This site is maintained by Jo ([email protected]). Please ask before ripping me off. Cheers.
Oh, and... "The X-Files"TM and copyright Fox and all it's related companies. All right's reserved. Any reproduction, duplication and distribtution in any form is expressly prohibited. This site, it's operator, and any content contained on this site relating to "The X-Files" is not authorised by Fox.
last updated: March 16 2002
Saturday March 22nd
email me               guestbook               older news                 links
Hiya people!

++ My apologies for such slack updating. Life takes over, y'know?

++ If anyone has sent me an email in the last month or so, it might pay to send it again, only to a new email address - [email protected]. I checked my old account recently and discovered 410 junk emails. Not a good sign.

++ Unfortunately, given the demise of TXF on TV, most of the really good XF websites have now disappeared into oblivion. Sad, but true. So news is in pretty short supply I'm afraid!

++ Thankfully season 9 is still up and running on TV2, although I know most of you would love to beat TV2 up in a dark alley somewhere, given their lack of support for TXF. However, 'Audrey Pauley' was on last night which I personally rather enjoyed. Feel free to post your comments on the guestbook, I see some of you have gotten into the swing of things again. ;)

++ 'Armageddon' (general geek-fest) is on again this year up in Auckland on April 12th - 14th. Check out for details. There's always X-Files stuff at this thing (last year there was a bunch of Autographed glossy photos, including David, Gillian, Annabeth and Robert. Neat!) Also there's a bunch of celebs making an appearance (no XF ones I'm afraid) although Kenny Baker - aka R2D2! - will be there.
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