Friends etc
This here is Mat!!
and this here is Jason!
lol-Jason's last school photo!!!hehehehe!!bit red dearie!!
Jason in a bikini a few years ago! (best not to ask!!)
Well, i'm trying to persuade my friends Stacy and Nickowa to give me a photo so that I can put it on here at a later date (maybe i'll just attack them when they next come round to mine!! but stay quiet, (lol) I don't want them to know my plans!!!!)
Also, if any of my other friends wants to have their picture on here, then tell me and gimme a picture of you-it would be easier if you give me a picture via msn or something cos then it's already in the right files etc etc etc!!!remember, just tell me if you wanna be added!!!!i wont mind!
Hehehe-I hope my family doesn't mind this photo!This was taken at my nanna and grandad's 50th wedding anniversary!!from left to right there is: Auntie Jo, David (soon to be uncle!), Grandad, Nanna, Mum (Ann) and ME!!!!that was with my funny glasses that reacted with the light!!hehe-i'm second tallest-WOW!just noticed!hehehehe-in't I blonde!?LOL!!
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My very good friends Jason, Nickowa, Stace, and Kane are very kewel friends. They're always there when you need them!Believe me, I know!I can trust each of them with different secrets-but I don't tell many secrets!These friends are the best that I have ever known and I feel very lucky to be this close to them!-sounds soppy I know-but it's just gotta be said!   :-)
This is me and Jason in one of those passport photo thingy's in Asda (Dunstable), just before we went with Matt to Nickolas christmas piss up! As you can see, i'm doing my very good impression of a blonde-dim-wit, and Jason is doing a good impression of a blowfish!(no offence hunni!)hehehehe ;-)
This lovely chap is Kane!He's a bloody good friend and gives really good hugs!Incase your stupid, he is a GOTH not a grunge!!I've only known him for a few months-and he's slept round nearly four times!hehehe-he wants to live at my house...'WHY!?' I ask!?Awww bless him!hehehehe-ooooh, I just realised that he'll probably kill me for putting a picture of him up on my website, but.....well......tough!!
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