Comcast's radio signal shakes to life.. "*chccrrrrkk*.. Attention all Decepticon units. Mayday! Mayday! Ship is in freefall and about to crash onto unknown planet, following last know coordinates of Ark venture. Mayday! Mayd*czerrrRRRR....*" Fulcrum's radio clicks on, but there's a long pause before his low tones echo across broadband. "This is New Crystal City. Identify yourself" Somewhere in the command center, Fulcrum scowls at the computer banks as he traces the signal back to its source. Comcast Evil Twin Fulcrum says, "Is that a pose, or a mistake? :p" Mint In Box Comcast says, "I'm going to go with reflecting the lack of a response there.. yeah.." Comcast's beacon repeats itself several times, before finally cutting off forever. The signal, however, was successfully traced, to the Outback of Australia.. close to the eastern part of the continent. Fulcrum answers the repitition with silence as he tracks the signal to its Australian origins. "Response units on route" he finally intones, silently cursing at being dragged away from his work. ] Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria From the Cape York Peninsula to Point Wilson, the east coast of Australia is the most densely populated area on the entire continent, but has a surprisingly empty feel to it. Melbourne, a major coastal city, is more than twice the size of Los Angeles, but houses less than 40% of its population. An almost European landscape dominates the country here, the indigenous plants long ago rooted out by European settlers. MiG-29 soars down into view from the skies above. MiG-29 has arrived. You venture further and further into the Australian Outback, the signs of the urban human cities vanishing behind you. As you circle the area, you notice a glint of metal near a rock formation, in the otherwise barren desert. There is no other possible signs of life in the area, human or otherwise. MiG-29 is a rapidly approaching green speck, his engines loud coughing roar in the dry Outback air. The MiG is driving a hard straight line towards the source of the mysterious signal, scanners sweeping the surounding landscape for any sings of interceptors, since, without backup Fulcrum is a sitting duck. A giant soviet-era sitting duck. The area is devoid of life, except for mammals and other organics far too small to be classed at Human, or of any threat. The rock formations draw closer. MiG-29 drops lower to the burning red surface, kicking up a huge cloud of dust as he does so. A safe distance from his destination, Fulcrum suddenly transforms, his rapid shift in form acting as a crude air break, dramatically arresting the blacksmith's velocity. Firing a burst from his boot jets as a final braking measure he touches down with a heavy BOOM, hammer already in hand as he cautiously approaches the rocks, dull yellow optics flicking from side to side, looking for the glint of metal he spotted earlier. In his other hand lies a simple scanner which *ping*s as it detects... something. The MiG-29 twists around and folds in on itself with a grinding sound, transforming into the robotic form of Fulcrum. Comcast(#6260 PienA) The sheer rockface dwarfs even the Decepticon as he approaches it. The glint Fulcrum could see from the sky reveals itself to be a damaged sheet of metal lying on the ground at the foot of the cliff. It is possibly some kind of plating. There is a number of smaller boulders and debris around it. More plating can be seen from the rockface itself. Fulcrum's ever-present frown deepens. This could be some sort of elaborate trap. Still, the callsign was old, but did turn up as results, and the encryption on the transmission was definitely Decepticon, if a bit outmoded. Putting his hammer back on its chain, Fulcrum reaches out.. and begins to clear the rubble with a strength that would surprise anyone familar with the standard seeker design. Enough of the debris is cleared away from the cliff face to show that the metal is in fact part of the hull some kind of starship, unfamiliar, but doubtlessly Cybertronian in design. There would be little to indicate that this ship could house more than one Transformer the vast distance that it would have travelled from it's home planet. Fulcrum says, "It's a Voot Cruiser!" Comcast will ask you about that one later. Fulcrum says, "Zim's ship" Comcast says, "I thought that was boot.. Okay. Cool." Fulcrum stops for a moment to stare at the ship, thoughts of an ambush fading, to be replaced with curiousity. "An Epsilon-2-67b.." he mutters. "I have not seen one in vorn." There's a hint of what might even pass for nostalgia in the gloomy tones of the blacksmith. Pointing a fist at the ship he mentally sets his arm-laser to "cutting torch", and begins creating himself a hatch into the vessel, beginning with a section already heavily damaged. The obviously heavily-corroded section yeilds to the torch. As the makeshift door is being carved, you hear the sounds of a security system humming to life, then dying out quickly. Within less than a Quarter-Breem, a generously-sized opening has been created. Fulcrum offhandedly hurls the coroded section into the dust and stoops slightly to peer into the darkness of the ship, lasers still primed in case the occupant isn't a Decepticon, but a horrible monster with acid for blood. Comcast says, "Is it too late to change my app to a Xenomorph? :p" Fulcrum says, "Transformers vs. Aliens. Aliens: "Hsssssss!" Galvatron: *BLAM*" There is no doubt in your mind as your optics scan the decrepit old ship's contents that its sole cargo for this vast journey was a Decepticon. The form of a Seeker in robot mode lies on the floor. A damaged auto-repair arm shoots sparks out as it hangs in the air lifeless. The state of the Decepticon is more than enough to tell you that you have encountered yet another system on this ship that is malfunctioning and in need of service. Fulcrum hmms, pulling a medscanner from subspace. At best, the seeker may be revived, adding strength to the Empire's military. At worse, Fulcrum has a nice supply of spare parts, just lying here. Stepping forward, Fulcrum activates the medscanner while estimating how hard it's going to be to haul this maybe-corpse back to New Crystal City. Fulcrum pulls out a medical scanner and runs a check on Comcast. You paged Fulcrum with 'Is this an actual ability, this medical scanner? Should I RP my condition?'. Fulcrum (ful) pages: Yeah, it's part of Repair. But just RP your condition. I just like using the command. Because I can. Comcast is relatively unharmed. His supposed lifelessness is in fact a stasis mode the ship activated at some point. There are minor and major rust areas littered over his metal body, and some denting that could be hammered out, however. Fulcrum can't help but feel a small flicker of disapointment. Free spare parts are not to be overlooked. But duty compells the dour blacksmith as he crouches down, surprised at how well the unknown Seeker has survived. Flipping open a panel on the mech's head, he runs a cable from his med scanner to the exposed wires. Frowning, he stabs at the device with one finger, sending a burst of data and energy down the line. If the Decepticon can be reacitvated, perhaps he might even leave here under his own power. Comcast's servomotors grind their way to life for the first time in thousands of Vorn. His optics flicker on and begin to process his surroundings. The seeker scans the inside of his one-time vessel, now tomb. He then notices his rescuer. If someone was going to find me, he thinks to himself, it had to be a seeker. As He tries to speak, an irritating screech can be heard, although it fades quickly. "So.. our lord Megatron has prevailed?" Fulcrum gives Comcast a long look, wondering exactly how to sum up what the hell has been happening for the past few decades. "Lord Megatron is no more" he states, with all the subtlety and tact of a fist to the faceplate. Comcast suddenly realises that he dared to hope for the Decepticon's victory to have finally come too soon. He brings himself to his feet, and away from the blacksmith and his attempts at bedside manner. "I am Comcast, emissary of Shockwave to report on the condition and location of our fallen leader Megatron and his troops. What is the status of the mission to acquire energon?" Fulcrum's frown returns. "That" he grinds, "Is a long story. One which is better answered somewhere besides here. No doubt my presence has already attracted attention." Fulcrum turns, taking a heavy step into the scorching australian sunlight. "We will return to base. Do your anti-gravs still function?" Comcast begins a brief systems check on himself. "I believe so." Joining his comrade outside of his resting place for a time he dares not attempt to comprehend, he steps into the harsh desert. He finally notices his altered structure, modified to the same alternate-form as many other Decepticons before him. "Can I now transform into this planets natives?" Fulcrum turns his attention back to Comcast. "I have no idea" he states bluntly. "Most Epsilon-2-67b were equiped with auto-modification systems. The equipment on your vessel may or may not have been activated successfully. The only way to tell would be to attempt to transform." He pauses. "Should you survive, the modification was a sucess." Oh yeah, Fulcrum's real reassuring. Comcast ignores his rescuer's thoughtless comments. He can transform. His check confirmed it. He looks above him into this strange planets atmosphere, and decides that the ground is for the Autobots. He wants to soar! He lifts his great mass into the air, and begins his transformation. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he resembles an F-15 fighter jet. Another american fighter jet. Where are all the MiGs, wonders Fulcrum idly. Oh well. At least this means he doesn't have to haul him back to New Crystal City. "Welcome to Earth, comrade" Fulcrum intones, following Comcast into the sky. Fulcrum crouches, then leaps up, his joints screeching as he transforms into a grey and green MiG-29. F-15 Jet decides to try out the name of his adopted home planet of the last 3 million or so of it's cycles. "Earth." So that is where he's been. Hopefully there's the energon on this planet that he was promised. "So where are we heading anyway, friend?" MiG-29 is quite obviously no-where near the flyer Comcast is, managing to make his streamlined MiG shape look about as aerodynamic as an airborne lada. "New Crystal City" he broadcasts, a hint of pride creeping into his voice. After all, he did design and build parts of it. "Just follow me." F-15 Jet slows his descent so that he tails his green friend in the sky. He is eager to rejoin his many Decepticon bretheren, but patient enough to follow his new friend. "New.. Crys..? We HAVE been busy here. So tell me, what was your name, soldier?" You begin following Fulcrum. MiG-29 soars upward into the sky. MiG-29 has left. You take off and soar upward to Skies above Australia. Skies above Australia The sky is filled with racing clouds that partially obscure the ground below. Up above the lower layers of the atmosphere, everything you see seems sharper and more distinct. Surveying the land below you, you can see various things moving and spy the layout of the terrain in detail. MiG-29 is quite obviously no-where near the flyer Comcast is, managing to make his streamlined MiG shape look about as aerodynamic as an airborne lada. "New Crystal City" he broadcasts, a hint of pride creeping into his voice. After all, he did design and build parts of it. "Just follow me." F-15 Jet slows his descent so that he tails his green friend in the sky. He is eager to rejoin his many Decepticon bretheren, but patient enough to follow his new friend. "New.. Crys..? We HAVE been busy here. So tell me, what was your name, soldier?" "Fulcrum" the MiG broadcasts, tilting a wing and adjusting his course by New Crystal City's navigation beacon. "XO of Medical/Science/Engineering." You paged Fulcrum with 'should I know what XO means? :('. Fulcrum (ful) pages: Executive Officer. I'm second in command. You paged Scourge with 'wanna go IC?'. F-15 Jet is sensing his companion is not in the mood for small talk as they hurtle towards this "New" Crystal City. "Should we return to salvage the contents of the Epsilon?" MiG-29 is never in the mood for small talk. "I will dispatch a team to retrieve it. For now, it is imperitive that we return to the city. Your systems will require a full check, and no-doubt intel will want to... ask you some questions." There's a long pause, before Fulcrum asks. "You are known as Comcast, yes?" F-15 Jet is taken aback by the nature of Fulcrum's question. "That's what I said." He replies, trying not to sound too annoyed. "Why should you have any reason to question it?" MiG-29 continues in the same low, almost morose tones he usually employs. "Because I checked the records. Your callsign and security codes match a Decepticon that disapeared.. quite some time ago." A master of understatement. "While it is indeed possible that you are Comcast, it is also entirely possible you are part of an elaborate trap. Set by the Quintessons, perhaps." The blacksmith mentions this all conversationally, as if this kind of thing happened every day. "Either way.. we shall see." Skies Above the Southwest Pacific The sky is filled with racing clouds that partially obscure the ground below. Up above the lower layers of the atmosphere, everything you see seems sharper and more distinct. Surveying the land below you, you can see various things moving and spy the layout of the terrain in detail. New Crystal City Great Barrier Reef S Pacific West S Pacific Australian Coast F-15 Jet's structure groans with his malcontent. Obviously he was deactive for longer than he imagined. The signs of structure and (relatively) advanced life on this new world should have been a giveaway, he now realizes they weren't there when he crashed. So many questions start to process: Who is their new leader? What has happened to glorious Cybertron? What in Straxus' name is a Quintesson? "Fine, you will find myself to be legit when you run the appropriate scans, so long as it doesn't take too much time. But tell me, Fulcrum, how long did Shockwave leave me stranded on this rock without sending a reconaissance unit? MiG-29 does a quick check over the data he obtained before coming to unearth the lost warrior. "No recon party was ever sent" he states. "It was assumed you had perished, and it was considered a waste of resources to send a search party after one unit." F-15 Jet sighs. "Classic Shockwave there, figures and charts over the lives of dedicated warriors. How long until we reach this base, Fulcrum?" "Behold" Fulcrum states in answer. "New Crystal City." The MiG tilts a wing and descends towards a small volcanic island dominated by spires of dark metal, the Decepticon's stronghold on Earth and current resting place of the most destructive cybernetic organism ever to walk upon the face of the planet... Trypticon. MiG-29 descends towards the Sky above New Crystal City. MiG-29 has left. You descend towards the Sky above New Crystal City. Sky above New Crystal City The air above the island is rough and turbulent, but it does little to hide what lies below. Instead of the rocky islands typical of this region of the Pacific, there is an enormous, blueish metal structure of some kind, like an outlandish, oversized oil-drilling platform. Huge sparkling spires stretch up into the skies, massive squat domes litter the island, and tall sky-scrappers loom over the ground, all made of solid metal. F-15 Jet stares at the Decepticon base for the first time. It is nothing on the original Crystal City, of course. But the sheer size of this base.. such a juxtaposition from the organic and non metallic surface that coats this world. He breaks off from Fulcrum, circling the area a few times and then transforming again, viewing the area with his true optics and trying to take it all in. Words fail him. The sounds of gears whirring and a jet engine dying down can be heard, as Comcast shifts his form into his natural state. MiG-29 also transforms, and simply hangs in mid air, giving the impression that he should be tapping his foot. The city is functional, and that's about where the story stops for Fulcrum. The MiG-29 twists around and folds in on itself with a grinding sound, transforming into the robotic form of Fulcrum. Comcast notices his rescuer's foot wave in the air. "My apologies. It was some time I had seen anything resembling home in a while." He wonders how much space travel has improved since the Epsilon. He begins to gracefully decent towards Trypticon, unaware that it is more than a mere structure. "It is a while since you have seen /anything/" Fulcrum drones, in what might pass for an apology, as he drops like a stone towards the central hub. "But this is not the worst thing to test your optics on, I admit." Comcast chuckles as he quickly adjusting to his circumstances with familiar surroundings. "I suppose it has been, hasn't it?" He quickly remembers this Decepticon was challenging his identity. A fellow seeker, even. "How long will these questions take? I have many of my own." Fulcrum shrugs. "I have no idea" he replies. "Intel will no doubt handle that. My job is to merely check your systems, and to replace your corroded outer platings." Fulcrum has left. Sky above New Crystal City The air above the island is rough and turbulent, but it does little to hide what lies below. Instead of the rocky islands typical of this region of the Pacific, there is an enormous, blueish metal structure of some kind, like an outlandish, oversized oil-drilling platform. Huge sparkling spires stretch up into the skies, massive squat domes litter the island, and tall sky-scrappers loom over the ground, all made of solid metal. Obvious exits: Fly Plaza

Spaceport Coastline R'Lyeh Central Hub You paged Fulcrum with 'Err.. spaceport? Central Hub?'. Fulcrum (ful) pages: Hun Fulcrum (ful) pages: huB Huh? (Type "help" for help.) NCC Central Hub This is the very center of New Crystal City and serves as the gateway to the other areas. There are spires that reach up high into the sky and domes that crouch down low to the ground, facilities constructed purely of transparent materials, and even tunnels that travel into the ground. Vast sky-roads loom overhead, providing access to many of the buildings in a mad crisscross pattern. Among the buildings one can access from the central hub are the gleaming crystal dome-like command center, the hardy bunker-like medical ward, and the huge metal Coliseum-inspired arena. The various roadways travel to other parts of the city, including a decrepit sky-road that plunges underground to the dungeon, a wide low road to the residential plaza, a short bridge that travels to the elevated spaceport, and a twisting, winding maze of a street that leads out to the coastline. Comcast's screeching as he moves serves as ample reminder of his need for a good old Cut and Polish. He notices his emblems are corroded too. Not good enough. As the behemoth that is Trypticon groans in rest, Comcast yells out in suprise and quickly flys up, disruptors pointing out. "What on Cybertron was that?" Fulcrum frowns. "Trypticon" he states. "Although he currently rests in fortress mode, his superstructure does require regular shifts and movements to inhibit seizure and locking of joints." He takes an irritated step forward. "He also does not like being threatened, even with such an insignificant weapon." Comcast simply stands still in shock. "HE?? We've REALLY been busy.." He cautiously lowers his weapons and starts gliding down to the ground. A Transformer as big as a city? What was next, planet Transformers? Comcast suppresses a smirk at the insane concept, as he begins to catch up with Fulcrum. "So who is this bases commander?" Oh well, no time like the present. "This base" he begins, "as indeed all the Empire, is under the command of Lord Galvatron." states Fulcrum, flatly. Comcast has never heard of this Decepticon. Some low-ranking soldier who rose through the ranks, ousting Megatron? Starscream would be annoyed at that. Though Comcast never appreciated his constant attempts at power, it would have been interesting to have seen a Seeker leading his faction. "It will be an honour to meet our new Lord after proudly serving under Megatron. How fares the battle against the Autobots?" NCC Medical Ward The Crystal City repair bay is far larger than previous versions in Imperial Headquarters or Trypticon himself. Clearly it was designed by a medic, for a medic. The entire room is rectangular in nature with medical beds arranged in a neat grid pattern. The beds themselves vary, with some being precious little more than metal slabs, and others having full scanners and tools attached, as well as everything in between. In total, there are about twenty beds. There is room for more in an emergency situation. The cabinets line the walls, spaced out between medical terminals. Everything has a place, and organization is key. There are windows with thick transparent metal, allowing one to gaze out and see the wounded as "It is a war without end" Fulcrum states morosely. "The battlefield has merely grown to encompass this world." Fulcrum pauses to activate one of the numerous scanners that line the wall. "Although.. we have driven the Autobots from the surface once more. They are holed up in the refuse tunnels." Comcast tries to encourage his guide. "Have faith, Fulcrum. We are Decepticon. We are riteous. Victory will be ours." Fulcrum's dim for a moment. "Perhaps" he mutters, before resuming his previous manner. "Lie down on that med table" he orders the newly activated seeker. Comcast, hoping to have lifted Fulcrum's hopes, lays down as he is told. The table isn't designed to accommodate his wing structure, but he awkwardly manages to not fall off. Fulcrum punches at a console with one finger, bathing Comcast in green light. That random pleasant female voice that fUtUrIsTic computers seem to have states "Activating Full Scan" as Fulcrum gestures to a couple of med-gumbies, ordering them to retrieve some standard grade seeker armor. Comcast sits up and belays Fulcrum's command. "My chassis has been modified. If you have a variant of our form with more lightweight materials, it would help assist my speed and maneuverability." Fulcrum nods, changing his orders to get a lighter, more crappy armor. "Scan complete" the computer states, the rapidly scrolling data merely confirming Fulcrum's breif scan. Mostly external corrosion. "Here" Fulcrum says, handing Comcast an energon cube. "Your systems require recharging." Comcast lunges forward grabbing the cube, drinking it as if it was the only energon he'd had in a very long time. Which, y'know, it has been. Forgetting the manners Megatron taught him so long ago, he quickly says. "Thanks, I needed that." He briefly views the monitor, grinning at the positive results. "Perfect condition after so many vorn. Obviously a sign of superior seeker design" he smirks to his fellow kind. "Seeker or not, you were fortunate" Fulcrum states as the gumbies bring in the armor plating. "As for superior design.." he shrugs. "We are outdated." Fulcrum gestures for Comcast to lie back, as he pulls a prising tool from subspace and examines the patient for the panels that must be removed. Comcast follows doctors orders and lies back, again fumbling with his wings on the bed. He retrieves a small polishing cloth from his internal storage and begins to polish one of his two proud Decepticon emblems to their previous sheen, trying not to interfere with Fulcrum's analysis. "How long should this take?" ================================= Decepticon ================================= Message: 2/28 Posted Author Recovery Fri Aug 29 Fulcrum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fulcrum appears on screen, looking dour as always. "Earlier this cycle, the New Crystal City communications array detected a faint emergency signal on an encrypted Decepticon frequency. On investigation, the signal was found to be coming from a craft buried in the Australian Outback. The sole occupant of the outmoded Epsilon-2-67b spacecraft was a Seeker in cryo-lock, externally corroded but otherwise functional. Callsign: Comcast. I have completed the nescessary repairs on the individual, but he requires a formal security check/clearance from intel, as well as a breifing on current events, since the unit in question was buried for axproximately 40,000 vorn." Having nothing more to say, Fulcrum hits the console, the image blipping to the Decepticon spinny. ============================================================================== ================================= Decepticon ================================= Message: 2/29 Posted Author Repaired and ready to rejoin. Fri Aug 29 Comcast ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The blurry form of a red Seeker appears as he struggles with the new technology of the console. It finally focuses in to show Comcast, lost Decepticon. "Fellow Decepticons, it is good to be back. Thanks to the rescue and repair efforts of Fulcrum, I was rescued from my crash on this "Earth". I am eagerly awaiting to rejoin your ranks and resume my role in the battle against the Autobots. Lord Galvatron, though I mourn for the loss of the only leader I've known, Megatron, I look forward to serving you. Comcast out." Comcast presses a button that is NOT the disconnect button, causing awful feedback at his end. Comcast screams in agony. After blindly pounding several other buttons, he guesses the right one, and the screen blinks out. ==============================================================================