This blog is about our adventures while living in China.
August 22 Adventure

After a couple of days of feeling a bit peaked, (I think the travel and new food, etc., caught up with us) Hannah and I finally got out of our pajamas and decided to try out the subway system and try and find the Chinese WalMart.  After successfully navigating the fairly-easy-to-use, if you don't mind climbing up and down loads of stairs, subway, we emerged at the Zhichunlu station in search of one of the many Chinese WalMart stores.  We had heard it was nearby, and it sure was.  There were signs in the subway station, no less, leading us directly there.  And so voila, there we were -- and it was just like being at home!  The supercenter is 3 stories of everything you would expect in a WalMart.  And yes, it is all Made in China!  The grocery section is always the most interesting.  We snapped a few pictures of some of the foods on display in the seafood section, meat section, and what appears like a deli.  You can see them on the slideshow.  We'll try for photos of the pig and chicken feet next time as we started getting some unhappy responses after the few that we took today.

After browsing the disgusting stuff, we were then very pleased to find in the "imported" section some Hunt's spaghetti sauce and spaghetti noodles!  We brought them home to cook for dinner!  Then we found some microwave popcorn, which was also very exciting, although we just ate some and it doesn't quite taste like home.  The biggest news was finding a small section of DVDs in English -- so we bought a Harry Potter film (The Chamber of Secrets) for $3 and decided to try it out.  Needless to say, Hannah is in heaven right now watching Harry, Hermione and Ron as we have seen nothing but Chinese television for 2 weeks!  We have to admit though that Chinese television is VERY interesting.  We can't understand much, but they have a lot of talent-show-like programs with a lot of amazing acrobatics.  We have also enjoyed some of the Chinese game shows.  But, there's nothing like watching something from home every now and then!  And for $3, you can't beat it.  Anyone need some DVDs?

Also on the slide show you will find a few photos of some typical Chinese scenes -- men playing Chinese chess along the street, street corner bicycle repairs (which are everywhere), and a dish of seaweed we attempted to eat at the noodle shopt last night.  Enjoy!

Next, it's off to the zoo.  We should have photos of pandas for you soon!

2007-08-22 09:41:08 GMT
Comments (2 total)
Saw the slideshow and made comments. In a nutshell...disgusting! How cool that Walmart is so close by - they're everywhere, aren't they? Hey, if you come across My Big Fat Greek Wedding, I'll take it for $3!

Hannah - I know you're missed in the Norman classes and everyone will be anxious for you to get back, but enjoy the experience!
--Mary Beth
<mailto:[email protected]>
2007-08-22 17:57:38 GMT
Thanks for all the updates! Very interesting! Love the pictures!!!
2007-08-22 19:55:30 GMT

Our Chinese Adventure
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