<Decepticon> Galvatron says, "Charr to Earth.  Prepare for an arrival."

<Decepticon> Comcast nervously responds, "Starship or Spacebridge, Lord?"

<Decepticon> Motormaster says, "This ought to be good."

NCC Central Hub


     This is the very center of New Crystal City and serves as the gateway to the other areas. There are spires that reach up high into the sky and domes that crouch down low to the ground, facilities constructed purely of transparent materials, and even tunnels that travel into the ground. Vast sky-roads loom overhead, providing access to many of the buildings in a mad crisscross pattern. Among the buildings one can access from the central hub are the gleaming crystal dome-like command center, the hardy bunker-like medical ward, and the huge metal Coliseum-inspired arena. The various roadways travel to other parts of the city, including a decrepit sky-road that plunges underground to the dungeon, a wide low road to the residential plaza, a short bridge that travels to the elevated spaceport, and a twisting, winding maze of a street that leads out to the coastline.



Trypticon <T>

Decepticon Sensor #1792

The Powerbase

Galvatron has arrived.

NCC Central Hub


     This is the very center of New Crystal City and serves as the gateway to the other areas. There are spires that reach up high into the sky and domes that crouch down low to the ground, facilities constructed purely of transparent materials, and even tunnels that travel into the ground. Vast sky-roads loom overhead, providing access to many of the buildings in a mad crisscross pattern. Among the buildings one can access from the central hub are the gleaming crystal dome-like command center, the hardy bunker-like medical ward, and the huge metal Coliseum-inspired arena. The various roadways travel to other parts of the city, including a decrepit sky-road that plunges underground to the dungeon, a wide low road to the residential plaza, a short bridge that travels to the elevated spaceport, and a twisting, winding maze of a street that leads out to the coastline.




Trypticon <T>

Decepticon Sensor #1792

The Powerbase

<OOC> Comcast is standing in a corner, with a lamp shade on his head.

<OOC> Galvatron says, "hahaha"

Comcast calmly makes his way from the Residential plaza.. as calm as he can, anyway.. to the Spacebridge. The Seeker tries to calm himself by explaining that it's not /too/ often Galvatron has reason to be pissed, so he is lucky in that aspect. Gah.

Galvatron approaches Comcast from behind. He sighs, unusually calm due to some experiments. He places his hand on Comcast's shoulder, squeezing. "Loyal Comcast. You and I must talk. It truly and honestly PAINS me to have this talk. It pains me alot. Can you tell me why we must talk?"

Comcast's body Stiffens as Galvatron has (once again,) snuck up on him. Tricksy Galvatronses. "I can.." He mutters quietly, "Though I expect this conversation to involve more than words. I only ask that you give me, someone who has only been a loyal servant to you, the chance to explain himself before this discussion ends the only way it will possibly end."

Galvatron nods his head, "Why do you think I have asked you a question, Comcast? I am giving you a chance to do so now. Speak, old comrade. And speak wisely. Battles are won or lost sometimes..." wow, he certainly is calm. WHY?, "That I understand. The heart of the issue is not that you lost...if you have an explanation. The issue is the promise. But please, speak."

A lenghty air of silence passes as Comcast ponders what to say to that. A small part is also processing why exactly Galvatron's rationale seems to have returned. "The promise, was ill-made, Sir." He finally says. "Fulcrum's vendetta with the Aquabot - while I respect it thoroughly - compromised your orders, which should not have happened. My brother had made it clear that I was not to engage in combat with DepthCharge. We could have beaten him together, easily, but he defeated him before on his /own/, and..!" The Seeker realises he's losing it again. He pauses again, and continues. "Unfortunately, my decision has resulted in Fulcrum's possible death, and me breaking my promise to you."

The Seeker pauses once more, again searching for the right words, but there really isn't any. He screwed up. "You know what? They're all just excuses. I made a promise to you, and I failed to keep it. I'm not expecting to get away from this without a punishment, and I'm not about to dig myself further with any more excuses. I accept whatever discipline you might see fit." He then stands there, in front of his lord refusing to falter as Galvatron inevitably raises his cannon.

Galvatron nods carefully, "I see. So it was Fulcrum's own desire to settle it alone? If he lives and we find him, then a word must also be had with Fulcrum. My orders were clear. Humiliation at any means neccessary. While your respect of your brothers wishes is certainly admirable..." he shakes his head, actually pained by this. It's obvious to anyone watching he is not happy about what he has to do. "My orders were still by any means neccessary. While the explanation certainly sheds light on things, it doesn't escape you from Decepticon Law entirely. This...is still in order. Though this time, not as bad as it could have been." he transforms, falling into cannon mode. The maw discharges at Comcasts shoulder, "Let the memory of the pain serve as a future lesson. To not make a promise you cannot keep, even if it was Fulcrum's fault." No nyargh. No bwa. Just plain and simple statements.

Galvatron places his barrel on his head and transforms into cannon mode. Oh no, someone's gonna get it.

Fusion Cannon <Galvatron> strikes you with Cannon <Regular Firepower> for 31 points of damage.

Comcast neither flinches now cowers at the sight of Gavatron in his fear-inducing Cannon mode. But even his bravado in the face of this is not enough to stop him from shouting out in pain and reflexively shifting his other arm to his open shoulder wound, as melted and severed energon tubes and fluid cables begin to leak out. The wing behind the Seekers arm is also significantly damaged, to the point of hinderance in his jet form. "Such is your will.." he manages to groan through the pain. He straightens himself up as much as he can, still clutching the wound with his other hand. He then, more eloquently adds, "Is there anything else you wish from me?"

Fusion Cannon <Galvatron> transforms up into robot mode, the barrel still smoking. He nods, "Yes. Actually, there is. Prepare for a transfer of command. If Reflector does not provide me with results that satisfy both myself and Ratbat within the next astroweek..." he trails off, rolling his optics as he doubts the foolish trio will, "You will be transferred to the DCI CO position."

Fusion Cannon <Galvatron> says, "And it is not my will. It is the law that has ruled our faction for eons."

Comcast... division head once more? OMG. Well, how often is it that you get a cannon and a (possible) promotion at the same time? Though Comcast isn't so certain about being told that the division he is sub-commanding needs to NOT improve before he can get the job. It seems almost as if it's a dare for him to try and screw things up and not be found. But nevermind, here's a little snippet of truth, to add to the mix. "My immediate superior has been acting erraticly lately, sir." He mentions. "In my expedition to acquire more energon for you, he announced mere moments before we arrived that he would be of no use to the mission whatsoever." His optics flash with anger. "As I said to him, I do NOT run these missions for sightseeing."

Fusion Cannon <Galvatron> shrugs, and by the way, it was a subconcious informative statement designed to inspire someone to make Reflector fail. Apparently someone doesn't really like Reflector, "Yes, well, it is these inadequecies that will cause us to turn to you." he crosses his arms, "That, and Reflector whines when we bring the law upon him. A cannon for failure is customary. He cries about it. Therefore, when he fails...the division will fall to you."

The fusion cannon reconfigures up into Galvatron.

Comcast is ELATED to prove himself heading a division once more.. but manages to keep himself restrained. "Such is Decepticon law.. as you have just demonstrated. There is no use in complaining about the laws or its enforcement." You know, after recent events with his commanding officer, Comcast really doesn't mind screwing things up for him. At all. Especially with a promotion in store for him. "I guess we shall be having another discussion in an astroweek then, Lord. If that is all.. " He mutters, "I still have a gaping wound on my arm to see to." He gives a sharp nod to his Commander (His salutin' arm don't work good no more!) before heading for the Medical Ward.

Galvatron nods his head, "That is all. For now. Only for now."

"Of course, sir," The Seeker replies as he wonders where to find some spare Seeker parts.. Oh yeah! The Great Barrier Reef..!

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