Landed On : 2nd April,1979

As : an Arien !!

Drools Over : Hip - Hop, Homies, Clothes, Movies and X - FILES !!!

Pukes Over : Shah Rukh Khan (B-A-R-F !!!!) , Cricket !!
I Wanna Be : B-L-A-C-K !!!!!, with "RICH" ranking #2
My Fantasy : Owning a Dutch style Villa, on top of a hill, with vineyards surrounding it - in South Africa
Am i Hitched : Of course!!!! U Think im getting on this webpage for free ????!!
LETS B-I-T-C-H !!!!!!


The hot "shorty" of the hot guy.... she's the "cool" one.. - Sindhu
Should put on some more weight ... - Prithvi
Ah !! The Staunch feminist who pop's up with a new birth mark every weekend. She thinks that God gave women the hooter's not to send outmating call's but cos they were meant to be smarter & are always one < step > ahead of the male species.... - Subbu
Hardcore feminist,given a chance she'll override the world with women.Which is okay if u like watching basketball matches starring the chicago cows in pink cows or prime time channels airing "Exciting 101 cabbage recipes" or if you don't mind a president who waxes her legs and wears pantyhose or if u can imagine the military Chief of Staff worrying about how much protection they'll on those days of the month.I mean try explaining peace and harmony to someone with PMS !! Smart but extremely hostile,if you don't happen to belong in her immediate circle of friends,she'll find more faults in you than ur worst enemy or your wife could.Freud would have diagonised her obsession with aliens and niggers as underlying sexual perversion but my sense of survival prevents me from commenting on it. - Arun
















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