HEY!this is my first go at a website-so for gawd's sake bear with me!!
Hey there everyone!And how might you be!?Well, as all my mates know, we just done our GCSE's!Hmmm...they were fun!!...NOT!!!We get our results on August the 22nd-yay!!Can't wait!
Well this is the first time since I adapted this website in ....... months!literally!I've been doing a lot recently-like having a social life!!YES-it IS possible for a blonde to have one of those!!hehehe!
Hehehe, you should see me now!!ooh, this blue makes my eyes go all funny!
lol-this page isnt very organised, but do I care!!lol-do I bollox!
Nicola's website
WOO-BLOODY-HOO!!-I worked out how to do the links!well, they're over there ------------------------------------>
in the white writing!!Nicola and Jason are a couple of my bestest ever born friends!!I have two other bestest ever born mates-called Stace and Kane!They dont have their own website so I can't do a link, but i've kindly left a link to Jason's and Nicola's!!(unfortunatly, on Jason's site, there is a picture of me which he did when I was speaking to him on netmeeting!!lol-little git!!) luv ya really Jason! MWA!!
Jason's website
DANG!this is pretty damn cramped for someone like me to have done all by myself!Well, I have a suprise for you when you eventually find the picture of my best friend Jason!!Think i'm mad!?-Just you wait and see!!!
(Just incase you haven't noticed already-I like a lot of colour and loadsa pictures!!)
To make things a little easier for you and for me, i'll put all my pages via here!!
Music Stuff
More Friends
Kane's website
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