Click here for some really twisted and disturbing art!!-you have been warned!
Nicola's site
Jason's site
If you copy cd's, and want a good CD cover search engine-then click here!
A good online gothic shopping place!
A damn good place to go for lyrics
Yahoo games!
Another good online shopping place for grunge gear!
One kewel Gadget shop!!
Splash Plastic (I reccommend you get one of these, cos you can top it up, and buy from the net-like on attitude!!)
If you like 'ICE AGE', then go to this site, I think this site is SO flipping kewel!!-but then-again!, my taste in 'kewel' might be very different to yours!!
If you like the powerpuff girls etc, then click here to play some really kiddie games!! (I used to go here EVERY single day!!)
Once again-it's like the other kiddie games site, (well its by the same people), but there are different stuff on it, not so much, but different!!So, click here!
For xmas-I got a cute little 'teddy' form my best m8 Jason. Its name is 'Tula', and it is a hoob!!I found the 'hoob' site today, so if u wanna be a childish teenager like me, then by all means, have a look!!'The Hoobs'
Click here for some funny games!
Aye aye captain!-no...fleur isn't a one eyed pirate!she just got polly's floppy ear in her face!!!awww!
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