Human Conflict
The majority of human problems in life are not caused by natural disasters or survival struggles with animals, but conflicts among human beings.  One can easily trace a person's miseries, sorrows, grief, anger, worries, fear and anxiety, to the actions
(anticipated or realized) of another person(s).  Human beings spend less time reacting to threats posed by Nature or animals than those posed by their fellow Man.  The total combined number of human deaths attributed to Nature and animals since the dawn of civilization dwarfs in comparison to those resulting from the actions of Man.  No other living organism on Earth destroys other lives to the extent of what human beings do to their own kind and others.  The biggest enemy of human beings are other human beings.      
The chief source of human conflicts is Man's selfish desire to impose his or her own beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes on other human beings, even though other people's beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes do not impact his or her life in real terms.   At the low end of the scale, one may criticize other people for the way they look, the way they dress, the way they move, the way they think and the actions they take.  When one keeps these criticisms to oneself and leave it at that, no conflicts occur. It is the open expression of criticisms and expectations that others change to suit onself that generates conflicts.  In extreme situations, one may acutally seek to forcibly convert other humans to conform to his or her own beliefs, values, standards, practices and attitudes through violence and other negative stimuli.                 
Human beings have the tendency to look for and cultivate others who share similar beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes.  By forming groups, they try to add legitimacy to these beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes, based on the fallacy that if more people feel, think and act in the same, they must be right.  The power of having greater numbers is used to pressurize, intimidate, impose, convince and convert other individuals into accepting these beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes as their own.  Conflicts result once again.  The sad fact is that many people in this world do not even know precisely why they believe in, feel about and do, certain things in life.  These people simply never bother to question their own beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes simply because many others feel the same way.  Worse, some people believe that as long as they are part of a majority, their beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes, must be legitimate, good, correct and orthodox.  These people are usually the most critical of others who differ from them without feeling the need or possessing the capability, to prove why they must be right.                     
Since different individual beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes inevitably leads to human conflicts, the owner and creator of this web page believes that the solution lies not homogenizing individual attitudes, values, beliefs and thought into a shared group culture or set of societal norms, as modern societies tend to do. This will inhibit human creativity which can only thrive through individual diversity.  Instead, a more flexible solution is required whereby people respect and allow for the expression of different individual beliefs, values, standards, interests, practices and attitudes, as long as these do not directly impinge on another person's security, property and lifestyle.  Concentrating one's energies on improving one's own life and dealing with one's relevant problems is more productive than trying to mind other people's business and interfere with their lives.  This is especially true when other people's business exert no impact on one's life; when one's views cannot alter other people's lives; and when one does not understand others adequately i.e. their background, their motivations etc. to cast judgement and recommend better options. Human lifespan is short and one should make full use of our time to fulfill our own goals and aspirations instead.     
Why Majority Public Opinon and Societal Norms are Tools to Serve the Interests of the Minority Ruling Elite
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