Volume 1
Number 1
I'm quite sure that I've got some new faces coming to read the Commish.  Let me give you a little background on what this is all about.  On this page I write about what's happening in the world of sports.  Mostly, I talk about hockey, but sometimes other sports jump in.  This is not to offend anyone (except those I talk about), but can be somewhat harsh.  In no way is this used for anything, but debate starting and in some cases laughing.  I used to write this piece quite often, but had run out of time.  Due to the popularity and a recent rash of requests I've decided to make a comeback.  I will try to write at least once a month, but will email those when I put a new Commish on the site.  If you would like to be emailed please click on the link to the left to email me to tell me you want to be on the list.  If not just check back periodically.                                                                                                          Thanks,
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Well, I just finished watching the Stanley Cup final.  Before the series I had expressed my excitement about the series and I wasn't disappointed.  Seven games for the Holy Grail.  There were some concerned that there would be a lack of scoring in the finals.  Well, for the first few games they were right, but then all hell broke loose.  It was great to see Marty Broduer get scored on so many times.  Great goalie on a crap team.  OH WELL!! 
Now that the season is over there are a couple of things to look forward to.  The NHL Draft, which in theory is one of the deepest in years.  Then there's free agency.  It's the second that I want to look at for just a second. 

         First- Sergei Federov in Detroit won't accept any offer from the Red Wings.  He's been offered numerous contracts all averaging $10 million a year.  He won't sign.  So, let me think...he doesn't sign with the Red Wings...get's a huge offer from the Rangers...bolts for New York...the Red Wings win the Stanley Cup without him...oh, and the Rangers still miss the playoffs.
         Second- JS Giguere the star of the Ducks who helped them get to the finals is a restricted free agent.  Restricted means that if another team signs him the team with his rights can match the offer and if they don't then they get compensation from the signing team (which usually is VERY costly).  Here's the deal though.  The Flyers told EVERYONE that they will not bring back Roman Cechmanek (then trade him to the Kings), now they're in the hunt for a new (and proven) goaltender.  Giggy is sitting there, but do the Flyers make an offer?  Yes, because they can easily outpay the Ducks and they always finish high up in the rankings so that they will not lose a ton in giving up a few draft picks in compensation.  Although, it really doesn't matter because they'll get bounced out in the playoffs anyway. 
Roman goes to the Kings
   Here's food for thought.  Sergei Federov is a free agent.  The Sabres have a new owner who has lots of money.  Federov in a Sabres uniform...Federov in a Sabres uniform...Federov in a Sabres uniform.  Man that sounds really good doesn't it.
   Here's something for you.  CAPS and RANGERS fans BEWARE!!!  The Capitals want to get rid of Jaromir Jagr.  Too much money and not enough production.  The Rangers want to get rid of Eric Lindros for the same reason.  Guess what.  These two in a swap.  DON'T LAUGH!!!  It's very close to being a done deal.  For those who know me I'm a huge Caps fan, but this is a mistake.  Hell, trade Jagr for Federov. 
   So, what's the score.  The Rangers land Federov in free agency and get rid of Lindros (headcase) for Jagr.  So, they have Jagr, Federov, Leetch, Nedved, Messier, Poti, Dunham, Holik, Bure, and Kovalev.  Certainly the most talented lineup in hockey.  It's too bad they'll miss the playoffs.
I know as the commish of hockey I shouldn't say this, but the Flyers are the dumbest hockey club ever.  When will they wake up and tell Clarke to go shoot himself???  I mean take a hike... ah Federov in a Sabres uniform.
Word on the street has the Rangers talking to Scotty Bowman as becoming their head coach.  I really don't think this will happen, but you never know.  Think of it.  All those great players named above and Scotty Bowman coaching them.  Too bad they'll still miss the playoffs.
For the first time ever, Mario Lemieux has said that he will move the team if they don't get a new arena.  I'm thinking Pittsburgh will be getting a new arena.  I wonder if this tarnishes or enhances Lemieux's image in the city of Pittsburgh. 
I'd like to send a special thank you out to Patrick Roy for giving the fans of hockey a great run of goaltending.  I do believe that this will bring the Lanche down a step or two.  Although, they still have solid goaltending from their youngsters.  
Here's another name to hang your hat on...Pierre Turgeon.  The Dallas Stars don't want him and neither does anyone else, but who knows.  Maybe the Sabres reacquiring one of their old first round draft picks. 
Turgeon and Leclair are on the trading block
The Flyers are currently shopping around John Leclair.  That would also be a big name for someone to pick up.  Word has it the Rangers are interested (suprise) and might put two/thirds of the Legion of Doom Line back together (Lindros being the other half).  So, if that happens add him to the list above and what do we get...THE RANGERS MISSING THE PLAYOFFS!!!  Oh well, not every team can be New Jersey.
Other names that will be on the free agent market will be Calle Johannson from the Capitals (who said he will not come back no matter what) and Teemu Selanne from the Sharks.  Are the Rangers interested???  Still miss the playoffs, but you don't have the payroll up to $200 million yet.  MMM, Federov in a Sabres uniform.
Finally, here's the most likely scenario of all.  Follow me on this one.  The Phoenix Coyotes win next year's Stanley Cup.  WHAT??? you ask, but think of this.  Mario Lemieux sells his part of the Penguins and declares himself a free agent (why not he owns himself =kinda wierd saying that=).  Mario signs on with Phoenix for pennies.  Jagr gets traded to the Coyotes for the honorable player to be named later.  Federov signs with them as a free agent.  The only reason this all happens though is because Wayne Gretzky (owner of the Coyts) comes back from retirement and signs a contract for himself at $5 a game (because he plays for the love).  This sounds great, but doesn't work because they don't have a real goalie...but wait.  They (meaning Wayne and Mario) fly over to Prague to pick up Dominik Hasek.  He plays for 37 rubles a game (what a guy).  That's it.  The COYOTES ARE NEXT YEARS CUP WINNERS AND YOU HERD IT HERE FIRST ON...

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