NCC Medical Ward The Crystal City repair bay is far larger than previous versions in Imperial Headquarters or Trypticon himself. Clearly it was designed by a medic, for a medic. The entire room is rectangular in nature with medical beds arranged in a neat grid pattern. The beds themselves vary, with some being precious little more than metal slabs, and others having full scanners and tools attached, as well as everything in between. In total, there are about twenty beds. There is room for more in an emergency situation. The cabinets line the walls, spaced out between medical terminals. Everything has a place, and organization is key. There are windows with thick transparent metal, allowing one to gaze out and see the wounded as they approach the hospital. Comcast caustiously enters the medical bay, somewhat apprehensive about this 'experiment' of Fulcrums. "Uh.. what exactly did you have in mind?" he asks, hoping he's not going to have to lose his head to a human or something. Fulcrum looks up from the extremely dangerous looking, almost cannon-like device mounted to a wheeled trolley that he's working on. "Ah, Comcast" he drones. "Please stand there." He indicates a large "X" marked on the floor, directly in front of the device. HACKER Victory Leo says, "Are you going to save christmas this year DC?" Comcast eyes the green Decepticon, the device, and the X. "Do you need to know about any prescription minerals I have been supplementing in my servo's oil?" He asks, gingerly moving towards the device. Fulcrum's customary frown deepens. "No. But how would you describe the strength of your external armor plating?" It's TRICKY Fulcrum says, "IC Time on Earth:Thu Dec 09 18:33:18 2021" HACKER Victory Leo says, "I know" HACKER Victory Leo says, "He has some time to prepare" It's TRICKY Fulcrum says, "Since I beat him SO BADLY last time.." HACKER Victory Leo says, "You mean old Grinch!" Comcast taps the side of his wing. "Not very." He says. "it's designed that way. Keeps me fast" he proudly states, then falls quiet as he notices the device again. The Red Seeker gulps. This is for the betterment of the movement, he thinks to himself, and quickly strides towards the X. Fulcrum gestures to some med-gumbies, who slloooowwwwly wheel out a 2ft thick lead sheild, which they place behind Comcast, then fall over themselves in their haste to get out of the general area. Galvatron transmits, "Fulcrum, make plans to steal Christmas. Use Comcast as your reindeer." Fulcrum says, "Acknowleged. Provided he survives my current experiment." Galvatron transmits, "Still attempting to make Transformers anatomically equivalent to humans again?" Fulcrum says, "I'm SURE the process will work this time." Comcast turns and looks at the slab behind him, then the HUGE cannon-like device, the fleeing gumbies, and then Fulcrum. With big. Doe-Like. Eyes. All while the Decepticon channel conversation continues in his audio-array. Compile blinks "Only time that worked, was when Scrapper had a tounge. Scourge says, "Silence." Knight of Saturn DepthCharge gets out of the shower and exclaims, "Great googly moogly!" Scourge says, "No one one asked you." Knight of Saturn DepthCharge says, "Yes! Christmas MUST be saved." Fulcrum flips a switch on the side of the big cannon thing, which makes a fweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sound as it powers up, the lights of med-bay flickering from the power drain. "Please attempt not to flinch" Fulcrum states, gesturing to the gumbies who wheel out a second lead sheild... for Fulcrum to stand behind. It's TRICKY Fulcrum says, "No matter the cost" Knight of Saturn DepthCharge says, "This year, we shall meet up at the SOUTH pole, where the ANTI-Santa lives." It's TRICKY Fulcrum whoas! "C.. can I have one of those?" Comcast meekly asks, a shell of the proud Decepticon he usually is in front of the unknown machine. For all he knows, he could result in a new colour scheme with multiple modes of transformation. He looks around quickly for anything revealing the nature of the experiment, such as a small cage/maze, or a fly strapped in front of a similar device. Secret Angel Comcast Comcast says, "Where it will be SUMMER, too!" Fulcrum notes Comcast's agitated gaze, mistaking it for curiosity. "I am developing a new weapon system" Fulcrum explains, as the cannon continues to FWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, little sparkly light things building up around it's nozzle..thing. Knight of Saturn DepthCharge says, "And there will be a special guest appearance by SMELLY, as the Ghost of Christmas Past." It's TRICKY Fulcrum says, "Don't you mean Stinky?" Powered by what, Me? Wait.. wasn't this the guy who wanted milk curd to be converted to energon? Comcast begins to internally code up an emergency signal as Fulcrum's device glows evermore.. Fulcrum's optics dull to a protective black as he ducks behind the lead sheild. As the cannon's whine reaches a fever pitch, what appears to be a little red lazer targeting dot appears on Comcast's cockpit. "Remember: Try not to move or collapse" Fulcrum commands from behind the safety of his lead barrier. Comcast continues internally coding.. move? Not an issue! He's frozen with PH33R. Abruptly.. the sound ceases. All the lights in med-bay cut out. And then.... WHOOOOOMPH! ...The medbay is suddenly illuminated with the light of one thousand suns, as the cannon-like device discharges. There's no physical damage to the unfortunate mech standing behind it, just a burst of searing pain. And of course, the light. Comcast hurriedly begins a transmission: "Fellow decepticons, I fear for the integrity of my lasercore. Willingly going along with Fulcrum's proposal for an experiment, I now have no idea what he proposes to do with me-yaaAAAHRHAAAAAAGGHHH! ARRRR! YEEAA!11011011001100011011010.... One of Soundwave's Kids, Compile blinks and replays that just to hear it again... Scourge says, "Cry my a river. Build me a bridge. Get the slag over it." Fulcrum says, "Disregard any previous transmission from Comcast. He is in no danger. Everthing is fine. Proceed as normal." Comcast says, "....." Fulcrum says, "Cleanup crew 3 to NCC med bay." Galvatron transmits, "Send the corpse to Scrapper for recycling when are done, Fulcrum." Fulcrum laughs his ass off and hopes you Fulcrum says, "'re logging this" Comcast says, "You are a sick, sick man, Fulcrum. And yes, it's logged." Fulcrum pokes his head around from behind his lead sheild, optics returning to their usual dull yellow as the light fades. Comcast screams. In agony, 'natch. The beam, the horrible, horrible beam! He will be seeing that for vorn in his dream phase when he recharges. His optics automatically shut down from the overcompensation of the beams light. As quick as the feeling comes, it goes. Still blinded, he begins feeling his form to see what Fulcrum has done to him... Fulcrum has done... Nothing to Comcast. But on a screen behind him (once the med-gumbies have wheeled the lead shield away, now resplendant with a Comcast silhouette) is a huge burst of data, recording the reflection, refraction, and absorbtion of every spectrum of light, visible and not, by Comcast's armor Comcast's vision returns. After checking for extra heads, missing pieces of armour, or... additions, he notices the screen. "What on earth is that?" Fulcrum turns his optics from the screen to Comcast. "Data" he replies, and "Thank you for your assistance". Comcast narrows his optics. He doesn't like being lead along, especially by another Seeker. "Next time... ask." He coldly replies. Fulcrum frowns, not understanding. "I did ask." he mutters. "I asked for assistance. You provided it." Fulcrum seems genuinely perplexed. "What were you expecting? To be shot with a laser?"