To Layne Nguyen...

All I want is to love you for the rest of my life...
To wake up every morning with you by my side,
Knowing that no matter what happens, you'll always be there...
I want to share everything with you,
All I want is to give you my love...
All I want is to grow old with you...
To watch our life unfold,
Our dreams, one by one, come true,
All I want is to love you forever...

You came into my life and made it a better place...
I knew from day one that I would love you forever,
You make me laugh, take my worries away...
You always put me first and make sure I have a smile on my face,
You always make me feel so beautiful...
You show me that you care in your own lil ways...
Even if I'm wrong you always take the blame,
Now that I have you I can't imagine life without you..
You're in my life, my dreams, and my thoughts always,
My love for you can only grow stronger...
To know you love me too,
I couldn't ask for anything more...

I'm a flower,
You are the sun,
I need you in my life to grow,
Without you...
I will wilt and die...

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