This blog is about our adventures while living in China.
The Storm Before the Calm Before the Storm
Well, we didn't escape the rain this week.  Massive downpours on Monday wreaked much havoc and forced us to procure, while drenchingly wet,  funny looking ponchos that are made especially for wearing while bike riding.  They work really well, but Pat looks pretty funny in his duck colored plastic cover, don't you think?  (hee, hee -- poor Pat!)  So, now we are not only riding bikes in crazy Beijing traffic, but riding bikes in the pouring down, wind-driven, street-flooding, probably acid, rain!  After two days of heavy precipitation, the storm clouds cleared away and we had the most amazingly beautiful weather today.  Truly, it was the clearest and fairest weather I have seen in my 6 weeks here.  But, it won't last for long.  In case you haven't heard, Super Typhoon Wipha is heading this way having displaced more than 2 million people in and around Shanghai.  We won't get the massive rain and winds they had on the coast, but we'll have rain -- and having rain in Beijing is enough to make you cry.  So, wish us luck!  And here's to hoping that your weather is as terrific as ours was today, or at least better than ours will be tomorrow.  Dai huir jian!
2007-09-19 14:02:05 GMT
Comments (1 total)
I wondered if the rain was affecting you guys and I can see that it is! Just think - when you come back here it'll probably be nice and COLD!!!! Love the rain gear and it looks like Pat could give Donald (duck) a run for his money! Stay dry if you can!
--Mary Beth
2007-09-21 17:32:03 GMT

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