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The most significant output of human creativity is technology.  No other forms of human innovation has improved human lives and advanced human civilization as technology has done.  The engineering capabilities of Man are unmatched by other living organisms.  Through technology, human beings have reduced the limitations that Nature places on them.  Think of the airplane, automobile, elevator, telephone, internet, email, rockets, microchips, prosthetic transplants, robots etc.  Used in the right way, technology has introduced so much more convenience into human lives and reduced the physical and mental burdens of Man.        
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Though not naturally endowed with the gift for technological engineering, the owner and author of this web page is absolutely fascinated by technology from an end user perspective.  In fact, he spends more money on technological gadget, especially computer and info-communications products, than on clothes, audio products, entertainment or food.  The single most important technological development in recent times must be the Internet and email capabilities.  In testimony to the genuis of those brilliant programmers, these people had single-handedly brought into materializaton a truly 'borderless' world in the real sense of the word.  The ability to share, procure, exchange information and interact with people throughout the world in real time is truly a priceless gift.  The very fact that you're able to access this web page and read its contents from different parts of the world only shows how beautiful the Internet revolution had been.  Add that to digital technology capable of transmitting images, sounds and animations from all corners of the globe, and we start to realize what a wonderful age we're actually living in if not for the social problems that Man creates and imposes on other fellow human beings.     
The owner and author of this web page emphatically embraces technology.  It would be great if someday all functions of life, bar biological functions, could be digitized or 'electronicized' through all sorts of 'smart' systems.     
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