Comcast says, "Decepticon Units, I request assistance for extracting information from an earth structure. Could available units on earth report to New Crystal City's Central hub for details on the mission." Fulcrum grumbles, "This better be important, Comcast." Comcast says, "If Neutralizing one of our enemies isn't important, Fulcrum, I don't know what is." Fulcrum arrives from the Mount R'Lyeh to the north. Fulcrum has arrived. Fulcrum drops from the sky, looking dour as always. "There will always be enemies to pacify" he remarks as he touches down with a heavy boom, continuing the conversation started on broadband. "But since I need to field test the Heat Ray..." "Excellent," says Comcast, pleased to have the backup. "I require some data from an earth communications network, for sampling and studying. We will be travelling to the Americas today." Americas.. it's ALWAYS the Americas! Where the entire population wears yellow boots and hard hats. Oh well. "Very well" the dour blacksmith agrees. "I assume you have clearance from your supieriors?" Comcast would have raided a local network station, but when he found broadcasts such as 'Hey Dad' and 'Neighbours,' he knew he needed to export. "Soundwave approved initial studies earlier on today. I am to consult with him before anything can be officially implemented." Fulcrum nods. "Very well. Since this is your operation, lead on." "Excellent. To the Americas!" he says, running down the platform and leaping into his transforming process. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he once again resembles an F-15 fighter jet. Fulcrum crouches, then leaps up, his joints screeching as he transforms into a grey and green MiG-29. Fulcrum begins following you. You take off and soar upward to Sky above New Crystal City. Outskirts of New York City New York always has, and always will be one of the busiest cities in the world. The Big Apple, the city that never sleeps...Now it is nearly the state that never sleeps. New York is following in the Tokyo tradition of spreading its tentacles into everything within reach, growing and expanding. The level of technology here is rivaled only in Tokyo, the original sprawl. But here there is something different, perhaps it's the attitude. Contents: Shelby GT 500 The Shoe Inn MiG-29 enters New York City from inland New York state. MiG-29 has arrived. F-15 Jet hurtles through the sky, slightly slower than usual, to ensure Fulcrum's feelings aren't hurt. New York City looms in their horizon. "Our target today is the likeaFOX Network, Fulcrum. We are approaching it now." Fulcrum says, "All available Decepticon Units, be ready to act in an interceptory capacity. Our strike on the likeaFOX Network HQ in New York will soon be noticed by the flesh creatures and their Autobot allies" F-15 Jet transforms at the city's coastline, musing at all the filthy humans on the ground there. If only /they/ could be converted into Energon, then at least they would have some use. "There," He says, pointing to one of the many towering buildings on the island. The building has the world-famous likeaFOX (TM) logo on each face, and an assortment of antennas and dishes on the top. "We are after a selection of episodes from a variety of genres and eras." he says, trying to sound knowledgable about the human beasts and their dirty interests. The sounds of gears whirring and a jet engine dying down can be heard, as Comcast shifts his form into his natural state. Roadrunner Hoverbike soars down into view from the skies above. Roadrunner Hoverbike has arrived. Roadrunner Hoverbike hovers into the area with style, rock music played from its speakers. MiG-29 doesn't bother to transform, just cirlcing the area. "We are here to aquire fleshingling transmissions?" Fulcrum inquires, not really up to speed on TV. DepthCharge soars down into view from the skies above. DepthCharge has arrived. DepthCharge comes flying on through the New York sky, sending various radio messages to NY air control, making sure he has a clear flight path. Now, if he can just work out where that cRaZy Junkion is.. "Correct. The humans view them," Comcast says, enjoying the novelty of teaching Fulcrum something about earth. "For entertainment," he adds with a mixture of confusion and contempt. The Red Seeker begins to glide towards the building. "This should hopefully not take long." He grins as he looks down again at the humans pointing their fingers towards the gigantic robot gracefully travelling over them. You'd think they'd be used to that by now. Roadrunner Hoverbike is fast approaching, well, fast approaching for a Harley like motorcycle with wings. Oh, of course it also has it's thrusters and antigrav plates to help with the flying. But all in all looks modeled after a Harley. At this point, she is just listening for further Decepticon communication, hoping the Autobot would come for her assistance. She doesn't like the idea of anyone approaching a tv station with harmful intentions. MiG-29 hmpfs. "How are these stored? Our collective carrying capacity is fairly small.. I do not wish to be towing out several large crates on a tow cable.. again." Fulcrum finally transforms and hangs motionless in mid air, scowling at the likeaFOX building. This seems like a waste of time. The MiG-29 twists around and folds in on itself with a grinding sound, transforming into the robotic form of Fulcrum. Having entered the big apple, like a giant, flying worm, DC sends off a radio message to the Junkion, trying to locate where both she and those cRaZy Decepticons are. Well, it shouldn't be too locate them eventually. After all, when Decepticons attack a place there are normally lotsa explosions and stuff. Cause Decepticons never studied the ancient art of ninjas. Stealth is not their friend. Roadrunner Hoverbike maintains her flight pattern, still behind the cons position as she's just not as fast, but always keeping a lock from having intercepted their transmissions before. Meanwhile, she radios to DepthCharge "I am the eye in the sky, looking at you oooooo, come take me hand, we will fly so high together...down in the valley, behold, there is light!" Comcast turns to Fulcrum in front of the building, "I would have brought a cage if that was what we needed," he says, "But what I need now.. is a Seeker-sized hole.. about... there." He says, pointing to one of the lower levels on the building, acting as if he actually knows where the network keeps their archives. Fulcrum nods.. then realises Comcast actually expects /him/ to do the work. "Very well" he intones grudgingly, raising one arm and powering up his new weapon.. the dreaded HEAT RAY! The mirrored glass windows shimmer, then glow a bright red as the ray takes affect, the windows turning to scalding liquid which runs down the side of the building, creating an entrace for the two Decepticons, who want to go in and ILLEGALLY take copies of shows! For they are not Ninjas... they are PIRATES! Fulcrum strikes likeaFOX building with Heat Ray Comcast says, "Is a NINJA PIRATE! Shiver me shurikens!" Following Songbird's radio waves, DepthCharge eventually comes upon the flying Junkion. He thinks . o O (Take her hand? But.. she doesn't have any hands. I guess it is just one of those Junkion expressions). He looks down at the city below them and says, "Alright.. lets see where these Decepticons are.." Roadrunner Hoverbike picks on the strike, and doesn't need more than that in order to completely ruin the element of surprise DepthCharge and herself were having up to this point. With a set of sirens apparently taken from an old Police Patrol bike, she swoops down towards the Decepticons and broadcasts loudly "THIS IS NYPD! YOU ARE IN VIOLATION OF TV LAW, PLEASE CEASE OR YOU SHALL PAY THE CONSEQUENCES!" obviously, she doesn't seem much of a threat as she swoops down towards the Cons' position. Fulcrum would REALLY be wasting time if he waited for Comcast to make an opening. He'd have better luck throwing rocks at the window. The Red Seeker tries not to think of the emulation of an Autobot with the equivalent of his armour that Fulcrum tested his new weapon on as the entrance melts away. When a sufficiently-sized hole is created, Comcast bursts through. "HUMANS!" He cries, tearing through the 4th and 5th stories of the vast structure, "Your documents and records belong to the DECEPTICONS now!" Straxus, he thinks, will I /ever/ get tired of this? The screechings of the Junkion wench are irrelevant to Comcast as she melds into the cities numerous background noises. Songbird meeps! he refered to me as a Junkion wench! How rude! >:P DepthCharge says, "Decepticons have no respect." Comcast says, "Or ears!" Songbird strikes a Sailor Moon pose "I will punish you!" Fulcrum makes to follow Comcast through the hole, but turns at the sound of sirens, his optics flickering in a series of rapid blings as he beholds... a flying motorbike? "What? Is this some sort of human trick?" he mutters. "Begone, strange flying motorcycle" he intones. "You are in violation of the laws of casualty. Motorbikes are not flying vechiles." Comcast says, "Sorry if I offended your, Songbird. Do you want me to repose and say "Dilapitated Autobot-offshot wench"?" DepthCharge observes Songbird racing at the Decepticons and, though ruining the element of surprise, you have to admire her guts. Unlike the Junkion, DepthCharge doesn't rush straight on in. Instead, he opens up an internal compartment and rummages around looking for something. Looking for his sEcReT weapon! It is then that he finds it. A Quarter! Soaring through the sky, DepthCharge calculates the current wind and falling distance and then drops the quarter towards Fulcrum. Behold MY new weapon, heat wave boy! And it only cost me a quarter! Roadrunner Hoverbike continues on her flight down towards the Decepticons, broadcasting loudly "I FLY THEREFORE I AM!" the only really logical explanation, adding on top of it "you can fly if you try!" she continues towards the hole made in the building, which Fulcrum currently blocks. "The law must be obeyed! Obey my dog and move!" Comcast tears through the poorly-constructed building. A human who was too slow to run away is quickly scooped up into his hand and held in front of Comcasts optics, fiercely glowing red. "Your archives, worm." He says, somehow making his voice sounding even more mechanical, for effect. "Where are they?" The weak beast feebly points to a section of the building. Comcast's intimidating face shifts to an evil grin, as he blasts the doors off with is disruptor. Let Fulcrum deal with the apparent nuisance outside. This can't be an Autobot, can it? Because they don't fly as a rule, except for... It is then that Fulcrum's thought processes are interrupted by a quarter impacting at terminal velocity with his arm. "AUGGH!" he cries out as the coin lodges itself in his armor and he looks up for the source of the projectile. "YOU!" he grinds as he spots DepthCharge's familar silhouette. "And THIS must be one of your PETS!" Fulcrum spits, turning his now hate-filled optics back to the approaching bike. "Graah! I should have known you vermin would show up quicker than anticipated.." Raising one arm, Fulcrum lets out an irritated volley of low-powered heat beams at the bike, cursing the fact that he needs to be in MiG mode for the weapon to fully charge. Fulcrum misses Roadrunner Hoverbike with his Heat Ray attack. Roadrunner Hoverbike is rather maneuverable and evades the strike in her wild charge for the hole in the wall of the building. "Naughty naughty..." she intones at Fulcrum's charge. Extending something of a lance from her side, she thrusts right at him, emitting "I am not Delilah, meow, I'm a knight of the round table, my thoughts are for-mid-able!" Roadrunner Hoverbike strikes Fulcrum with sword. DepthCharge offers a wave towards Fulcrum, calling out, "Hellooo Decepticon Fulcrum. We just happened to be /flying/ through the area and noticed that you damaging terran property. I hope you have a good explanation." DepthCharge watches as Fulcrum shoots at Songbird and he says, "Now, now. Is that really necessary? I know you get all annoyed at other people being in 'your' airspace. But can't we be civilised? In a civilised society, individuals don't lash out with violence at each other. They discuss their differences over tea. Hmm.." DepthCharge considers and reaches inside an internal compartment and pulls out a tea pot. Weighing it in his hand he soars somewhat higher into the sky and drops that too, in Fulcrum's direction. Comcast reaches his free arm into the archive. He begins to accumulate several hard-copy samples of earth media. Excellent. "The files have been acquired Ful... ah." he says, as a shambles of a cycle.. in the AIR.. stabs his seeker comrade. Human in hand, he starts to make his way to the outside of the building.. (No attack) DepthCharge's deadly Crockery Attack(tm) misses it's angry bearded target.. not for any fault of the Autobot, but because Fulcrum is driven through the hole in the side of the building by a fricken MOTORBIKE! Which has a LANCE! Crashing through the already chaotic offices with a lance jammed into his side does little to improve the blacksmith's temper. "GRRAAH!" he grinds, grabbing his hammer from its chain at his waist and swatting at the irritating machine that rammed him. "Get off!" Fulcrum strikes Roadrunner Hoverbike with Blacksmith's Hammer. Well, well. It seems that there will be no tea today, for Fulcrum. And, since they have now entered the building DC can't drop anything else on Fulcrum. Now what is he going to do with that anvil, safe and piano? Oh well. DepthCharge floats on down to ground level and calmly walks towards the hole in the wall, emitting as he does so, "Listen. This is the last chance you will get. Stop fighting, drop anything you have stole and leave now. Else, we will have to activate The Slapper (tm). And I know you don't want us to do that." Roadrunner Hoverbike emits in a sing-song taunting voice "Naughty boy, naughty boy, what will you do? Now they've played a trick on you! Tee hee..." with that she releases the lance from its position, as it gets drawn back inside her frame. She doesn't get the time to move away however, as she's bashed to the ground, her antigrav plate turning off while the wings extend back to the back of the bike. "I say heeyy! I say hoo! I say who and wha' did the heck you do it for....?" of course this little complaint is followed by asharp taser right back at Fulcrum, eye for an eye after all. "I didn't start the fire..." Roadrunner Hoverbike strikes Fulcrum with taser. Comcast stows his acquired files into his chest compartment just as Fulcrum crashes through the opening, the motorcycle following. He watches DepthCharge dive outside the opening. Once he's hit the ground and said his silly little threats, Comcast leaves the building in the same way he entered. He looks down and shouts to the Autobot, who was dropping things on Fulcrum not too long ago. So it should be okay for Comcast to follow suit. Drop stolen items, huh? "You mean I can't keep my new pet?" he sardonically asks the Autobot, shaking his STOLEN human in his right hand. "Okay then..." As he throws the flesh beast up high in the air, and readies his weapons for the noble fool to make his predictable save... (no attack again.) Fulcrum recognises that incredibly irritating speech pattern now! "Wait..You're a Junkion!" he spits, "Like that scrap pile ArcanAAAARRG!" Fulcrum finishes as electricity earths itself through his frame. Ooh, bad move. Fulcrum's particularly sensitive to being shocked, what with Dynamo electro-burning off his beard recently. Letting out a curse, Fulcrum draws back one heavy, jet-mounted boot, swinging it forward in an attempt to kick the annoying machine back out that hole. Of course, if he succeeds, Comcast may get a motorbike to the small of the back.. Fulcrum misses Roadrunner Hoverbike with his *PUNT* attack. DepthCharge would really show you if he ignored the human, wouldn't he? WOULDN'T HE? But alas, he is as predictably Autobot as all other Autobots (except cRaZy Victory Leo). As Comcast launches the human into the air, DepthCharge leaps up into the sky and soars towards the terran. As he flies, DepthCharge's chest begins to glow a brilliant electric blue as energy flows over his form. The blue aura around DepthCharge suddenly shifts and morphs over the falling human, solidifying into a protective forcefield. As DepthCharge catches the forcefielded human he mutters to himself, "One day I really have to find out how Autobot Dynamo levitates things.." Roadrunner Hoverbike transforms and rolls out of the way in time to avoid playing the part of a football, as fun as it may seem in general, practically it really isn't much fun to be hurled into the air in this manner. "Get down, make love!" she shouts at Fulcrum, quite upset, as she stands up and straightens her metallic mini-skirt. "Put out the fire, you need a bullet like a hole in the head, let's all be friends and stop live in a let me live, leave me alone, and let this tv station broadcast on!" she doesn't attack this time, but prepares to react in case Fulcrum should try something. The cool motorcycle twists and shifts and seems to be rising on it's rear wheels, in the end of this procedure you find yourself looking at the Junkion's communication expert, Songbird. Comcast laughs at the foolish Autobot showing concern for the flesh creature. This is almost too easy, he thinks, lining up his disruptor rifle at precisely where he expected DepthCharge to catch the human.. eases the trigger, and.. STRAXUS! How long has this Autobot had a forcefield? Comcast fires anyway.. but mostly out of anger and frustration than the belief that he will cause some damage. DepthCharge evades your disruptor attack Fulcrum's ever present scowl deepens. "Can't you useless piles of rust speak clearly for once in your pathetic existances?" Frustrated by Songbird's incoherance, Fulcrum looks around, optics finally settling on a large-ish wooden desk, which he suddenly grabs and HURLS at Songbird, knowing the femme expects an attack, but hoping she doesn't expect /this/... Fulcrum strikes Songbird with Catch!. DepthCharge hmms as a disruptor beam bounces off the forcefield that is being projected around the human. He sighs and shakes his head, doing a small loop-de-loop in the air and disappearing behind a building to safely deposit the human somewhere. With his pReCioUs cargo safe, DepthCharge flies back to the scene of conflict and hovers in front of Comcast. "Decepticon CodpieceCast, isn't it? I haven't really encountered you before but please note this. You ever use a human as a hostage in front of me again, and I will ensure you are deposited at the deepest depths at bottom of the ocean where no one will ever find you. Ever" There is no anger in DepthCharge's voice. And it doesn't sound like a threat. Rather, a simple statement of a fact. With a nod, DepthCharge turns to listen at the commotion going on inside the building and says to Comcast, "Please step aside, there's a good Decepticon." Rampage says, "What's up all?" Songbird looks closely at Fulcrum, upset that he would be so eager to cause destruction in a tv station of all places! Then she ker-blinks! when instead of a shot or kick or a punch a large desk is thrown at her, flattening the small femme to the floor as she squirms to get out from under it. "Hey!! HEY!! HEY!!! It was the D.N.A.! That made me this way....I feel so inarticlate! All I am saying is give peace a chance!" still not attacking in hopes the Decepticon will go, she does reaches for her Pretty Gun. Comcast stares at this Autobot as he talks to him. No wonder Fulcrum hates him so. Depthcharges tirade over, he shakes his head, a bleak smile returning. "You want me to drop what I took, and then you subject me to empty threats when I do exactly what I was told," he says in a taunting tone. "You Autobots are always full of foolish contradictions." Comcast transforms and kicks his afterburners, bursting towards Depthcharge, barelling away just at the last second to slash the Autobot with his sharpened wings. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he once again resembles an F-15 fighter jet. You strike DepthCharge, which is like shooting fish in a barrel. Fulcrum appears satisfied that Songbird is no real threat. "Comcast!" he cries out, sticking his head out of the window. "Stop wasting time! Where are these big crates of data tapes we came for?" Yes, in Fulcrum's world, everything worth stealing comes in big crates. And is guarded by humans wearing yellow boots and hard hats. DepthCharge ows and places a hand on his cut chest. He looks at Comcast and frowns. His options are rather limited in a city, he can't use his rockets or anything. But an electrical blast should not cause any damage to the surrounding area if he misses. "Fine. If that's how it is going to be.." DepthCharge says. Deep with DepthCharge's metalic form a loud hum begins to slowly build as DepthCharge's electro-generators come online. The mechanical hum begins to slowly rise in pitch and the crackling of high voltage electricity can be heard eminating from the ice-blue torso of the Autobot. DepthCharge raises his right arm in the air and a large panel on his lower right arm slides open. With a slight *click* DepthCharge's Electo-Booster extends up, crackling with suppressed electrical current. Levelling his arm weapon Comcast's way, DepthCharge unleashes the electrical current that has been generated within him. You evade DepthCharge's snaking tendrils of electricity attack. F-15 Jet 's voice booms out through his underbody's speakers. "The data has been acquired, Fulcrum! If you want to retreat now.. I suggest you get out of-aah!" He is cut short by the tendrils of electricity that close in on him. Because Seekers are teh BEST, he outruns the attack until it dissipates. Comcast then circles tightly in an open intersection area, and lines Depthcharge dead centre in his trajectory. "Autobot pest!" he spits at Depthcharge Letting lasers fly at the irritation to his mission. You strike DepthCharge, which is like shooting fish in a barrel. Fulcrum's head whips around and he scowls at the dimminutive femme tapping at his leg. "I want you to repair your vocoder so that it transmits in a coherant fashion, instead of the stream of gibberish it currently spouts." The bearded seeker thinks about backhanding the annoying Junkion, but then decides on a more pleasing alternative. Fulcrum reaches out to grab at her tapping arm, and attempts, if successful, to drag/throw her out the hole.. directly at his hated foe DepthCharge. Fulcrum succeeds in grasping Songbird, throwing her off-balance. DepthCharge's form is peppered with laser fire, but it doesn't seem to do much except make him wince in annoyance. He says to himself, listening in, "So, Decepticon CodpieceCast has whatever they came here for. That means he needs to be stopped." Taking to the air, DepthCharge begins to fly straight at Comcast with his hands extended ala Superman. Let's see if DepthCharge is faster than a speeding bullet. DepthCharge strikes you with fly by smash for 16 points of damage. "Geronimooooo!!!" comes the high pitched screech of the airborne Songbird, swiftly sailing on a trajectory towards a collison with DepthCharge, strange enough, after the initial moment of panic she does chants "I can fly, I can fly, I can fly!" Rampage soars down into view from the skies above. Rampage has arrived. F-15 Jet collides head-on with DepthCharge.. ouch. At least at these speeds the Autobot hopefully hurt himself as well. "The name is COMCAST," he calls, not bothering to turn his speakers down with the Autobot in close range. The Red Seeker transforms, and lets off a shot from his rifle before kicking back with his bootjets, "and you would do well to remember it, Autobot." The sounds of gears whirring and a jet engine dying down can be heard, as Comcast shifts his form into his natural state. You strike DepthCharge, which is like shooting fish in a barrel. Rampage enters the area, replying to the backup call across Decepticon broadband channels. He quickly scans the area and heads towards the Decepticon signal arrays in the area. As he comes upon the skirmish, he draws forth his lightining rifle and lands down near the battle. Fulcrum just stands there at the mouth of the hole, watching Songbird's trajectory with a frown. Did he remember to compensate for wind speed and direction? Ah well.. Fulcrum DepthCharge evades his Songbird - Happy Thoughts And Pixie Dust Not Included attack. DepthCharge says, "The answer is no, he didn't. :)" Comcast says, "...or people IN MELEE WITH THE TARGET?" Fulcrum says, "Hey, am I my brother's keeper?" Comcast says, "You're your Seeker's Keeper" Fulcrum says, "No, you're the Seeker, I'm the Keeper. Now find that Snitch, BIZNATCH!" DepthCharge is peppered with a disrupter. Normally it wouldn't hurt him, but added to all the other small hits Comcast has succeeded against him, they are starting to mount up. Still, he has some time to go yet before he needs to be concerned. He pauses as he notices Songbird fly by before saying "Decepticon Comcast?" as he soars closer to the Decepticon, "Well, nice to meet you." And aims a punch right at Comcast. Silly DC, you are meant to shake hands, not punch people. You evade DepthCharge's punch attack. Songbird meanwhile continues to sail down wards as she misses DepthCharge, apparently she can't fly in both modes, and doesn't quite manage to transform in time. She just crashes into the ground face down, in a very cartoon like fashion, to her credit she even plays the WB cartoon theme after she crushes down. For a long while she's not even moving. Comcast laughs cruelly as Depthcharge misses his mark yet again. Given his current combat prowess, the pleasure is all mine, he thinks. Primus, however did this waste of time become such a threat to Fulcrum? He kicks away from his opponent with his bootjets, then transforms and kicks his jets one more time, hurtling himself straight towards Depthcharge.. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he once again resembles an F-15 fighter jet. DepthCharge evades your ram attack Rampage watches as the battle continues to unfold and sees Songbird falling out of the window and crashing to the ground. Assuming that Fulcrum has the situation under control, he rushes into the battle with Comcast, since he appears to be having a little trouble hitting his foe. The fierce warrior begins to charge, then leaps into the air. He summons forth his thermo-sword in mid air, then fires his anti-grav thrusters as Comcast goes charging past him. He fires the thrusters once more, landing down in front of Depthcharge. He quickly inverts his sword, attempting to put a hurting on the Autobot's jaw with the sword's hilt. Rampage manages to strike DepthCharge with its sword hilt. Comcast says, "Heh. We're an interesting bunch. A propganda-making nutjob raiding a television network, alongside a Predacon who enjoys rock videos and television, and a Junkion who enjoys and pretty much LIVES them, and a bot and con who hate each other so much it's retarded. All over a bunch of taped reruns." Fulcrum figures it's time to take to the air, much as he enjoys DepthCharge getting seven assorted kinds of crap kicked out of him. But still.. this is just too good an oppurtunity to miss. "DepthCharge" the blacksmith broadcasts as he transforms into his saucy MiG mode. "Once more you will have to live with the knowleged of your pathetic failure... The Himalayas... Des Moines....Cybertron... all have been testaments to Decepticon strength.. and your own, personal weakness!" Fulcrum circles the battlefield, taking the time while his foe is distracted to line him up for the perfect blast.. from the dreaded HEAT RAY! Fulcrum crouches, then leaps up, his joints screeching as he transforms into a grey and green MiG-29. You paged Songbird and DepthCharge with 'Mind if I switch partners to attack songbird?'. Okay, this isn't good. Not good at all. With time DepthCharge could have taken Comcast, but now with Rampage on the scene and Songbird down, it is just DepthCharge against three Decepticons. Oh happy days. Rampage's sword hilt smashes into DepthCharge's face and the Aquabot falls down towards the ground, dazed. At the last moment his anti gravs kick in and he controls himself enough to land where Songbird fell. He is vaguely aware of Fulcrum's taunts, but he doesn't have time for any witty comebacks. He is too concerned with his own survival. Concentrating, DepthCharge is bathed in a blue aura once again and he throws his hands up in the air. The aura flows up his arms and morphs into a glowing sphered forcefield around both DC and Songbird. DepthCharge says as he concentrates on keeping the forcefield up, "Junkion Songbird, are you alright? Things have become a little too heated here. A tactical withdraw would be advisable." DepthCharge successfully activates a powerful protective forcefield, shielding him from the next attack. Songbird shifts slightly on the ground, before slowly lifting herself with her hands and shaking her head "Ow..." she comments quietly, before collapsing to the ground again "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall..." she mutters at DepthCharge as some parts fly out of her smashed torso. F-15 Jet circles about again. With Fulcrum focusing on the Autobot and Rampage in the area as well, nobody is paying attention to poor little unconcious Songbird.. what better way to study Junkion's behaviour to television than with an actual junkion? He banks away from the now-distracted Depthcharge to transform at the feet of Songbird, readying his rifle for possibly movements. You transmit a message to Fulcrum: The Junkion is inactive. Request permission to capture her as a live specimen for research into the inner workings of Junkions? Fulcrum receives a radio transmission. The sounds of gears whirring and a jet engine dying down can be heard, as Comcast shifts his form into his natural state. His hunter's instinct taking over in battle, Rampage moves in on his prey. He charges to the spot where the two injured combatants are shielded. He fires off two low voltage blasts attempting to stun his opponents, but they are abosorbed by the forcefield. Frustrated, he lets out a loud growl, but continues to bear down on the pair. Rampage says, "No attack" MiG-29 continues to circle, cursing as DepthCharge activates that all too convieniant force feild of his. "Coward!" he broadcasts, a sudden beam of red light shooting out from his wing-mounted heat rays and impacting on the field with a sudden flare of light, the beam staying continuing to stream out, intensifying in power as the MiG circles. Transmission from Fulcrum: Permission granted Fulcrum transmits a message via radio to Comcast. MiG-29 DepthCharge evades his Heat Ray attack. DepthCharge's optic visor as the forcefield drains away his energon, but he still has some time yet. Unless the Decepticons all open fire. He says to Songbird, "Well, when I lower this forcefield, will you be able to make a break for it? Can't you.. do that junkion thing you do to put yourself back together? I should be able to keep this thing up long enough to give you time to do it.." It is then that Fulcrum's heat beam knocks out his forcefield. Doh! But he still intends to give Songbird time to 'fixme' and then get out of here if she wants. Wheeling his electro-booster about dangerously, he tries to distract the Decepticons by unleashing a volley of rockets from his chest. Lets see who they hit. You evade DepthCharge's rocket-torpedo things. attack. Songbird blinks, and suddenly she seems to be posessed as she clings onto DepthCharge wildly. "No disassemble Number 5! Johnny 5 is alive!!!" she cries out in panic, clinging to him wildly, while reaching with her other hand for her pretty gun, aiming to fire a shot at the approaching Comcast. Songbird strikes you with Really Pretty Gun for 11 points of damage. Comcast dives well away from the missile barrage. The fact that the blue energy surrounding him and Songbird disappeared was kind of a giveaway that Depthcharge was about to strike back. He quickly radios a message, unaware of the abilities of the Junkion. He levels his rifle at Depthcharge again and shoots.. You transmit a message to Rampage: Get him away from that Junkheap, Rampage! She will be invaluable to my research! Rampage receives a radio transmission from Comcast. You strike DepthCharge, which is like shooting fish in a barrel. Rampage receives a radio transmission and quickly acts. Already as close to the pair as he could get while the forcefield was up, the Predacon forces his way between the beat up pair. Now wielding his thermosword, Rampage looks to the Autobot with a smile upon his visage and optics glowing crimson red, the hunter calmly states, "You're mine, Autobot." He then hefts his sword high above his head and swings down towards his prey with all the force his arms can muster. Rampage manages to strike DepthCharge with its thermo-sword. "GRAAH!" Fulcrum emits, as Rampage and Comcast obscure the PERFECT shot he had lined up on DepthCharge. "You're IN my WAY! IDIOTS!" Irritatedly, Fulcrum switches targets, his heat ray projectors humming dangerously. Junkions are reported to be notoriously hard to totally disable.. let's put that to the test.. You paged Rampage with 'well, he IS irritatingly noble. I was kinda hoping for him to be rammed away or something.'. MiG-29 misses Songbird with his Heat Ray attack. DepthCharge now has Songbird half clinging to him. Well, that's good. Means she will be easy to take care of, in such close proximity. Out of the corner of his optic visor he spies Rampage coming at him with a sword but, trying to juggle a junkion with one hand and a electro-booster with another, doesn't leave him with many options. So he allows the blade to slice into his shoulder with a muffled cry. He says, pushing Songbird away from him, into what he hopes is a free area "Now! Take to the air Junkion Songbird!" and DepthCharge whips a kick towards Rampage to try and dislodge the sword from his shoulder so he too can escape. DepthCharge misses Rampage with his kick attack. Songbird cries out while clinging to DepthCharge, muttering over and over "No disassemble Johnny Five, Number Five is alive!!!" and then as he struggles with Rampage, she's shifted just in time so Fulcrum's heat ray misses her. However, one can never be just lucky, and the wheel quickly turns as she is now tossed right at Comcast's feet. "Noooo!!!" she calls out in aggravatted agony. Not understanding how an alley could have tossed her towards an enemy she was warning him about, even if her Junkion speech may have put a hamper on his comprehension of her words. Finding herself like this before Comcast, she reaches for her pistol and immediately fires a shot at him. "BREAK ON THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE! STEP ASIDE TO THE OTHER SIDE!" You evade Songbird's Pistol attack. As the sword dislodges from the Autobot's shoulder, Rampage catches the kick coming for him. He quickly drops to a knee, under the swinging leg of Depthcharge. The Predacon then throws his own leg out in a sweeping motion towards Depthcharge, attempting to bring him down to the ground and regain the advantageous position. Rampage DepthCharge evades its leg sweep attack. "Pesky incoherant junk construct!" Comcast blurts out as he manages to knock Songbird's aim off just enough to get out of the way. He is getting annoyed with being continually hampered by this Autobot-offshoot and the foolish DepthCharge. He brings his hand back calmly saying "Try to run," and swings it back, hoping to knock the weapon from her hands. "Try to hide." Songbird evades your Seeker Pimp Slap attack. MiG-29 continues swearing as his allies are STILL ruining his shot. "Move! MOVE!" he broadcasts. Ah, what the scrap. He'll just shoot anyway. It's just too bad that his Heat Ray needs time to charge, or DepthCharge would be sooooo dead. MiG-29 DepthCharge evades his Jetwash attack. DepthCharge is getting pretty beat up here, he is staggering and his once fine, smooth Aquabot armour is all dented and ripped. At least he has that sword out of his shoulder, but that wound is starting to link energon at a rate he should be concerned about. But he cannot retreat whilst an alloy is still here, and she seems to be having trouble with Comcast. Staggering back and avoiding a leg sweep, the Aquabot concentrates and finds a little energy left in his reserves, which are pumped through his electrical generators and into his booster. As the booster splutters and powers up a stream of electrical energy flies at Comcast. DC - The Autobot who cared too much. Once the blast is unleashed, DepthCharge notices one of Fulcrum's cRaZy attacks impact mere meters away from him and he thinks . o O (I'm really getting too old for this type of thing.) You evade DepthCharge's snaking tendrils of electricity attack. Songbird struggles with Comcast to keep hold of her pistol, using momentarily only one hand as she tries to slap Comcast's hands away from her own pistol, crying out "No disassemble number five, I've gotta be free as a bird!" You evade Songbird's rolled up newspaper attack. Comcast is now getting REALLY frustrated about now. Fulcrum yelling at him when he's already away from Depthcharge. Not that it will stop Depthcharge from launching his electrical attack again. He falls down ducking the attack, trying to pin down the Junkion. Why can't she just pass out? His blade appears from subspace in his hand. "Just... FALL, will you!" he says, angrily stabbing her in her already damaged chest area. You strike Songbird with blade. Rampage sees the Autobot getting away as his leg sweep misses, albeit a slow staggering escape. The cunning warrior decides it's time to pin down the opponent and inflict some severe punishment. As such, he quickly transforms. As the tiger lands down, it hits the ground and immediately leaps towards the Autobot. As it pounces upon Depthcharge, the tiger attempts to dig into it prey with razor sharp claws, taking the Autobot down with it's momentum. Rampage leaps into the air, arms and legs compact towards his torso to form paws. His robot head disappearing and a fierce tiger's head replacing it. Landing down in stride, the tiger prepares for the hunt. Tiger DepthCharge evades its razor sharp claw attack. MiG-29 is targeting DC again when Rampage LEAPS between his crosshairs. "You... stupid... piece...of...." Fulcrum is incoherant with rage, and theeeeeese close to just opening fire on the Tigercon. But no, he couldn't do that. So he does the next best thing, searing a line of horrible burning doom right beside the Predacon. And DC of course. (no attack, but that would have come mighty close) DepthCharge watches his blast go wide. Still, not good enough. Everything he throws at Comcast misses. He half dives, half stumbles out of the tiger's deadly path and carefully watches between Rampage and Comcast as he gets back to his feet, weighing up which is more of an immediate concern. He then witnesses Comcast stab at Songbird. Well, not much of his energy reserves are left, but enough for some low yield blasts. He growls as he hurls ball lightning Comcast's way, "Leave her alone." DepthCharge strikes you with ball lightning for 5 points of damage. Songbird struggles wildly as Comcast pins her down, kicking and punching at him, her pistol by now dropped from her grasp. As he stabs her through her already damages chest she opens her mouth wide and lets out such a scream, that all around could definitely hear, not a regular scream, this one is most definitely a sonic attack...and it's aimed right by Comcast's audials, even as he's charged by DepthCharge. You evade Songbird's disruptor attack. Unfortunately, the lightning struck Comcast when the knife was withdrawn from Songbird.. it would have been great if some of it conducted into her. And the sonic attack was a bad plan.. Comcast's sensitively tuned ears means he was aware of the attack well before it was made, and has ample time to dodge it. The Red Seeker attempts to hold the annoying Junkion down by overpowering her. If only he had a hand free to cover her mouth. Comcast succeeds in grasping Songbird, throwing her off-balance. Tigerwas perfectly content on toying with his prey until a blast from the unfriendly skies. Momentarily distracted and in the rage of battle, the tiger emits a menacing growl towards the sky then unleashes a volley of rockets towards the seeker. It emits, "Ya beter not fire on me again or next time I'll aim." It then gets it's head back into the hunt, starting to again stalk it's prey. Rampage says, "No attacks" Well FINALLY! With Rampage out of the way, Fulcrum can unleash the true awesome doom power on his foolish doomed foe. Doom. With an audible crackle, twin red beams of metal-melting heat lance out, directly for the thrice-accursed DepthCharge. Fulcrum knows for a fact that the Aquabot has internal ballast tanks.. lets see that water BOIL MiG-29 manages to strike DepthCharge with his Heat Ray . You paged Songbird with 'So I can officially retreat with you in tow. Great.'. Comcast says, "Doom de-doom, Doom de-doom..." Rampage (Rampy) pages: Yeah, I knew that...I was gonna pose differently, but then he shot at me, so I had to change it...just didn't erase the very beginning of the original..thanks though Fulcrum says, "Quickly, Gir! Ride the pig!" You paged Rampage with 'I saw you do something like that before once.. must've been another typo. Nevah mind.'. Comcast says, "let's make Biscuits! LET'S MAKE BISCUITS!!" There are no unread postings on the Global Bulletin Board. DepthCharge continues to try and give Songbird the opportunity to flee, so that he can flee as well. Oh, how he wants to be back in Autobot City, in is secure repair bay. Probably the only thing that is keeping him going through the hurt and pain is the though that it will all be over soon. He sees Comcast wrestling with Songbird and starts to stagger over to kick Comcast in the teeth or something, but he is halted in his tracks by a searing painful heat. Sure, he was in pain before, but this is five times as bad. Little known fact. DepthCharge is designed for deep sea operation. As his systems are at their peak when in super cold environments. On the other hand, they function under very heavy stress when in extreme heat. As the heat engulfs him the Aquabot falls to his knees, crying out. Armour fractures and melts whilst the sound of popping capacitors within his form can be heard. As heat builds and builds, causing him to slump face first into the ground, one thought of escape rattles through his stressed core. Forcefield. Let's just hope he has the power to do it. Slowly, amongst the red haze, blue energy begins to swirl. It flickers and dies, before coming back to life again. This occurs about three times before eventually a very tiny, small forcefield surrounds DC's form, blocking off the heat wave. DepthCharge successfully activates a powerful protective forcefield, shielding him from the next attack. Songbird shrieks in panic when she's held firmly in Comcast's grasp, trying her best to flail against it weakly, slapping and punching and kicking, but with the toll of her injury and that not at all nice fall she took, she's not faring so well. "I want to break free! Set me free! Release me from your spell and let me go!!!!" "One way, or another, I'm gonna getcha," Comcast says as he smiles evilly at the thrashing Junkion. He carries the pinned Songbird up with him, far away from DepthCharges and their attacks that very seldomly might connect. "I will secure this one elsewhere, Fulcrum, enjoy your new weapon!" He says. Hey. He earned it. Songbird has left. Songbird strides into the room, rock music playing from her tape player. Taken. Comcast begins retreating, leaving himself vulnerable to parting shots from Tiger, DepthCharge, MiG-29 . Tiger doesn't notice as the forcefield goes up and wouldn't care anyway. It again leaps at the now slumped over Autobot, attempting to topple it's prey. Of course, the unknowing tiger bounces off the forcefield and lands in a heap a few meters from the Autobot, but it quickly springs up with a growl and resumes stalking Depthcharge. Tiger DepthCharge evades its puncture attack. MiG-29 transforms and drops from the sky, landing with a dull BOOM, scant feet from the fallen DepthCharge. There seems to be something odd about the blacksmith, something not quite right... oh, that's it... he's /smiling/. And it's not one of those smiles you get when you see a particularly cute kitten, or when the sun is shining and all is right with the world, oh no. It's a grin born of pure hatred and malice, the schadenfreude that comes from having a fallen enemy at your feet. "Once more, you have failed" he intones, "as you are forever fated to do. Your comrade our care now. But you, DepthCharge... you have other things to worrty about. For it is now time for your thefts from the Decepticon Empire..." A horrible looking sickle appears in Fulcrum's hand, the blade already smoking as he trudges around to DepthCharge's legs. "Now.. it is time to retreieve what has been stolen.." The MiG-29 twists around and folds in on itself with a grinding sound, transforming into the robotic form of Fulcrum. Fulcrum manages to strike DepthCharge with his Burning Sickle . DepthCharge's forcefield fades as Rampage probably effortlessly bats it down and he watches as Comcast begins to retreat with Songbird. No! He won't let that happen. He tries to find some small reserve left to use to power his weapon systems, something to stop Comcast. So engrossed is the Aquabot, he doesn't even notice Fulcrum until it is too late. Any chance of him firing at Comcast is halted as Fulcrum slices into him. He spits up at Fulcrum, letting out a cry of pain, "You are still a fool. And always will be a fool. The anti-grav generators may be from a seeker, but the seeker was not a Decepticon at the time of death.. " anything else DepthCharge has to say is cut off as the surgery continues and all he can manage is a gasp. But, at least the cutting open of his torso has freed his chest rocket launches. One final rocket erupts out of his chest and into the air, after the fleeing Comcast. One final gesture of hope that won't be enough. Once it disappears from sight, DC is then still to his fate. DepthCharge strikes you with rocket-torpedo things. for 9 points of damage. Comcast flies off.. eager to report back to base. Back on the ground, he see's Fulcrum enjoying his work. He is glad to see this. The Decepticons have won a glorious battle today, and the best is yet to come... Tiger watches as the seeker cuts into the pretty much helpless Autobot, but it squeezes off a final rocket. As the rocket drops down upon Comcast, the tiger is already in action. Too far away to attack in his current mode, the tiger leaps into the air, transforming to Rampage. The Predacon lands down with lightining rifle already full into it's charging cycle. Intent on putting the Autobot down for good this time, Rampage fires off a sustained lightining burst in the direction of Fulcrum and Depthcharge, obviously aiming for the Autobot, but possibly trying to return the favor of the close call earlier in the battle. The tiger quickly leaps upright, paws becoming arms and legs,head shifting atop the newly formed shoulders. Rampage lands down with sword in hand, ready for battle. Comcast is officially not here, he's just idley to catch all the scene. Rampage manages to strike DepthCharge with its 60,000 volt lightining. DepthCharge falls to the ground unconscious. Rampage has fulfilled the prime directive of detaining the prey and now walks to the motionless form of Depthcharge to collect it's reward. Again drawing forth his massive thermosword, he finishes the cut he started and hefts the arm of Depthcharge as a trophy for his ever-growing case. He turns to leave, then turns back, addressing Fulcrum, "I trust you can keep this one detained," the tiger pauses a minute for effect, "Seeing as though you've got a clear shot now." The Predacon is obviously not happy with the grazing it took during the battle. That said, it shoots off a radio communication, then heads for a secluded area to plan the next hunt. Transmission from Rampage: I'm gonna head for a rest cycle. If ya need my assistance when the Junkion wakes up, my communication lines will be open. Rampage transmits a message via radio. Rampage says, "Comcast didn't receive that in this room since he's not ICly here....good RP everyone.....I hafta jet...been up nearly 25 hours now and still hafta get to the post office before I get any sleep." Fulcrum isn't bothering with finesse, or any sort of subtlety as he carves the anti-gravs from DepthCharge's damaged frames with his now white-hot sickle. "So.. you got them from a traitor" Fulcrum drones, optics flashing white for a breif moment. "Then you deserve them less.. the technology is not even spoils of war, claimed in conquest.. but the product of traitorous deceit. How fitting. For I..ARRRG!" Fulcrum cries out as he suddenly leaps away from the suddenly electrically charged frame of his arch nemesis. Shooting Rampage a LOOK, Fulcrum bends down once more, this time taking a cable and linking his processor to DepthCharge's, speaking directly into his unconscious mind. "Know this, Autobot. No matter how you struggle, no matter how many inconsequential victories you may have, in the end it matters not. Your eventual fate is destruction at our hands. I leave you alive to relay the message to your comrades, giving them the oppurtunity to surrender, perhaps to escape total anihilation. This is your punishment, and your reward, for DARING to steal from the Empire." Fulcrum terminates the link... but before he straightens up, he removes one of the strange chips from DepthCharge's CPU, the source of the strange readings he detected in a previous battle. Fulcrum nods in satisfaction. "It is done" he states, slowly rising into the air and heading towards New Crystal City. Revenge is finally his! ================================= Decepticon ================================= Message: 2/34 Posted Author Success! Sat Sep 27 Comcast ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By STRAXUS! It's Starscream! How did he.. oh wait, it's Comcast, there was something wrong with the colour feed with the transmission console. The Red Seeker expertly corrects it. He is damaged, but is looking visibly pleased with himself. "My fellow Decepticons, I am pleased to announce that I have secured.. more research material than we could have hoped for. Fulcrum and myself went out to obtain footage of various Earth-American view-forms of entertainment from the likeaFOX Network, in New York City. This was in aid of my studies into Junkions and their potentially being susceptible to propoganda. We met Autobot interference in the form of DepthCharge, as well as a Junkion accomplice, who is apparently called Songbird. In addition to the footage we came for, Fulcrum, Myself, and Rampage, who arrived shortly after, successfully subdued the Junkion. I personally carried her to our Savanna outpost, where she is currently incarcerated. I felt that showing her the innards of Trypticon would be unwise, but Moonracer has already seen the Savanna base." The Red Seeker continues. "If DCI or anyone has a use for her as a captive.. possibly as bartering for the release of Arachnae, then I will relinquish her. However, for as long as she is in my care, I wish to conduct some research on her relevant to my.. project. Initial interrogation with her has been difficult, and I request the assistance of Rampage and others familiar with Earth-entertainment to aid in translation. "There is other news to report on the incident in New York, but I will allow Fulcrum to inform you. He's deserved it." The Red Seeker says this with a grim smile. "Soundwave, I have not yet had a chance to view the samples. Once I have, I will submit a full-report, as well as results from Songbird's viewing. Comcast out." The spinny is once again on your screen. ==============================================================================