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Money is probably the single most important non-human resource in this world today simply because sufficient amount of money empower its possessor with 'choice'.  Money enables people to choose their preferred lifestyles in most societies.  Money brings security to people by fulfilling their basic subsistence needs to survive.  Except for terminal illness, physical disabilities and issues of an emotional or spiritual nature, the owner and creator of this web page honestly believes that money can solve 80% of human problems.  In particular, money is the elusive key to fulfilling one's ambitions, dreams and aspirations.  If one were to exclude emotional and spiritual fulfillment, which the owner and creator of this web page admits money can't buy, it cannot be denied that much of human problems stem from material deprivation which impacts people's emotional states.   
Do not underestimate the power of money in achieving human fulfillment.  If one excludes emotional and spiritual fulfillment which are subjective and differ from one individual to another, money is a powerful tool to achieve happiness.  In areas of life within human control, money can: buy all kinds of health-enhancing and beauty-enhancing products; buy the rarest and most expensive food; buy one's dream house; buy one's dream car, plane, ship and other gadgets; buy the woman one fantasizes; buy fame and power; buy the resources and create the background to give one's children a headstart in life etc.  If one still cannot feel happy after attaining all of the above, the creator and owner of this web page sincerely believes that one will never ever find happiness.  When one refers to rich people who are still unhappy, the latter only have themselves to blame for not knowing how to use their wealth astutely to achieve happiness.  The owner and creator of this web page welcomes unhappy rich people to challenge the above statement.  Pass him your wealth, and he will show you how to use money to achieve happiness.                 
Given the critical value of money in modern human civilization, it comes as no surprise that human beings tussle, compete and endure humiliation, all over money.  Like many others, the single most important life goal of the owner and creator of this web page is to attain great wealth and accumulate as much money as possible within his lifetime.  Possession of great wealth would enable him to create an alternative living environment for himself and his descendants, insulated away from the evil and degenerate ways of human society. 
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