This blog is about our adventures while living in China.
Beijing -- It's Just Like Home

Well, we hate to admit it, but...yes, we have been visiting all the American restaurants we can find in Beijing!  We haven't been to the T.G.I.Friday's or the Baskin Robbins yet, but we will go at some point.  We just can't help it -- it's fun to see if these very American food places are just as American in Beijing.  While we aren't making a habit of ingesting loads of American junk food while in China, just like we don't at home, we are happy to report that McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, Subway and Dairy Queen are all just as American here as they are there -- save for the few Chinese twists they each throw in.  So, if you ever find yourself in Beijing and have a hankering for home, you won't have to go far.  Just get ready for the massive crowds and pushy people because the Chinese love American junk food too!  And they are starting to show it around their middles, just like we do!

Until next time, once again, zai jian.

2007-08-26 11:05:41 GMT
Comments (1 total)
I worked at a Dairy Queen for 6 years when I lived in Indiana (high school and college summers) and I miss it terribly! Can't believe you can get it in China but I can't find one in Oklahoma! Please have a chocolate dipped cone for me!
--Mary Beth
2007-08-29 17:00:26 GMT

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