Trypticon Training Room This stark, spacious chamber is well-reinforced and shielded to stand up to the strain of many practice bouts. A training drone stands in one corner of the room, ready for a workout. The walls are sheathed in protective alloys that house sensors and cameras to project to the shielded monitors, allowing the combatants to observe their fight and progress. Off to the side are a few seats for spectators to observe the combatants and let out a cheer or two. Contents: Headstrong Runabout Training Drone Andi Lassiter will challenge y'all to a game of Faceball 2000 any day, though. ;) Runabout waves to Comcast. Comcast greets the black Decepticon. "My reputation preceedes me, it seems." He says with a smile. Headstrong turns to the two in here, "Since I just got back from dutie, I'll sit this one out, but you to can have at it. Show me what you got, new guy I expect grate things from you." Runabout , "Me to" Runabout says, "Okie" Runabout cracks his knuckles and grins with a glee in his eye. Comcast turns the the bloodthirsty Predacon, then to the Black Decepticon. "Well, when you are ready, then." Runabout says, "I would say New guys first but thats me." Runabout whips out his gun and spins it around and grins REALLY wide and points it at Comcast and lets the energy fly. Runabout strikes you with The Equalizer. for 10 points of damage. Headstrong stands off to the side. and watches as the battle begins. Runabout says, "Hot enuff for ya?" Runabout bounces around with a cat-like grace Comcast flinches as the laser weapon clips his wing. "Hhhh!" He begins to ascend to the air as he levels both disruptors at his sparring opponent. He takes careful aim, and fires. Runabout evades your disruptor attack. You paged Headstrong with 'How was that? I'm about as green as Runabout, mind.'. Runabout Moves out of the way doing a back-flip and landing on his feet and points his laser at Comcast and opens fire once more. Runabout strikes you with The Equalizer. for 7 points of damage. You paged Headstrong with 'Can I transform AND attack?'. Comcast is getting annoyed at the easy lead Runabout is gaining. He transforms into a jet circling and strafes Runabout with his more powerful lasers. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he once again resembles an F-15 fighter jet. You strike Runabout with laser. Runabout glances up at the recent transformation and slides back and holds his shoulder as he is blasted there thinking "Ouch you'll get it now" jumping up he swings his fist at the nose of the jet hoping to permantly "land" him. Runabout strikes you with Fists of Flying Fun. for 9 points of damage. Galvatron has arrived. F-15 Jet glances at the new Decepticon who has arrived. He turns Runabout's strike as an opportunity to charge him with all his speed. Runabout evades your ram attack. Runabout leaps up opening his legs and watching the jet zip by glancing about almost being slammed still holding his shoulder somewhat grinning widely he thinks "That was close" Galvatron strides into the room, his massive bearing shadowing the other Decepticons. The Decepticon leader narrows his optics as he walks up behind Headstrong, folding his arms over his chest. "What have we here?" he says thoughtfully, eyeing the combatants. "Runabout and a new recruit, eh? This should prove amusing..." The Decepticon leader is content to observe... for now. Runabout As he is in the air he plants his foot down on the top of the jet trying to kick it to the ground making sure his foot finds it's mark. He grins widely as he knows he will strike straight and true. Headstrong is leaing on the wall watching the action, as soon Galv walks in Headstrong straitens up. "all right you two lets pick up the pace, Comcast use your flight to keep the advantage, Runabout remeber you can fly to but your stronger if you can land him." Runabout strikes you with Kick for 10 points of damage. You are very conscious that your life is in serious danger in this battle. Runabout says, "Trying to." Galvatron glances at Headstrong and motions the Predacon for silence. He wants to see these two square off without the benefit of coaching. Yes. The Decepticon leader smiles thinly, enjoying the fight unfold before him. F-15 Jet ;'s jet mode swings back from the strike from Runabout, until he slams against the back of the large training room. With a clang, he calls out "Enough!". He transforms into his robotic mode again, once again descending to the ground. "I yeild. Well played, Decepticon." The sounds of gears whirring and a jet engine dying down can be heard, as Comcast shifts his form into his natural state. Headstrong stands to the side making room for there leader he glances at galvatrong but keeps his eye on the action ever wherey of the stray laser. Runabout folds his arms and grins. "Why thank you..your not bad yourself." Galvatron frowns at the pair and steps forward. "Enough!?" bellows the Decepticon leader, a dangerous glint in his optics. "ENOUGH!?" He glares at Comcast and says contemptuously, "If you were a Warrior class Seeker, Comcast, I would have you executed where you stood." And then he glares daggers at Runabout pointing a finger at Runabout with his cannon arm. "And you, you never compliment weakness! NEVER!" He looks to Headstrong. "Headstrong! Just have you been telling these incompetent bunglers!?" Comcast chuckles. "You are too kind.. but obviously my systems still has some kinks to work out after so long in a deactive state." he says as he examines his weapons. He turns his optics to the new spectator. "Apologies for being less than fully entertaining" he says with a bleak smile. Headstrong stares at galvatron in shock. "Me, I just got these two, your the one who told me not to coach them in this battle" Headstrong relizes he may have just crossed a line "then again I probibly could have pushed them a little harder." Runabout Folds his arms tilting his robotic head "Then it is very fortunate," Comcast curtly replies, "That I am not. Besides, I do more than my fair share for the movement." Even if he has millenia to catch up... "Any incompetent can pick up a weapon and shoot." Comcast says, "doesn't know who the leader is yet... uh-oh." Galvatron (Galv) pages: Mind a shot? Lucky you, we're in the training room. ;) You paged Galvatron with 'Only in the training Room. Don't worry, I'll be a good con who knows my place afterwards.'. Galvatron glares dangerously at Headstrong and says, "If you were not below combat efficiency, Headstrong, I'd have you fight Torment... Just to demonstrate a PROPER battle." The Decepticon leader turns his head to Runabout and Comcast. His gaze fixes on Comcast as he speaks. "You should learn your place, Seeker!" he bellows, raising his cannon. "None may speak to GALVATRON in such a manner!" The Decepticon leader opens fire, the cannon shooting a strong beam of purple energy. You paged Galvatron with 'Err.. I just agreed to a shot of tequila, now, didn't I? :p'. Galvatron strikes you with Cannon for 31 points of damage. Comcast falls to the ground unconscious. Training Drone hovers over to Comcast and revives it with a quick zap of energy. "You require additional training to defeat this unit at this skill level." Galvatron lowers his smoking barrel and glares at the other two Decepticons. "Make sure he is functioning and see to his repairs," he snaps, making a gesture. The Decepticon leader steps back, his optics glowing a deep crimson. Comcast quickly pulls himself to his feet, which is no easy task considering he first has to dislodge them from his mouth. "Galvatron.. my lord.. I do apologize. I did not know who I was speaking to. This humble Seeker is at your service." He waves smoke away from his new wound and falls to his knees. Runabout bows slightly to Galvatron "Well one day I hope to prove myself in battle for you" Headstrong keeps one eye on galvatron and one on the combatents. He waits for a molment to make sure Galvatron is finnished. "Alright you two thats enough, Comcast I hope you learned something" headstrong hobbles to the door the massive dent in his back now visible. "you two can keep going if you want but next time you will be going up against me in this arena so be prepared." Runabout says, "Shouldn't we prepare for the next attack against the enemy?" Runabout Spins his gun on his finger and putting it away wondering whats next on the to-do list Galvatron sneers contemptuously. "Save your bootlicking, the both of you. If I had need of bootlickers, I'd have let that pathetic Starscream live..." He looks at Runabout and says, "Runabout. Yes, you are back on active duty. Excellent. You and your brother together rarely disappoint me. Continuing such a record shall ensure your continued functionality..." He switches his gaze to Comcast. "As for you, any more mistakes, and I shall make sure you are assigned to Scrapper for... materials." He snaps his head to Headstrong. "Headstrong! I'm putting you in charge of these two. Have them repaired and then report to the Decepticon base in the savanna. I want our perimeter secured, and a close eye kept on the Autobot base." Runabout nods slowly and gives a salute and a bow to Galvatron "I don't disappoint Comcast gets to his feet, starting to get an insight into the demeanour of his factions new head. "Of course, Galvatron. My apologies." Headstrong looks to galvatron then back out at his new recruits. "all right you two you've just been premoted to active dutie, go get yourselves cleaned up and report to Fulcrum to get checked out. I want you out in the savana by tomorow morning, I'll be there to show you where the base is." with that headstrong turns and walks/limps out of the training room. Galvatron nods his head and says, "Tread carefully, Comcast." The Decepticon leader spins on a boot heel and walks AHEAD of Headstrong, out of the room. Galvatron leaves to the Troop Quarters to the west. Galvatron has left. Runabout nods slowly to headstrong. Comcast is eager to begin fighting for the cause. "Until next time," he says to Runabout. He nods to Headstrong as he gradually makes his way out of the training room. Runabout nods to Comcast "Yeh until next time.