, it happens. So sue me. Less than one month to go! Damn! How about that? I must admit that this year has gone by rather quickly!!! Needless to say that I wasn't expecting that for sure. Anyway, enough of the rambiling BS. You're here for something interesting. Right? You know you are. Lemme guess, you want a game or something that would make you overly happy. Well, tough. It ain't happenin. I'm not here so that your seemingly disinteresting life full of void can be filled. You're here because you clearly have nothing better to do and you're still looking at this page and not at the Importa Newsletter. Which, I might add, has all of the latest interesting facts that may interest you. Why there and not here? Because I decided that posting on that site is easier than it is here and I don't have to work as hard. Plus, the pretty colors over there are much more inspirational. So there. You don't like it, take it up with Mr. H.C. Boss. Thats Mr. Head-Cheese Boss. If you can't find him, oh well. Eat a cookie, roll over and go to sleep.

Past Occurences:

What's happened you ask? Like I know! You're supposed to be paying attention, but clearly havn't been. For shame. I mean, damn! Is all I write just a mindless blur to you, stating that nothing interesting has happened at all? No moving pictures or spinning shapes? Sorry. You figure it out and put it in here and then we'll go from there.

How the Posting Works On This Site:
Whenever I feel that something should be put on, or if something happens, I will post it here on this site. So, be sure to check back all of the time as this is always changing and doing SOMETHING every few days. So, check it out!

At the end of the month (or close to it) I will remove all those posts and give a summary of what happened. So, if you miss something, thats your own fault.

Now up and running: (Damn! Get back here!)

New! Importa(c) Newsetter is now online!

STAY TUNED. Cause you never know what is going to happen!

I am planning to plan a plan against your plan for planning to plan a plan.
So here is my Jeep. (Finally)
My Other Pages (Hyperlinks):
Importa Newsletter
Picture Page
Answers Page
Importa Newsletter
My Favorite Links:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
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