South Pacific - Indonesia/Australian Coast Warm waters lap towards the shores of New Zealand and the Australian continent. Currents of chilled cold insinuate themselves in the waters of the warm Pacific from the south. An interesting blend of temperatures and climates, it's often windy here with lots of whitecaps. The going is a little rough, but closer into the islands of New Zealand, the same roughness makes for great skiing all year round. Contents: Cybertronian Sub UN 7th tactical fleet UN Atlantis Island of New Crystal City Sensor1 Oceania Power Plant New Zealand Cybertronian Sub is presently standing on some small, small island. In fact, island my not even be the right word. It is more like a sandbar in the middle of the sea. But, there the Aquabot crouches, the occasional wave washing over his form. He seems to be setting up some type of monitoring equipment. Equipment that is pointed directly towards New Crystal City. The slight sound of decompressing air can be heard as the Cybertronian Sub contracts in on itself slightly, taking on a more body like shape. In a matter of seconds the futuristic sub becomes the Autobot DepthCharge. Comcast's antigravs carry him as fast as they can as he circles the barricade at a distance. Primus, he curses, I love my cause /dearly/, but I if I have to spend another breem stuck with my fellow Decepticons.. I might just have to kill them all myself, leaving I alone to win this war myself. His optics scan the horizon.. bathing the autobot fleet presence with curiosity, and the earth vessels with contempt. How /dare/ they, he seethes. DepthCharge is unaware of the Decepticon in the sky. He might be if he still had anti-gravs and was presently in the air, but from his ground vantage point Comcast is just too difficult to see. So the Aquabot scientist continues his work, adjusting his device. Once everything is prepared, DepthCharge types in a few commands and the machine begins to sweep the area with a type of radar. This would be very detectable to anyone nearby. Comcast is an anyone, and therefore quickly picks up that his systems are being scanned. He reflexively turns to the barricade, wondering what exactly they are doing.. until he starts to think. No, no.. it was somewhere closer than that kind of range. It's then that he notices Depthcharge beneath him, alone on a small land area with some kind of equipment. No need to shoot yet, let's see what he's up to first. However, if he's interfering, the least he can do is see if he can't short out his scanning, at least temporarily... You send out a jamming signal, blocking all transmissions in and out of the area. Comcast starts sending out a jamming signal, blocking all radio transmissions in the area. DepthCharge looks pleased as the equipment begins to function. In fact, a blip even appears on the screen, representing Comcast's location. Hello.. But before the Aquabot can fully lock onto Comcast's position his equipment is jammed. Damn. He might be able to break through the jamming, eventually, but he doesn't have the time or the parts required for such modifications. So instead DepthCharge drops the equipment onto the sandbar and looks up towards the sky, seeing if he can visually track the Decepticon. Comcast descends from the sky, not at all looking as if he's about to strike the aquabot. Despite their first two encounters, Comcast only actively attacks an Autobot if he's provoked, or "on the job." That being said, his optics are trained on DepthCharge, almost daring him to make the first move. DepthCharge watches as the Decepticon comes within verbal range and it is then that he notices that the Decepticon is in fact Comcast, the Decepticon he was looking for. So his machine really was a success. Crossing his arms across his chest, DepthCharge says to Comcast, "I have come for the Junkion. Release her now into my custody or tell me where she is and I will be on my way." Comcast frowns. If only he could get back the time he wasted on that research. His optic's narrow on the Autobot. "Obviously, you've never served under Galvatron." He nods to the assembled armada. "I'd rather take on that fleet myself than anger him by simply releasing Songbird. However, if you wish to know of her location..." He says idly flicking a hand in the direction of Trypticon, " are more than welcome to get her yourself." DepthCharge shakes his head and gives Comcast a pitying smile, "No. I did not say I was going to get her. I said you were to release her to me. But, if you won't, be warned, anything that happens to her I will hold you personally responsible for." Comcast sighs, as his antigrav's finally touch on the ground. "You said to release her or tell you where she was. I did so." That's fair enough. "To answer your threat.. that you have a lot to hold me responsible for." What's this? Remorse from a Decepticon? "She is alive.. however I was overruled in a few matters. You have my word that I never meant to actually harm her." Comcast is tells the truth, but is prepared for his faction's reputation to override any thought of sincerity in DepthCharge's mind. DepthCharge honestly wouldn't care if Comcast was a Decepticon, Quintesson or Petrorabbit. As he explains, whilst pointing an accusing finger Comcast's way, "Whether you meant to actually harm her or not is beyond the point. The fact remains that it was /you/ who abducted her and /you/ who imprisoned her. Therefore anything that happens to her is /your/ fault." A slight sneer of contempt washes over DepthCharge's face and he adds, "So I do think that holding you responsible is rather valid, don't you?" Comcast finds his anger swiftly rise with this line of questioning. He begins by coldly saying.. "You are a fool, DepthCharge. Did you think I ENJOYED taking her hostage? That I WANTED Scrapper to remove parts from her? Please. You Autobots treat this like a game sometimes, but this. is. WAR. And /I/ intend on siding with the team that will win. And when we do, and I promise you DepthCharge, we WILL win.. you had better hope that you have already seen the light and joined with the Decepticons, before Galvatron, or whoever, hunts you down, rounds you up, and GUTS YOUR INTERNAL CIRCUITRY IN THE MOST AGONIZING DEATH YOU COULD IMAGINE!! DO YOU WANT THAT?! BECAUSE I DON'T...!" Comcast stops himself, and tries to calm down. After a pause, his quietly says, "I don't /want/ to see any more energon be shed than there has to be. If it weren't for me, Songbird would be facing torture every day. Assuming they deemed her worthy to survive." He sighs once more. "It's the best I can do." DepthCharge stands there, looking contemptuously at Comcast as he spews forth this threats of a future where he is gutted in the most agonising way and replies in a voice so cold and dark that it could compete with the deepest depths of the ocean, "I've heard it all before. From hundreds of Decepticons that came before you. Promises of death, bloodshed, pain, horrors that could not possible be imagined. All if we don't surrender to the 'might' of the Decepticon Empire. You are no different to any of them. But let me tell you this. The only unimaginable horror would be a future where we /did/ surrender to the Decepticons. And I don't care one iota what you have done for Songbird so far. As every negative experience that is inflicted upon her whilst she is in Decepticon captivity is because of you. Her blood is on your hands, Decepticon. Her innocent blood." "Fine. Wear your Autobot symbols proudly until your execution day," Comcast spits angrily. "I will have nothing to do with it, but you have sealed your fate. And Songbird's 'innocent' blood should not have attempted to interfere with our plans. Our motives that day did not involve the harm of any Transformer. Straxus, we weren't even planning on harming any humans that day, either!" As if a switch had been thrown, DepthCharge's contempt flashes into outright anger. Stalking forward to bear down the seeker, DepthCharge cries, "You weren't planning on harming the humans? You two faced, self justifying piece of slag. You /tore/ through a building full of innocent people and you /threw/ one of the humans into the air. If not for /my/ intervention that human would have died. All this time I have heard you whine 'I didn't want it to happen that way' and 'No, we didn't want to hurt anyone. We had to.' They are pitiful excuses from a pitiful being. You can try all you like to make excuses to yourself but I will hear NONE of it." DepthCharge's optic visor flares brightly as his the exasperation, aggravation and contempt he feels towards this individual grows, "Why don't you try taking responsibility for your own actions? Or aren't you mech enough?" Comcast ignores the Autobot's attempts at goading him. "I said that we didn't PLAN on harming them, not that we would have cared if one of them WAS harmed." Comcast is equally disgusted with the Autobot. "And I wasn't interested in throwing any humans until it served as a diversionary tactic, like, say, when YOU showed up." The Red Seeker pauses for effect. "Now you tell me, DepthCharge. This earth human you saved.. earth reports show it will eat several dozen whole animals in it's entire life. That's dozens of lives you have ended by sparing your one. This doesn't include insects it has stepped on, either brutally or through sheer indifference, small animals it has kept as it's own pets and inadvertantly killed through it's own inability to take care of another being, or other humans he may willingly kill, from euthanasia to plain and simple murder. All those lives I could have spared, had he have plummeted to his death." DepthCharge gives a slow, mocking clap to Comcast. Clearly his contempt for this individual has reached its pinnacle. "Oh, so we are no longer the poor, helpless victim. The one who has to put up with the bad events that happen around him, who is not the cause. So you are no longer the victim but you are now a god? Picking and choosing who should die so others can live?" The anger drops from his voice and a mocking impersonation of Comcast's voice is then heard as DepthCharge says, "Oh, I had to kill him. In order to save all those insects. I am such a benevolent god. Saving all those insects from that nasty human." The mocking tone drops and DepthCharge says, shaking his head, "You really will grasp at any straw, won't you? Anything to tell yourself that you aren't the 'Evil Decepticon' that you are. I've got no time for it, and no time for you. You aren't a Cybertronian. You aren't even a mech. You are a coward who hides from his actions and from the atrocities he commits. I leave you now to your lies and your fiction, but remember this. I hold you personally responsible for anything that happens to Songbird. If she loses a limb, you lose a limb. If she is psychologically scared, you will be psychologically scared." He pauses, to drive in the final fact, "And if she dies, I will kill you myself. I don't care how, I don't care when. But I promise you I will find a away." For DC is a kind and caring Autobot. Rampage hates stat damage, "I'm still healing up from last weekend." Comcast sits there, letting this Autobot yell at him. DepthCharge's tirade finally over.. "That is three times you have confused me. You ask for me to drop what I have taken and I do. You ask me to tell you where Songbird is, and I do. Both times I am told that this was not correct. I now offer you the chance to think about these supposed lives you are protecting.. and you think I am posing as a god? I am no god, DepthCharge. I am merely a soldier, who fails to see the obvious inconsistency in you Autobot's and your determination to save these irritating flesh creatures. You preach to me about the humans lives having value, and then mock me for attempting to hold the existance of countless insects in the same light." Comcasts tone darkens. "Now you listen to me. I have fought in this battle for countless vorn. I have killed Autobots before, and I am bound to again. I have made many decisions, some of which I have regretted, even to this very day. But each and every one of them, I have held myself accountable. The Junkion known as Songbird is there as my prisoner," as he gestures once again to Trypticon. "I am ashamed to admit it, but earlier this evening, under orders from High Command, her arm and leg were removed. If you harbour any grief at me for this, then fine. It is because of me that she is in there. But know this. Should anything happen to me now.. Songbird will no longer be in my care, and you have effectively signed her own death certificate. Let me go, and she will live, and live free." For now, at least, he thinks. "Any revenge may be exacted at a later time. Is this convenient for me? Yes, it is. But it would do you well to think of your quarry's wellbeing, and spare me until a time that we can settle this proper." Songbird's arm and leg were removed? Rage. Deep, primal rage burns within DepthCharge as his optic visor flares. Rage that was planted as a seed when Des Moines fell and that has slowly grown and started to bloom under the steady rain that is each atrocity that the Decepticons commit. He can feel the hot, pulsing fury flowing from the centre of his being, down his arms and into his fists as well as over his optic visor, masking everything in a red haze. They remove the limbs of their prisoners? Fine. He will remove Comcast's limbs. No. That is not enough. There needs to be more. His head. Yes, he will wretch off his head and crush it under foot, grinding him into the Earth until nothing of Comcast's vile existence is left. He will make them pay for what they have done to everyone. As DepthCharge's shaking hand reaches up, to grab Comcast, the more rational part of DepthCharge's being surges to dominance. The rage inside him is batted down until a reasonable about of self control is put in place and the Aquabot says, lowering his hands and seeming strained, "Fine. Retribution will wait. Until a later time, Comcast. But you /will/ care for the well being of Songbird and you /will/ pass on to her what has taken place her. Let her know that we are aware of her plight." Deciding to not stay too much longer, in case his self control breaks and he does lash out at Comcast, the Aquabot begins to storm off into the ocean. DepthCharge says, "Place her=place here. I lost an e somewhere! :)" Comcast reaches behind your ear... "Oh! What's this?" And gives you an 'e'. DepthCharge says, "Woohoo!" Comcast COULD comment about how the Aquabot didn't mention anything about his own paradox towards sentient life, but thinks better of it. "I have, Autobot. And if it is a chance at retribution that you wish, then you are welcome to try. Be ready." And with that, he turns to leave. DepthCharge dives beneath the waves and transforms, heading towards home.