Ascension information brought forth on How to Ascend, by a group of priviledged ascending initiates, who have pushed forth through their personal devotion and commitment to ascend

Issue #1 - April 2009

Message from the EarthMother -  Ascension for Humanity is being Sabotaged
Strong claim from the EarthMother - Sadly her words are backed up by the small amount of humans ascending ... See
The Rate of Humans Ascension below ______________________________________________________________________________________________

An Elemental Consciousness -The Origins and Harm of Electrical DNA
All electrical has to be removed for Earths Ascension.  It is harmful and has no place on Earth.

Nature Speaks
All Nature will speak to the Ascending Initiate - giving the initiate personal information on how to ascend.  This collaboration will be through the use of tools, and through a Daily Communing practise.

A Platform for Viewing/Visualisation Techniques" by Ringtail Cat
Ascension Requires Tools' - from the Frog Realm
A Dying Ascension' - from Salamander

Nibiru Update - The Coming of Nibiru
Where to focus your telescope to eventually view the coming of Nibiru - possibly June 2009.

White Spider Writes - and Skyfie Pens  - 'Parasites'.

DNA Ordinations - Humans and Planet
*  Areas of Earth Ascending
* Ascending Vegetables
* The Rate of Humanities Ascension - DNA Ordinations
* Non-ascending Works - this issue are works using the words 'spiritual ascension' incorrectly.

Exploring Mountain Records - Mount Huashan, China
There are significant mountains on this planet, that have important records for humanities ascension.  The initiate will be guided to these mountains, to learn, to heal the past and to share.

Crop Circles Defined 
The crop circles are created by Earths Elementals for humanities Ascension.
* Grounding
* Mandatory Recasting
Celebrating the Earth Elementals - The Unsung Heroes by Aurora - GriffonSayer
All information is designed to raise the consciousness.  The raised consciousness brings forth new awarenesses, it is
what the initiate does with these new awarenesses that ascends one.

Griffon    -  The Origins of the Grandmasters
Each issue will have Truths of Earths Origins.  There are many lineages, worlds and stargroups who have interfered, relocated, or visited Earth.  All have played some role in Earths and humans karmas.

How to Make and Use a Pendulum
2 charts - Communing Systems
Many tools are required for ones Ascension.  Tools to commune, authenticate, substantiate, interprete.
Each issue will feature a tool and how to use.

Support Group: Friends of Heart of the EarthMother
Heart of the EarthMother Discussion Group (forum site)

Next Issue

* The Requirement for Vegetariansm
* The Truth of Inner Earth
* Childhood Being Removed from Ascending Children
* non-ascending works using EarthMothers name
* 4 crop circles - one is called "How Nibiru Collects Uraniu
* How to use the Dream as an Ascension Tool

FAQ Page
Frequently asked questions on Ascension

Contact: Heart of the EarthMother 
An Ascension group and forum, dedicated to communing, clearing karma and ascension.


There is no ownership or copyright on Ascension Truth.  It is to be distributed and shared freely, so that all can ascend.
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