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Why Majority Public Opinon and Societal Norms are Tools to Serve the Interests of the Minority Ruling Elite 
   Life's Reflections
On Love

On Money

On Human Conflict
This web page was set up by its owner and creator to share his thoughts about the world around him, based on his observations and experiences over two decades of existence.  It is worthy to ponder about what this world is all about and why are things the way they are.  Drawing from our experiences and observations, we can then shape the necessary solutions and guidelines to help us find our desired directions in this murky and uncertain world.
All human beings are born into different circumstances, possess unique individual characteristics and undergo different life experiences.  Each individual's outlook on life is shaped by the combination of these three factors.  People chase after different goals in life.  It is impossible to objectively judge whether someone made the right choices in life because what is good, bad, right and wrong, are all subjective matters of perspective.        
The owner and creator of this web page respects the right of each individual to his or her beliefs, values, standards, interests and attitudes.  Hence, the contents of this web page are not intended to preach about the correct path or supreme truth in life because objectively speaking, there is no such thing.  The views expressed in this web page just represents his personal perspective of life.  You are free to disagree and welcomed to share your own thoughts by signing my Guestbook below.  This web page will be updated as and when its owner and creator has new thoughts and observations to share.      
On Destiny

On Life Direction

On Children

On Technology

On Animals & Nature

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