Reports and Results
Mission Cross Country

April 24, 2004

Predictably Marilyn Brown and Craig Eustace will have their names engraved on the respective Novice Cups for 2004. This contest was run in conjunction with the interclub races at the Mission Estate course on Saturday. Nathan Clark-Little made Eustace desperately chase him for just over a lap, but once ahead, Eustace dominance stretched to a handy 47 second advantage by the finish.
In gorgeous autumn conditions, the three race programme attracted eighty competitors in various grades. Twelve year old N.Z. Surf Lifesaving champion Ben Gillies displayed his allround athletic talent by winning the opening 2km race. He cunningly trailed the leading Hastings pair through the forest section, before making a move that established a winning break. Nicky Powell was first girl home ahead of Rachel Town, who had an impressive harrier debut.
Hogan Green staged an awesome effort to demolish the opposition in the two lap second event. Likewise Andrea Williams, Ashley Aitken and Julia Trautvetter blissfully controlled their rivals in their respective grades. The most interesting contest came amongst the masters women. Sheila Smidt put the 'acid' on her opposition and opened up a 80 metre advantage by the half way stage. Sadly her form foundered on the next circuit and she was quickly despatched by Marilyn Brown and evergreen campaigner Cheryl Simpson.
In the final event, N.Z. representative Matt Holder recorded his fourth consecutive victory in the annual senior mens contest. His blistering 19.15 created a new record for the Mission Estate course. His winning margin was exaggerated, after second placed Richard Potts disappointingly withdrew during the closing stages of the contest. Daniel Wallis continues to impress and was rewarded with a third placing overall amongst illustrious company.
Maximum handicap points were gained by Daniel Smith, Hogan Green, Aleesha Heywood, Daniel Wallis, Shayna Heywood, Kane Green, Kevin Fisher and Sheila Smidt.
Race report courtesy of Trevor Fulton
Boys and Girls, 12 Years and Under - 2km
Place Athlete Grade Grade Place Club Clock Time H'cap Adj Time H'cap Place
1 Ben Gillies B12 1 NHC 07:59 00:00 07:59 2
2 Ryan Cuzens B12 2 HHU 08:09
3 Tom Biss B12 3 HHU 08:13
4 Michael Murray B12 4 HHU 08:34
5 Daniel Smith B12 5 NHC 08:42 01:00 07:42 1
6 Brendan Speakman B12 6 NHC 09:02 00:20 08:42 5
7 Mark Harris B12 7 NHC 09:14 01:00 08:14 3
8 Nicky Powell G12 1 HHU 09:27
9 Rachel Town G12 2 NHC 09:41 01:00 08:41 4
10 Nick Biss B12 8 HHU 09:41
11 Amie Boyle G12 3 HHU 09:58
12 James Harris B12 9 NHC 10:06 01:20 08:46 6
13 Dylan Cuzens B12 10 HHU 10:33
14 Abbey Green G12 4 NHC 10:33 01:20 09:13 7
15 Grace Oliver G12 5 11:23
16 Hamish Trautvetter B12 11 HHU 11:30

Boys 15 years and under, Girls 15/17/19 years and under, Senior and Masters Women - 4km

Place Athlete Grade Grade Place Club Clock Time H'cap Adj Time H'cap Place
1 Hogan Green B15 1 NHC 14:55 00:30 14:25 1
2 James Holden B15 5 HHU 15:41
3 David Morton B15 6 HHU 15:47
4 Luke Aitken B15 7 NBHS 16:27
5 Eric Speakman B15 3 NHC 16:35 00:50 15:45 3
6 Bronson Meehan B15 8 NBHS 16:36
7 Andre Smith B15 2 NHC 17:06 02:00 15:06 2
8 Ameron Poole-Smith B15 9 NBHS 17:16
9 Nick Mockford B15 10 NBHS 17:17
10 Ashley Aitken G17 4 NHC 17:17 00:00 17:17 6
11 Laura Smidt G17 2 NHC 17:26 00:15 17:11 4
12 Ben Biss B15 11 HHU 17:28
13 Trevor Kapoor B15 12 NBHS 17:35
14 Sonja Grant G17 5 HHU 17:57
15 Andrea Williams SW 2 HHU 18:10
16 Julia Trauvetter G15 3 HHU 18:24
17 Katie Harris G15 2 NHC 18:59 02:00 16:59 2
18 Danielle Bryant G17 3 NHC 19:14 02:00 17:14 7
19 Laura Mohi G15 4 HHU 19:42
20 Sarah Morton G17 6 HHU 19:49
21 Marilyn Brown MW 2 NHC 19:52 03:10 16:42 2
22 Cheryl Simpson MW 4 NHC 20:06 03:00 17:06 4=
23 Lutz Engels B15 4 NHC 20:25 03:00 17:25 4
24 Lisa Blakey SW 3 HHU 20:26
25 Shayna Heywood G17 1 NHC 20:36 03:30 17:06 4=
26 Sheila Smidt MW 1 NHC 20:40 04:00 16:40 1
27 Melissa Jacobs G15 5 HHU 21:23
28 Aleesha Heywood G15 1 NHC 21:34 06:00 15:34 1
29 Adele Marsh MW 6 NHC 21:45 03:20 18:25 10
30 Sacha Murray G15 6 HHU 21:48
31 Marion Sherburn MW 3 NHC 21:59 05:00 16:59 3
32 Bronwyn Farquharson MW 7 NHC 22:27 04:00 18:27 11
33 Rebecca Young MW 5 NHC 23:31 06:00 17:31 9
34 Gina Finlayson SW 1 NHC 24:30 06:00 18:30 12
35 Alex Laird G15 7 HHU 27:32

Boys 17/19 years and under, Senior and Masters Men - 6km

Place Athlete Grade Grade Place Club Clock Time H'cap Adj Time H'cap Place
1 Mathew Holder SM 1 HHU 19:17
2 Neville Smith SM 2 HHU 21:01
3 Daniel Wallis B17 1 NHC 21:10 00:00 21:10 1
4 Josh Barber SM 3 HHU 21:17
5 Stefan Smith B17 2 NHC 21:55 00:00 21:55 4
6 Craig Mathers SM 4 NHC 22:07 00:20 21:47 8
7 Kevin Fisher SM 5 NHC 22:12 01:30 20:42 1
8 Stephen Smith B17 3 NHC 22:17 01:00 21:17 2
9 Shane McCormack MM 1 NHC 23:01 01:40 21:21 5
10 Daryll Strachan MM 2 NHC 23:18 02:20 20:58 2
11 Brent Jones SM 6 NHC 23:19 01:40 21:39 7
12 Craig Eustace SM 7 NHC 24:04 03:00 21:04 3
13 Rory Diver B17 4 NHC 24:14 02:30 21:44 3
14 Trevor Fulton MM 3 NHC 24:26 03:10 21:16 4
15 Mark Speakman SM 8 NHC 24:41 02:10 22:31 10
16 Nathan Clark-Little SM 9 NHC 24:51 03:30 21:21 6
17 Caleb Milne B17 5 NHC 25:19 02:40 22:39 5
18 Dan Haddock MM 4 HHU 25:22
19 Mark Walwyn MM 5 HHU 25:34
20 Alan Heywood MM 6 NHC 25:42 03:30 22:12 9
21 Geoff Martin MM 7 HHU 25:56
22 John Craven MM 8 NHC 26:10 03:30 22:40 11
23 Campbell Lowe B17 6 NBHS 26:11
24 Kane Green B19 1 NHC 27:03 02:10 24:53 6
25 John Moriarty MM 9 HHU 27:11
26 Alister Howard SM 10 HHU 27:56
27 Mike Trautvetter MM 10 HHU 28:15
28 Kerry Harford MM 11 HHU 28:38
29 Dan Hooper SM 11 NHC 28:55 03:30 25:25 12
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