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Central Texas Bluebonnets

This image was taken in Central Texas in the Spring of 2015. I grew up in Texas and have always enjoyed the sight of Bluebonnets, but that year they were more plentiful than I ever remember seeing in all my years growing up. I never remembered bluebonnets having a smell, but on this day the sweet scent was powerful, yet not overwhelming. The view was remarkable and something I will never forget.

Muir Woods

This image was taken in the Spring of 2017 when I took my daughter to the Bay Area to celebrate her 21st Birthday. Although I love living in the city and having easy access to shopping, restaurants, and entertainment, there was something magical about Muir Woods. It was quiet and offered an opportunity to embrace nature if only for a few hours. The trees were unlike anything I had ever seen before. I look forward to visiting again, hopefully soon. I just couldn't get enough of the beauty of Muir Woods.

Hog Wild

Hog Wild

This image was also taken in Central Texas in the Spring of 2015. I drove to the Fredericksburg area and came upon a large area of beautiful flowers. I noticed a wild hog and was frightened at first, having always been told to be afraid because they were mean. That wasn't the case this time. This hog followed me around as I took pictures and wagged its tail. It was hard to admit initially, but he was cute. I enjoyed my afternoon with him and was grateful that he let me take his picture. That was such a fun day that I will always remember fondly.

Fungi Forest

This image was actually taken outside my home. The mushrooms came up overnight after a rain and during a time of high humidity. They were unlike any mushrooms that I had ever seen since their caps seemed to be upside down. I took numerous pictures of them and had almost put off taking the images until later in the day. I am glad I took the opportunity when it presented itself since another storm came through and they were gone. This particular image won me first place in a photo contest and I was honored to have this image on display in a museum for several months.

Under the Pier

This image was taken in the city of Southwold, England. I fell in love with this small, seaside town which is a part of the Suffolk Coast. This pier is part of the Boardwalk in Southwald and offers a beautful view of the North Sea. I had the opportunity to have tea and try fresh off the boat Fish and Chips while I was there. It was a delightful trip.

Golden Gate Bridge

This is a classic image of the Golden Gate Bridge. It was taken during a sailing adventure while visiting the city of San Francisco. It was beautiful but a little chilly on the water that day. Our sailing trip provided an upclose look at the bridge that I wouldn't have had otherwise. If you ever visit San Francisco, I highly recommend it.

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