This blog is about our adventures while living in China.
Pat has Arrived!

After 2 1/2 week s of waiting, Pat has finally arrived in Beijing!  We found him wandering aimlessly at the aiport Sunday night, looking a bit haggard after his 24 hour journey.  No, just kidding -- he really wasn't wandering aimlessly, but he did look a bit tired (and in need of a shave!).  So, we stood in the taxi line for about 30 minutes (half of Beijing arrived home the same time Pat did!) and then made our way home where Hannah talked our heads off telling Pat everything he needed to know about China.  Monday morning we took Pat out and about to see his neighborhood.  We introduced him to the nearest market and shops, bought him a bicycle (a must have for everyone in China), then took him to lunch before allowing him a bit of rest time this afternoon.  It took Hannah and me nearly a week before we felt comfortable with the time zone, so I am sure Pat will have some adjustments to make over the next few days.

Well, that's all for today.  We'll be sending more reports soon.  Until then, love from us all!

2007-08-27 11:16:11 GMT

Our Chinese Adventure
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