Democrats Abroad
New Zealand) Inc.






About Us


Many expatriate Americans and overseas observers alike considered the 2000 presidential election a national disgrace, an embarrassment unworthy of a great democracy.  Unfortunately, it was only the beginning of a national nightmare that has eroded civil liberties, indentured future generations under a mountain of war debt and diminished international respect for America by calling her commitment to peace and justice into question.

With the 2004 general election approaching fast, the importance of overseas voters to the outcome – particularly in important swing-states – is becoming clearer.  By expressing our choice of presidential candidate, we have a chance to restore faith in American democracy this November.

If you’re an American citizen living in Aotearoa New Zealand, regardless how long it has been since you last lived in the U.S., you can and must vote!

This site explains why your participation is so vital to the political process and describes how you can obtain an absentee ballot that will allow you to cast your vote for the next president of the United States.



Voter Registration



Absentee Ballots



The Convention






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