Savanna The Sahara desert gives way to a vast transitional zone of grassy plains, plateaus, and mountains as the equator is approached and rainfall increases substantially, enough to gradually transform a desert into a rainforest. Far, far to the south, sprawling majestically along the horizon are the silhouettes of what can only be described as a jungle. Coming closer to the outskirts of this region, you can clearly define the lush vegetation and trademark canopy of a large, fertile rainforest. This mysterious, yet marvelously beautiful sight before you is strangely attractive. Contents: Secret Decepticon Base Blueshift Autobase Obvious exits: North leads to Sahara. South leads to Congo Basin. Blueshift Woo, Blue Carrying: Frickin' Toilet Comcast says, "You're carrying a 'Frickin toilet?'" Blueshift says, "Wow, so I am" From afar, Fulcrum (ful) only has disruptor and laser in MiG mode, but that is changing. Long distance to Fulcrum: Comcast should have gotten disruptor for F15 mode.. Blueshift says, "Oh yeah. That's cos when you were waiting to be approved you asked for a frickin' toilet. But because you were in chargen, you were in some strange uber dimension and so I could not teleport it to you" Comcast says, "Dare I ask?" Secret Angel Comcast Comcast laughs @ Blue BROADBAND Blueshift says, "At me not with me?" Secret Angel Comcast Comcast says, "Go on, tell Fulcrum. I can't believe you did that." Comcast says, "wouldja like to do a bit of IC'ing?" Comcast says, "since we's here and all." Blueshift was just about to idle actually. Back in an hour or so Blueshift's family is dropping by the house today Comcast says, "sweet as. I'm not going anywher for a while.. later, perhaps?" Blueshift says, "Sure" Blueshift says, "Make Fulcrum play with you in the meantime :)" Comcast says, "sweet. See ya here then." Comcast eeewwws. Comcast exits the sEcReT base, noticing a new guard has taken Runabout's place. "Who are you?" He asks this strange.. BLUE.. Decepticon. You paged Fulcrum with 'Hey, I looked at blueshift IC. He's carrying a "Frickin' Toilet". Remember how I said the Waiting room lacked a frickin toilet? He made one for me, but couldn't get it to me.'. Fulcrum (ful) pages: Ask him to take us for a magical adventure in Unicron. Last time we ended up somewhere mysteeeeeeerious Long distance to Fulcrum: Comcast will do just that in a second. Blueshift has a better idea... Blueshift vanishes out of reality. Blueshift has left. Wheelie has arrived. Wheelie waves You paged Blueshift with 'WHAT??'. I don't see that here. Blueshift (blue) pages: There :D Wheelie In front of you stands a small little Bot, You'll likely get to know him sooner than not! Orange and grey is his coloured theme, And a red badge marks the Autobot team! A little cap fits over his face, His grin shows things are all ace. Yes, this is Wheelie, he's here for fun, Or to make you scream in pain and run! You paged Blueshift with 'What? I can shoot wheelie?'. You paged Blueshift with 'Is this a bot?'. Blueshift (blue) pages: No, Wheelie is my alt :D Long distance to Fulcrum: Comcast is now faced with Wheelie... dear god. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) You paged Blueshift with 'Umm... am I allowed to kick the crap out of him? I mean, come on, it's Wheelie, for crying out loud!'. Fulcrum (ful) pages: Ooh! Is Chase there as well? Blueshift (blue) pages: Sure You paged Fulcrum with 'Nope. Who's chase? I think Blueshift is giving me some kind of offering.. Or something.'. Wheelie is wandering about the deserted plain, thinking his commanders quite insane. For no Decepticons would dare, to steal the Bot flag which is there Blueshift has arrived. Comcast notices the FILTHY Autobot approaching the base. Comcast has been deactive for a long time and doesn't know who Wheelie is. Comcast generally would rather talk down an opponent than resort to lethal violence. But Goddammit, this Autobot must DIE. He transforms and hurtles towards his orange opponent, lasers blasting. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he once again resembles an F-15 fighter jet. You strike Wheelie with laser. You paged Blueshift with 'Um.. isn't this illegal? You being here twice?'. Blueshift vanishes out of reality. Blueshift has left. From afar, Blueshift (blue) was set to follow Fulcrum, so when he went IC, I did. Bah Long distance to Fulcrum: Comcast thinks this is some sort of birthday present.. MiG-29 arrives from the Sahara to the north. MiG-29 has arrived. Comcast says, "dear god! KILLLL IT!!" Fulcrum says, "We should rebuild him into a Decepticon. Instead of rhyming, he can gangsta rap, yo." Comcast says, "He can get Soundwave to mutter in the background and call it techno." Wheelie turns as he is hit - by George that did hurt a bit. Turning he notes his foe, and in a move like Edgar Allan Poe, shouts aloud at the mech in the cloud: "You could have been nice, could have said hi, but instead today you will die". With that a blast out sonic shoots off, this should give Comcast more than a nasty cough! You evade Wheelie's sonics attack. Comcast says, "Umm. I guess it's Fulcrum's turn.." Fulcrum is just here OOCly to watch. :p Wheelie thinks Comcast should rap at me Fulcrum was very tempted to ap a rapping junkion that spoke mostly in Eminem lyrics. Boy, that'd piss people off. F-15 Jet does a bank and dive/his opponent shall not get out alive/he speeds towards this bot with haste/then suddenly transforms with a spinning kick to his face! The sounds of gears whirring and a jet engine dying down can be heard, as Comcast shifts his form into his natural state. You strike Wheelie with kick. Comcast was gonna do that anyways. You paged Fulcrum with 'Hey, a Haiku is like five-seven-five words, yeah?'. Fulcrum (ful) pages: Five seven five syllables You paged Fulcrum with 'Cool. Got one of my next attacks sorted out then.'. Our hero Wheelie, he's kicked back, Fighting skills this Con doesn't lack! Getting up, he shakes his head Eyes up his foe, on Energon he is fed How will this battle end? Wheelie really needs a friend Steel in optics he picks up a stone And get his slingshot out like a phone He swings it round and round about The power of this is to shout It may be crappy, may be shite, But the little stone can gain some height "I did warn you, Decepticon scum, Listen to this noise, the sound of this hum Soon you will be little more than toast And I will be celebrating more than most" Wheelie strikes you with Slingshot for 8 points of damage. Wheelie bows Comcast says, "Like a phone?" Wheelie says, "...yes..." Michael Briar has connected. Wheelie waves Wheelie says, "Want a repost, Briar? :D" Comcast says, "ooh yeah. He needs it." Michael Briar says, "Nah, just popping in for bb's, then off to work. :P" Wheelie says, "To make a line break, just type " Wheelie says, "Percent r" Wheelie sobs Michael Briar laughs, "That's good." Comcast says, "I know... This works though." Fulcrum says, "%r" Wheelie shoots Fulcrum Fulcrum's got the touch! Fulcrum's got the POWAH! The Seeker's chestplate's slightly dented Comcast screams out "You could've prevented your less than timely demise by this robot in disguise But you, my orange foe, have forced my hand You will fall down where you stand And when you realise up is your time We will all be spared your silly rhymes!" And with that irritated retort Our heroic seeker had to resort To a disruptor blast, you see Because this world needs one less Wheelie! Michael Briar oohs, "The hyperpowah?" You strike Wheelie with disruptor. Fulcrum says, "Raw powah, full powah, right in your face powah! Here we go! Here we go!" Michael Briar ahs, "Like Strafe's fast action, hard action, action hard and fast." :) Michael Briar says, "Well, that's all the bb's for me, tootles!" Michael Briar has disconnected. Comcast says, "see ya, Michael.. and you've gone." Comcast says, "this is like that rap battle scene in 8 Mile.. only with GIANT ROBOTS." Little Wheelie is blasted again By Comcast - the guy is insane Battle crazed, this Con must die But how - Wheelie can't even fly! Perhaps he could fashion a fake wing Take the fight to the sky, that sort of thing But then he feels a bit of a sap - That idea's fucking crap Fists a-flying, he leaps at the baddy, At this point, he has become quite maddy "I hate you, you'll pay, you see, No-one gets the better of me!" Wheelie strikes you with smash for 6 points of damage. Wheelie says, "There was a rap battle scene?" Fulcrum says, "Holy crap, Wheelie has smash?" Wheelie says, "" Wheelie says, "You could come in in iambic pentameter, Fulcrum" (New BB message (23/4) posted to 'Quotes Out Of Context' by Fulcrum: Willpower and concentration needed) =========================== Quotes Out Of Context ============================ Message: 23/4 Posted Author Willpower and concentration needed Sun Aug 31 Fulcrum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wheelie says, "You could come in in iambic pentameter, Fulcrum" ============================================================================== Fulcrum is tired, so BEAT HIM WITH STICKS if that's not strange OOC Wheelie pats "Wheelie, Wheelie on the ground, your threats, I'm afraid, are unsound And with my superior 'Con design The victor shall be ME! You'll find" and Comcast, comcast, in the sky, transforms again and flies so high, to dive again and ram this twit. And end this lame-ass rhyming shit. Comcast's arms move towards his back as his chest and wings shift themselves until he once again resembles an F-15 fighter jet. You strike Wheelie with ram. You take 8 points of damage from striking Wheelie. You paged Blueshift with 'You're not +allow-ing this, are you?'. Wheelie says, "Sorry, was just cooking lunch" Comcast says, "That didn't rhyme!!" Wheelie he's a hard-ass nut But as he's rammed, he's hurt and cut If only there was a spawn point he could camp Or he could take to the air if he had a RAMP Instead he transforms, to zoom away Running? Hah, that's for me to say Since he turns and shoots a mighty bolt Of energy at the Decepticon dolt Wheelie's arms fold down and legs flip up, Now look, he's a tech car like Kup! You evade Orange Tech Car's Disruptor attack. Wheelie says, "Goddamn" Blueshift (blue) pages: No, I honest to god suck F-15 Jet goes for a different form of poetry for this one... Laser blast to faceDie you stupid robotDie Die Die Die Die You strike Orange Tech Car with laser. Wheelie says, "Bwah" Comcast says, "Here's how it's supposed to sound. Laser blast to face Die you stupid robot Die Die Die Die Die" Is Wheelie invincible? Who goddamn knows But Comcast, that was a sucky pose Still, our orange friend, he revs up And finds a ramp! Hup hup hup! Orange Tech Car strikes you with ram for 14 points of damage. You are very conscious that your life is in serious danger in this battle. Wheelie says, "RAMP" Fulcrum says, "RAMP" Comcast says, "SHIT" Wheelie says, "We should ALL have third modes of RAMPS" Wheelie says, "Shit?" Comcast can't believe his life is in 'serious danger'. Can I just keep on attacking on the grounds that you're friggin' wheelie? Wheelie says, "No, you have to retreat" Wheelie WINS Fulcrum says, "RAMPALITY" Wheelie says, "Unless you want me to knock you unconscious and haul your ass off for rhyming torture!" Comcast retreats from the area swiftly, outdistancing all pursuit and parting shots. Wheelie says, "CHOOSE YOUR RAMP" Fulcrum says, "This victory has strengthened the soul of Wheelie. But the RAMP STILL BURNS" Comcast goes back to Fulcrum. You want a turn? It's fun! Fulcrum says, "To tired to rhyme." Comcast says, "Aah, just shoot the bastard." Wheelie turns to say out loud To what must be an invisible crowd: "There's a moral to this fable, don't you see A rhyming amature you can strive to be But show respect to poets, no attitude crass Or I'll turn up to 0wNz your ass" And from somewhere there's some mad phantom scratchin' yo. Comcast can't believe he lost to FUCKING WHEELIE. Wheelie noms Comcast. But not Fulcrum since he has no mad rhyming skillz Wheelie says, "Hee hee hee" You paged Wheelie with 'Can I ask? How far were you from coma-ing?'. Fulcrum ohnos! From afar, Wheelie (yay) had 45 end left Wheelie says, "From an IC perspective, he may be a rhyming ***er, but he did survive for all those years on Quintessa alone" Wheelie says, "Yes, Wheelie is hard" Wheelie says, "I mean, look at my character's quote!" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Wheelie -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Species: Transformer Faction: Autobot Function: SURVIVALIST Rank: Trooper/1 - Quote: "Only the fierce shall live." Note: Wheelie is the "wild boy" of Quintesson -- an Autobot-like youth lost when his ship went down, the only survivor of his party, staying alive by cunning and stealth and fearlessness. He speaks in odd, rhyming sentences, and despises the Quintessons and Sharkticons, who are his mortal enemies. He is a staunch friend to the Dinobots, who took to him immediately, and a reliable ally. He only fights when he's under attack and has to defend himself. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Comcast says, "I guess the line "and that's something you'll have to deal wif" didn't make it in?" Wheelie says, "Which.. fails to rhyme" Wheelie says, "Heh" Fulcrum says, "It's a deal. It's a steal. It's sale of the fucking century." Comcast is glad that Wheelie wasn't available to app for him then, y'know, to spoil shaming the absolute greatness that IS wheelie... Wheelie says, "Heh" Wheelie says, "'re all bitter about losing to Wheelie now, aren't you?" Fulcrum says, "Someone should app Powerglide." Wheelie says, "OH GOD NO" Comcast wouldn't mind so much if his recent history in combat wasn't so damn sucky. Fulcrum says, "He could hit on all the human women!" Wheelie always loses in combat generally Comcast wonders what's so wrong with Powerglide? Comcast will hit all humans, female or otherwise. Unless he feels like squishing them under his boot. Wheelie says, "And awaaaaaaaaaaay we go!" Comcast says, "Oh yeah... never mind" Wheelie says, "Did you ever watch "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide"?" Comcast says, "Like ten years ago, yeah." Wheelie says, "Cos if not, KEEP IT THAT WAY" Comcast says, "I remember the general idea, though." Wheelie shudders Wheelie says, "Go on, everyone app a shitty minibot along with me" Fulcrum says, "Can I app Chase?" Comcast bets you had to beat of the contenders with a STICK, now didn't you? Comcast says, "which one's effing chase?" Wheelie says, "Chase is not available" Wheelie says, "Nor Daytonus :'(" Wheelie would love to play Daytonus Comcast swears to god, he will start hitting someone if they don't tell him who chase and daytonus are. Fulcrum says, "Warpath it is then. POW!" Wheelie says, "" Wheelie says, "We have a warpath" Fulcrum says, "We do? Wow!"