This blog is about our adventures while living in China.
Night Visit to the Old Summer Palace

Not too far from our house in Wu Dao Kou is the Old Summer Palace, which was replaced a few hundred years ago during the Qing dynasty with the present Summer Palace we visited weeks ago.  The Old Summer Palace is now mainly ruins, with lots of green pastures and small hills to climb -- but at this time of year it becomes a place for lighted displays and visitors trek there mainly at night to see the sites.  You can see in the slide show below the beautiful lights.  All the displays are made of colorful silk -- and most of them move and even spray water.  Enjoy!

We have much travel coming up, so will have a lot to share with you soon.  We will go to Xian this weekend to see the terra-cotta solders.  We are all looking forward to that very much.  Then we go to Hong Kong and Singapore in early to mid-November before spending our last few weeks in Beijing.  Then it's off to Tokyo and home!  We still have a few places to visit in Beijing before leaving, so we will report on all of these excursions and our last days in Beijing soon!

2007-10-22 05:04:45 GMT
Comments (1 total)
What a great adventure! We miss you guys, though. Hannah looks so grown up.
--Traci Carte
2007-10-25 02:57:25 GMT

Our Chinese Adventure
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