<BGSOUND SRC="DaysWithoutLover.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
The purest and greatest type of love is unconditional love.  That means you love someone for what he or she is, for better and for worse, and not because you love a person because he or she possesses a quality which attracts you or because you hope to gain something in return from your love.  In this sense, only a mother's love qualifies as unconditional love because most mothers love and accept their children for what they are, even if they are ugly, poor, disabled or retarded.  It is impossible to qualify the love between lovers as unconditional love because  when we say we love someone, it is usually more accurate to say we are attracted to a certain quality of that person, e.g. looks, wealth, power, reputation etc.  It is almost certain that once a loved one loses that quality which makes him or her attractive in the first place, love will consequently dimish, dissipate and be withdrawn away because one did not originally love another for what he or she was, but what he or she possessed.
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One should be careful in using the word 'love' to describe one's strong feelings for the opposite sex because it connotes human emotions of the highest degree.  When one claims to love another because he/she is handsome/beautiful or studlike/voluptious, one should not confuse 'love' with 'physical attraction'.  Because physical features will not last forever and will deteriorate with age.  Will one still claim to love another when the opposite party loses that look, figure or style?  If not, that is not love but infatuation.  More importantly, looks - in the case of a woman's beauty, is dependent on a combination of facial features, makeup, hair styling and dressing.  The same woman who appears beautiful can also appear ugly if the makeup, hair style and/or dressing is altered.   Hence, physical beauty is not constant.  If one talks about love, however unconditional it is in real life, it should be  more accurately associated with attraction to an innate character quality, which may eventually fade away but lasts longer than physical attraction.   
Because of the virtual absence of unconditional love between lovers, there should be no bitterness or sorrow when the relationship ends because one should understand that the other partner did not love oneself for what one was but what one possessed in the first place.  Thus, when breakups occur, it should not be unexpected because it simply signifies that one party has lost his or her attractive quality in the eyes of the other partner.   Perhaps there may be disappointment because of the time, expenses and emotions commited to the relationship.  But one must recognize the reality of human nature.  Having said that, people who become devastated and slump into ruin upon the end of love relationships hardly deserve symphathy for their plight because they should have seriously expected and prepared for such a day to arrive.  The owner and creator of this web page feels that given the fickleness of love because of its conditional nature, one should not realistically have too much expectations about love.  
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