Writing by Pandora Nu - Presented by TurtleTime Media
Fiction - Short Short Story
Cranes, Stains and Mystery Meals

     �It was an EARTHQUAKE!�
     �That�s what the newscaster with the helmet hair keeps saying when he breaks into my show,� Scarlett said.  I heard her flipping channels through my receiver.  �At the time I was more shocked by Russell Junior�s hand on my thigh.�
     �Still, did you have to spill your Merlot on Junior�s Armani suit?� I took the cordless into the kitchen.
     �It was an accident.�
     �An accident?�
     �Maybe it was the
     �Wish there was an
earthquake every time Russell Senior sexually harassed me.�  I set the microwave timer for three minutes.
     �Should be part of the benefits package.  I can�t believe senior citizen Crane�s even more of a letch after marrying that bimbo. She�s like twelve years younger than Russell and�Hey, microwave popcorn?�
     �I�ll count points tomorrow.�
     �You know, Russell�s never even looked my way before tonight.  Guess he�s taking up the family business,� Scarlett said with a giggle.
     �I thought Junior brought Miss Perfect Personal Assistant along because he needed an �Asian face� for Mr. Sato,� I said between crunches.  �So why aren�t you all red-faced at some karaoke bar?�
     �Dinner ended early.�
     �Because of the
earthquake or the accident?�
     �Because of the potato and cheese perogis I slipped into Russell�s borscht.  He thought they were dumplings.  With his lactose intolerance, his bowels will register a 5.2 on the Richter scale tonight.�  Her cackle sounded malevolent.
     �Gross, Scarlett.�  I put down the half-empty bag of popcorn. �I guess Polish is off the list for the monthly father-son dinner tomorrow.�

                              *                              *                             *

     As Mr. Crane spoke, he winked at me every third sentence.  Whenever I scooted away from him in the booth he scooted the same direction.  He continued to top off my wineglass, though I�d only taken a few sips.
     �Is the wine not to your liking?�
     �I have to drive home,� I said, lancing a shrimp with a tiny fork.
     �My driver can bring you home�or you could take a room at the St. Francis, on the company of course,� he said and winked.
     �When�s your son joining us? It�s too bad we have to work on the Hamano merger during your private time together.�
     �Yes, well, Scarlett called my cell on the way here,� he said, pouring more wine, �Russell�s not feeling well from last night, and I�m letting him take the lead with Sato on the Hamano deal.  So tonight we�ll just have the pleasure of each other�s company.�
     Suddenly, the shrimp flew off my fork. It rolled down Mr. Crane�s silk tie, leaving a trail of cocktail sauce.
     �I�m so sorry, Mr. Crane,� I said in my meekest voice.
     �Accidents happen,� he said, scooting out of the booth.  �Shellfish give me hives, but my tie will survive.  If the waiter comes by while I�m changing ties, you know what to order.�
     When Mr. Crane returned, he received a call from Russell.  While father and son discussed Sato�s potential weaknesses, the waiter brought fettuccini carbonara for me.  For Crane, he brought cannelloni�
seafood cannelloni.
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