Updated on 17/07/2008


08/07 - Vipers go down against the Savages

The I was not here for this, the report was that the Savages won the game on the back of some wonderful goalie work.   A huge 30+ shots against him and he only allowed 3 goals through.  I tough break for the Vipers, who were sitting in seconds place of the league until this match.  Rumour has it though, Mark may be back in the line up for the next game.

 08/07 - Vipers go down against the mighty Red

The Reds turned up late and for two periods of no subs, but that did not stop them from overcoming the Vipers.  The Vipers owned the first period,  pulling up a two goal lead and looking like the would dominate the rest of the game.  However, the Reds fought back, with speed, energy and a solid game plan.  The utilised the defend hard and counter attack fast to put themselves ahead 4-2 by the end of the second.  The Vipers tried to pull it back, but the Reds defence stood strong.  The Vipers struggled against the speed of the reds, with the Reds dominating the third period.  The Vipers going down 6-2.


02/07 - Vipers overcome the top the league team.

The Vipers took on there old foe the Tigers.  History was not on the Vipers sides, as the last three time s the teams have met, the Tigers have walked away with the win.  However the Vipers were positive this was their time.   Heading out on the ice and straight away the Vipers noticed that the Tigers had pulled in a couple of players from the senior B teams to help out.  However they did not.  It was basically one way traffic for the whole game, with the Vipers dominating each period.  Some great work from the first line getting the scoring underway.   This was backed up with some absolute solid defence, which helped out Anton on the rebounds but also proved their worth on attack.  However the stars of the show were the third line, going out and showing how a checking line works.  Taking on the best the Tigers had to offer and shutting them down, not only that, but also turning it into an attacking opportunity.   This was all backed up with solid play from the second line, which managed to get a out a goal on the board and also pull of some great plays, which kept the Tigers guessing.  The end score was 5-0 to the Vipers, with Anton bagging yet another shout out this season.  He is really gunning for the Goalie of the year award!   Overall this was a real team effort, with all the whole team working together to get the win.   One of the best games the Vipers have played all season.


26/06 - Website Back in Action

So finally the website us back up and running after some time off.  Halfway through the season, and the Vipers are looking good.  The league is definitely tougher now, with the Reds gaining some new blood, and the Tigers hiring a hit man of hockey to help them win.

The Vipers have also been out on the market and able to pick up a couple of new players to replace a few people who have moved on within the team.

So the next game is against the Tigers.  It will be a hard fought battle against our arch nemesis.  We have not managed to defeat them this year, however we have come very close.




**Please note all articles above are the personal opinion of the** Webmaster and not of the Viper Management.  If you have any questions, please e-mail the address below.


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