okay today i want to say that i really dont like geocites but i was kinda tired with angelfire....i mean i like html better but its a hell of alot slower so i've made a dissision that i will make this a news page thing....thank you for reading my rant....
people who have been to this screwed up page
if you want to go back to "Numb to all".....
Numb To All News & Stuff
Ellen's Web Page
the Onion
Email me
Poser Avril
Hey i would like you all to know that Kurt Cobain is not dead....er well in our hearts.  Ellen and I have er come to the conclusion that since there ate no pictures of him dead with his brains all shoot out on the internet that we could find....it means that he is alive.  Kurt Cobain may have hated him self (with no good reason) and wanted to die, but er he didnt die..........fine theres no proof but still......
if you would like one of your origional articals posted, email me at [email protected]
This is a Cartoon that i really like and it reminds me of a bunch of couples that i know.....or used to be couples.
This is way too cluttered....maybe i'll fix it?
dk project
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