Skies above Central United States It looks as though you can see the world from here. Below you lies the great bustling metropolis of Chicago along with the rest of the Midwest. To the east lies the polluted air over the Eastern United States while to the west are the great Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Coast. Contents: An F-16C An F-16C runs a routine patrol route high above the earth. The F-16 banks not lazily, but easily as he goes over the route expertly. Of course, he is on partrol -looking- for Cons so when the F-15 hits the edges of his sensor range he alters his course to intercept. His weapons how ever are not charged because he isn't sure what it is just yet. F-15 Jet returns back to base after examining the wreckage from the raid in New York City last night. He still hasn't been repaired from his damage, but after the sheer trouncing they dealt to the Autobots, and with so much to do, he simply hasn't had time. DepthCharge's body had been removed from the area. He notices another Seeker in the area. It's not in any formation, and it doesn't seem to have any noticeable icons that would identify it as an Autobot. The Red Seeker continues on his path, and will wait until he is approached. Oh Primus, he thinks, as the F-16 begins to make it's way towards him.. An F-16C banks hard and checks his on-board patrol roster...sigh..this one shouldn't be here. He kicks up his speed a little to intercept soon and flicks to switch to his PA, "You are in EDC/Autobot airspace, plese indentify yourself." That annoyingly formal voice, as well as a closer view of the jet tips off Comcast. It's one of those Auto-jets again. Straxus, how they irratate him. "I've told you before, Skydive.." comes booming from his external speakers as he transforms.. "The Sky shall always belong to the Decepticons." He hoves in the air looking at the Autobot plain. The sounds of gears whirring and a jet engine dying down can be heard, as Comcast shifts his form into his natural state. An F-16C passes the now stationary or close too Con. "The Rookie." he says under his breath as he passes. "Listen Comcast, there is no need for a conflict here. I ask you politely to leave this airspace." by now Skydive is well passed and he banks and turns once more to make another pass. "Or you could maybe tell me what you are doing in this airspace. And I have not put a claim on this airspace. It is my job to protect it, surely you can understand that? Hmm?" the Autobots radio crackles and clicks on, "I will give you enough time to answer and withdraw before I call for back up. Today is a bad day for Decpticon Jets over the Western Hemisphere." Comcast smirks as he thinks to himself, Tell that to the Humans in the likeaFOX Network. "Why Skydive, I'm not interested in conflict. I'm just making my peaceful way back to my home. Everyone's allowed to go home, aren't they?" He casually states. The Red Seeker does not move from where he is holding himself with his Anti-Gravs, but he does not show any signs that he's about to attack. An F-16C continues passed and makes another bank yet this time he sets himself up to circle the Con, "You are more than welcome to make your way back towards home. I am just going to stay here and make sure that you do. Forgive me for not being completely trustful. Comcast's smile broadens, for this time there's no bluff, no ruse, or anything. "Tell me, do you ever get tired of running about protecting these worms? We can always use more Jets in the ranks of the Decepticons, you know. And it is certainly better than your eventual incarceration or execution once our faction has achieved victory. And we ARE going to win, Skydive, make no mistake about that. An F-16C continues to circle, "Been there done that." he states flatly, "It was a mistake the first time, and I more clearly now see the differences between us. When the time comes for this war to end I hope it is over a table rather than a grave." Comcast's optics light up in curiosity. "Both sides, have you? Funny you never saw the light. I agree, I would personally prefer the bloodshed cease and we reunite under the banner of the Decepticons." The Red Seeker's smile returns. "You suprise me, Skydive. An Autobot enlightened such as you .. even slightly so.. is few and far between." An F-16C takes it as a compliment, "That is more than I can say for you however." he pauses for effect, "Can you say that you have been a member of my faction at one point in time?" "I cannot say I have ever felt the need," Comcast replies. "I have found everything I could hope for in the Decepticon faction. Though I do not wish to end the lives of any Cybertronian. The reason we fight is because we have opposing beliefs. Why you would tolerate these flesh beasts, for example." He carries on before Skydive has a chance to reply to that last sentence, "It is good to see that An Autobot is willing to end this war as well. It is a shame you never lasted long on my side of the fence, Skydive, I'm certain you would have been a fine Decepticon." An F-16C replies almost instantly, "You need to leave this airspace. I am radioing reinforcements now." Skydive transmits a message via radio. Skydive receives a radio transmission. "Very well," Comcast says as he begins to slowly glide away. He turns his back so he is facing his sworn enemy. "I shall retreat, Skydive. This has been.. educational." Comcast thinks back to the last time they fought, over the form of Kup, and their inevitable next confrontation, which will almost certainly be a fight as well. "If only all our meetings could be like this," He says with a hint of melancholy on his voice. Blue-Black F-15 Fighter (Air Raid) flies in from the skies to the west. Blue-Black F-15 Fighter (Air Raid) has arrived. Blue-Black F-15 Fighter (Air Raid) zooms into view, racing through the sky. An F-16C replies slowly, "If all of our meetings could be this way we wouldn't be at war and you wouldn't protect Scourge while he pulls pieces out of Kup." he doesn't sound happy. Enter Air Raid, zooming through the skies at supersonic speed, heading for Sky Dive's location and his 'Con problem.' "Hey! Sky Dive!" He cuts in his external speakers. "Hear you have a bug problem?" Comcast sighs a bleak sigh, that smirk still staying on his face. "I can see why you chose Autobot. I hope you reconsider, you're far more interesting than some of the Seekers that I have spent my time with." When Air Raid hurtles into view, he says "He has convinced me the errors of my ways, Autobot," he says ironically to the F-15, "I will return to convince Galvatron to join the Autobots, now!" The light from his optics soften as he looks at Skydive. "Until next time, Skydive." And with that, he turns, transforms, and leaves the airspace supposedly belonging to the earthbound humans. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he once again resembles an F-15 fighter jet. An F-16C doesn't reply to Comcast but to Air Raid as he circles, "I do Air Raid, but the problem is taking care of itself." he says as he breaks out of his circle to meet up with Air Raid. "Keep your sensors on, let's make sure he is leaving." Blue-Black F-15 Fighter (Air Raid) air brakes for a moment, before he banks around to follow along in formation with Sky Dive. "Say....WHAT?" He asks, of Sky Dive, since Comcast is now out of his communication range. An F-16C repeats himself with a little mirth in his voice, " I said Air Raid, keep your sensors on and lets make sure he is leaving." he pauses, "SHould I get you a Q-Tip or something?" You transmit a message to Skydive: I would SO like to enjoy continuing this discussion sometime.. until then I hope you are not killed by Scourge or anyone else for protecting these flesh beasts. Skydive receives a radio transmission. Skydive transmits a message via radio. F-15 Jet continues on his way back to base, curious to meet one of the more interesting characters among the ranks of the Autobots. Thankfully, he never asked about DepthCharge...