Dragon Island. Yann city. A house that we've never visited before. In the living room, a lonely dragon is watching TV. He is James Elias the famous Deep Rocker guitarist. One of those characters that people think he never talks, never laughs, never loves. But tonight he was feeling... different. He didn't even know how he was feeling. Since the day he met that dragoness he... he kinda lost it.
          It all started about three months ago when he accidentally bumped on Meesha. The most beautiful dragon he'd ever seen. They were even the same species! At first Meesha was thrilled! A Deep Rocker! In love with her! A commoner! But as days went by she realised she was in love with his fame, not him self so she broke up with him and started dating a dragon she knew she loved.
          The phone distracted his thoughts. It was a friend of his "Yo... I have bad news" "Cut the intro! Just shoot!" "It's Meesha" At the sound of that name James jumped from his seat. "She... got married!" Meesha? Married? What happened? He felt the ground disappearing under his feet. "James...?" "I'm going there!" "No James, wait! Don't do anything stupid!  You'll get hurt trust me!" But he got no answer. James was already flying his way to Pash City. It was far away but he would do anything to win her back
          Pash city. A newly married couple was enjoying each other in a small cafe. "Meesha" She turned back and saw a familiar Common dragon approaching her. He looked so tired! His face had a weird expression. She'd never seen him like that before, it scared her. Meesha's husband was surprised at the sight of him. "Err... isn't he a Deep Rocker?" "Why did you marry him Meesha? I thought you loved me!" "I never loved you! You're the one who had a crush on me!" The husband lost it "A Deep Rocker? In love with you?" But no one was paying attention to him "What more does he have that I don't?" "He's handsome" "Aren't I?" ok that wasn't a good excuse "He's more handsome!" Meesha started poking him» And that's not all! I hate your character, I hate your outfit, I hate your manners, I hate... I HATE YOU!"  At the last poke, James fell on the ground. "So don't come near me ever again!"  She turned her back at him and headed towards her surprised husband. "I don't think it's a good time to ask for an autograph..." "Unless you want him to eat you alive!" She was being sarcastic. James tried to get back on his feet. Life had no meaning anymore... Out of the blue, a bunch of reporters run towards him "Mr Elias, any comments?" He tried to avoid them but it was no use "Leave me alone, please" "Was she your lover?" "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!" He started breathing fire to the panicked reporters who struggled to find a secure place to hide.
           Back to Yann city to another house we've never visited before. In the dark bedroom, two dragons, different species but deeply in love were bonding with each other. Pik and Kia, both Deep Rockers had been in love with each other for a long time but none had the guts to tell how they felt. Until Ace Jackson decided to mess about and he brought them together. Now they were enjoying each other every day and almost every night.
          The TV was on but of course no one was paying attention to it. : And now something form show business. The famous Deep Rocker James Elias also known as Player was rejected today by the girl he loved when..." At the sound of that name, Pik stopped everything he was doing "Did he say Player?" "Pik don't stop" Kia pulled him down but he resisted "Wait! They're talking about Player!" "What happened?" That's when they heard the yell that changed James' life "I HATE YOU!!" "Oh no... Poor guy..." Kia was feeling sorry for him. So was Pik. No more sex for tonight...
          Next day at the studio, the Deep Rockers were rehearsing for the concert which would take place in four months. But something was wrong. James wasn't himself today. He kept doing all those terrible mistakes and during break time, he just sat at the window, staring nothing!
Ace decided to go talk to him. "Player, what's wrong? You keep doing all those mistakes..." "I... don't feel so good today..." Ace was surprised! Every time James was sick, he would bear it and keep playing, but not today...  "What's wrong?" "I wanna
go home..." "Ok... no problem!"
He turned to the others! "Guys! We're done for today!" Pik started jumping up and down "Yay! Let's go fu.. Err... home1"Looks like Pik and Kia already made plans for the night. Ace run after Pik before he left. "Pik! Do you know what's wrong with Player?" "He's in love, she got married!" "Player? In love?" That was something new for him. Player never loved... anyone!
           After leaving the studio, James headed off for a deserted cliff. He needed to be alone. He needed to get away from everything and everyone. As he sat there thinking of only one person, he heard a faint voice calling him «JAMES..." He looked in the sky and saw a cloud looking just like Meesha. "You're not real! You hear me? You're not real!!" James had no control over himself. He flew with the greatest speed he could reach against the cloud and broke threw it. "I guess this is love! This is sick! I hate it!" He wanted to get away from her, get away from his feelings... so he broke the most important dragon rule: NEVER LEAVE THE ISLAND

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Something more familiar with everyone: The human world. A zookeeper was sitting with his 11-year old daughter. Business wasn't going well. The zoo need something that would make people WANT to pay to see it. They recently bought a white tiger but that wasn't enough. They needed something... more. Suddenly, David, the zookeeper's best friend (and helper with the zoo) came running "Roy! Roy!" "What's the matter? As if you've seen a ghost!" "Pretty close! You gotta see this!" He grabbed Roy by the arm and started pulling him. "Ok Ok I'm coming! Christina stay here" He followed David into the woods. "Well?" "Look there!" He turned to the direction David was pointing at and he saw it. Up on the tree sleeping was the strangest creature he had ever seen! It had green color, a horn, wings, and tail with a triangle... "IT'S A DRAGON!!" David yelled! "Don't be stupid" answered Roy "Dragons don't exist!" 'Tell him that!" Roy didn't answer. He was looking at the wonderful creature thinking out loud "Interesting creature. That's exactly what our zoo needs!" He noticed that David didn’t answer. "Well?" "But it's a dragon! What if it eats us?" It was clear that David was terrified at the thought of approaching that thing. Come to think of it, he too was kinda scared. «Ok here's what we'll do: You'll distract him while I throw the net" "Why me??" "Just go!" Roy gave David a push and so the poor guy was left alone to face the Monster of Monsters. "Err... HEY DRAGON!" James woke up. Who dared to disturb his sleep? He looked at the person screaming and... Err... what was that?? He'd never seen such a creature before! But before he said or did anything, he heard a bang and immediately a net covered him. It felt heavy and made him fall from the tree to the ground. "Got him!" Roy exclaimed but out of the blue, he saw a bluish glow coming from the dragon as it changed size and transformed into a 10m long monster. David was petrified. What happened? What was that? "He must have some kind of magic" Roy said. The dragon breathed fire towards them but Roy was fast enough and pushed David out of the way. In seconds, he pulled his tranquilizer and shot the dragon on the neck. The drug was very powerful. The dragon immediately fell on the ground. As soon as he lost his senses, he turned back to human size


* * * * *


As soon as she heard her father's truck arriving, Christina quit her toys and run outside. Half an hour ago, he called her saying that he just caught the most amazing creature and she was curious to see it. "Where is it?" She yelled "Over there" she run to the cage her father was pointing at "Wow! What's that?" "That, Christina is a Dragon!" answered David. The dragon was awake but not moving. He was just sitting in the dark corner, not doing anything. Then in one slight movement, she noticed a small "detail". "Daddy... its wearing clothes..?" She was confused... an animal... with clothes? How come? "It's still a dragon" Roy answered. "You better not get this close... He's a meat -eater"
          During lunch, Christina couldn't stop thinking about the dragon. It was an animal... with clothes... was it like the rest of the animals? Was it like a human? Could it think like a human? She decided to go and see him after lunch.
          And she did. The dragon was still in the corner but it was sleeping. "Poor thing..."  He opened his eyes "You must be miserable in there..." She still didn't finish her phrase when the dragon attacked her! Thankfully the bars were protecting her. He reached his arm to slash her. Christina backed up. The dragon was still roaring at her. "I... I don't believe you  wanna hurt me..." She reached her arm towards him. He stopped roaring but he was still showing his teeth at her. "You're just scared... aren't you?" Her hand touched his face. As soon as he felt the child's warm hand on his face he calmed down. He realised she didn't want to hurt him. His skin felt rough for her. She'd never touched anything with scales before. "Wow. You're beautiful" "CHRISTINA!!" It was her father. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the dragon. "I told you to stay away! It’s dangerous!" As soon as James saw Roy pulling the little girl by the arm, he started roaring this time to Roy "Oh shut up!" This made him even more furious!
          The next day, the zoo was full of visitors who came over to see the dragon. James was used to crowds but they usually came to see him with the rest of the Deep Rockers performing. And, besides, these creatures were no fans! They were talking about how weird he looked, how wild he was, how he would tear them apart if he was loose! A kid threw a stone and hit him on the face. That was the last drop. He started roaring as he reached for the boy. The boy run away screaming. The other people watched "Whoa! That thing is a monster! It'd eat us alive if it was loose!" "That kid was throwing stones!" Christina said "He'd had enough!" Christina couldn't stand watching animals being mistreated and misunderstood. Especially not this one. Despite the fact that he nearly bit her arm off the day before, she grew affection to him and didn't want him to get hurt.
          That night, David and Roy were talking about the dragon. Christina was pretending to be watching TV but in fact she was listening to them. "He just won't eat what we give him" Said David "If this keeps up, he'll die of hunger" Die? No I mustn't let this happen, Christina thought. I have to do something!
          Later that night, James was walking up on down in his cage. He was trying to figure out a way to escape from this situation. He tried breaking the bars, he tried burning them, he even crashed on them but they just wouldn't bend! Desperate, he sat in "his" corner and held his head "Meehsa... this is all your fault!" Suddenly, he heart the gate open . It was the little girl. She was holding something in her arm. "Dragon...Are you awake?" James stepped into the light. Only then did she realise how big he was! For a moment she thought of running away, but she changed her mind. "I... I brought you some food..." She was holding a bag full with food. James tried to approach but something stopped him. Christina looked at his leg. A chain was tied around it. It was giving him a hard time walking. "They chained you? Why?" Then she remembered that her father saw him attacking that boy earlier in the morning. That was unfair. The boy was throwing stones! "Will you let me approach? I have the key..." James sat down. He wanted to show her that he meant no harm for her. With small and hesitated steps, she approached him and unlocked the chain while he was eating his dinner. Christina looked at him "You're not so dangerous, are you?" She was just one meter away from him but he didn't hurt her. She sat and watched him eat. "Big teeth you have, huh?" He didn't answer. He just kept on eating. She touched his tail. James was watching her with the corner of his eye. He didn't mind her touching him. In fact, no one's ever touched him before... not even Meesha. He liked it. As soon as he saw her hand approaching the sting, he grabbed his tail away from her. "Huh? What is it?"  She saw liquid drops falling from the sting. "Is that poison? Wow!" "I have to go now dragon... If my father sees me here he'll start screaming!" She pets him for goodnight. She pet him as if she was petting her puppy, but still he liked it. It was the first time he was feeling anyone's touch...
          Days went by and James was still in the cage. Christina was visiting occasionally. She was talking to him about insignificant things but, surprised, he found him self paying attention to her. Christina loved him... and he was "afraid" he might start caring for her. Maybe he already has... At nights he was thinking of the Deep Rockers. Were they searching for him? Alan is sure screaming now... If only he was there he was give him a strong bite on the tail. For some unknown reason, he loved biting his tail. Poor guy is surely having nightmares!
          It was a cold and rainy night. James was sitting in "his" corner. He lit a small fire but the water was coming in from the bars and was having a hard time keeping it on. He was so cold... and lonely... he never thought he'd feel lonely. He always liked being alone, away from everyone... but this was too much! "Dragon..." The voice startled him. It was Christina. He didn't hear her coming in. She was soaking wet. She was holding a blanket. "I was waiting for the others to go to sleep... I brought you a blanket..."
He took it and wrapped it around his body. It wasn't enough for his wings but that was the last thing he was worried about. He noticed that Christina was shaking. She was cold too. He moved aside a bit as if asking her to sit by him. She got the message. As soon as she sat, he wrapped half the blanket around her. She cuddled close to him feeling as warm and safe as ever "I love you dragon..." James felt a tingle in his heart. He loved her too... He loved her more than anything he has ever loved before. More than Meesha... He cared for her... he didn't want her to get hurt. He hugged her close to him and she fell asleep in his arms. Outside the storm was building up. But inside that cage, a child's love made the unfriendliness environment look like heaven...just for one night



* * * * *


"CHRISTINA!" That yell woke James up. What was going on? He got up slowly trying not to wake the little girl. He looked outside the bars "CHRISTINA!" It was her father. He was searching for her. "What's going on?" Christina woke up. "CHRISTINA WHERE ARE YOU?" "Oh no! Daddy! He's looking for me!" She hurried outside the cage and run towards the house. As soon as her father saw her he hugged her "Christina... where have you been?" "I was just walking around..." "Don't you ever do this to me again! »: I’m sorry" He noticed that she was sad "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to shout to you... It's just that... you're all I've got! I don't wanna lose you!" "I understand..." "Good girl! Now go inside"
James noticed that in her hurry, Christina forgot to lock the gate. This was his chance. He waited for Christina and her father to get inside the house and then he approached the gate and gave it a push. It opened! Looking around carefully, he stepped outside the cage "Hey! The dragon is loose!" It was David. Roy heart David's scream and grabbed his gun. "Daddy wait! Don't kill him! He's not dangerous!"  But Roy wasn't listening to her. He looked outside the window and saw the dragon flying away. He raised his gun and aimed at the wing.
          "Finally! I'm going home!" James thought. But suddenly, he felt a sharp pain on his wing bone followed by a faint bang. He couldn't flap anymore. He roared and crashed on the ground. Christina run outside the house. She saw the dragon trying to get up. He had a huge wound on his right wing and several smaller ones all over his body...probably from his fall. "No..." She thought "This is not happening... the dragon... My dragon... he needs help!" She looked at her father. He was aiming at him with his gun. "You're not going anywhere dragon! If I can't have you, the no one will!!" James took a deep breath. Roy realised that he was about to breathe fire and without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger. James roared and fell on the ground. He made a desperate attemt to get up, but he failed. "NOOOO" Christina run to him "Dragon... Please wake up..." She pet him on the face but he didn't move. She hugged him and started crying. The dragon... HER dragon... was dying... "Christina! Get away from him!" Her father warned her. But she didn't move. She just sat there hugging the dragon and crying. "I SAID GET AWAY FROM HIM!" "NO!! Can't you see he's dying?" she yelled "You bring him here against his will, you humiliate him, you call him a monster and then you shoot him! Who's the monster now?"
James opened his eyes. The pain was so sharp! He could feel him self dying. He felt someone touching him on the face. Without knowing who it was, he gathered all the strength he had left and reached his arm to slash him. It was Christina! Thank god he missed! Seeing that the dragon attacked her, Roy said sarcastically "So he's no monster, huh?"   "He... he doesn't want to hurt me... he's just scared..." She slowly reached her arm   towards his face "Just like the first time, remember..?" James let her touch him. He liked it when she did. And this time it made him feel safer than he really was. He closed his eyes and let himself go unconscious, knowing that she was taking care of him now...
             "Christina..." It was David. He was feeling guilty about what happened and he couldn't stand seeing her crying. "I'll help you take him to a hospital"  "you two do whatever you
Roy yelled "I won't be a part of it! From now on I forget this... thing exists!" Christina was upset. Why couldn't he see that he was not "just an animal"... behind his strange appearance, he was human too! He was her friend...

                                                                      * * * * *

          James woke up. He was numb and so he couldn't feel the wound on his wing and chest. "Was it a dream?" He wondered "the strange creatures... the cage... Christina..." He realised that he was lying on a bed so it must have been a dream... there was no bed in the cage. He was glad it was just a dream but kind of sad as well... For Christina was the only true friend he had ever made. He knew she didn't want him for his money or fame. She became his friend because she loved him or whom he really is... "You're awake!" A child's voice woke him up. It was Christina! So it wasn't a dream after all... He looked around. It was clear from the smell of medicine that he was in the hospital. His wing, chest and arm were bandaged. Christina noticed that he was staring around with an empty look in his eyes. "It's ok...you're safe now" "Excuse me?" It was the nurse. She was outside the room hiding behind the door. She was obviously afraid of him. Fortunately, David paid enough money to keep the dragon a secret. "His lunch..." she said and showed the dish she was holding. Christina took the dish and placed it on the special table in frond of his bed. As soon as he saw it, James forget how disgusting hospital food usually is and started eating with greed. Christina stayed until he finished his meal. I have to go now dragon... I'm on detention... I'll come and visit ok?"
          So James was left alone in the hospital. He stared around "Wow... so that's what's outside the island... These creatures can't live in peace with other species. Now I understand why we are not allowed to leave the island. I'm different from them so they caged me... Like a zoo? Oh damn! I miss my guitar! I need a cigarette! I need a tail to bite! Where's Alan? Speaking of Alan? What happened to the Deep Rockers? Are they rehearsing without me? Well they should! I sucked the last time! I was thinking of Meesha... Meesha? Meesha who? I don't need you! You can have your husband! Player is back! He's not for those mushy-love things! He's for crashing guitars, biting tails, smoking and swearing! That's Player/// and maybe loving a little girl for showing him what pure love really is. Cause, Meesha, if you show Player love, he'll show you love too. But if you ignore him, then you don't exist for him! He'll ignore you too!"
Days went by and James kept having these thoughts. Until his wing healed. He could flap again. At last! Time to go home! He put on his clothes and approached the window. He spread his wings. He was just about to jump when he heard a familiar voice "Dragon! Wait!" It was Christina "Are you leaving? Going home?" He looked outside the window. Home... yes! That's where he was going. Christina needed no answer. She understood what was going on. She run and hugged him with all her might, it made him fall on the ground.
            "I'm gonna miss you!" James held her close to him. He wanted to feel her loving touch one last time. "I'll miss you too" At the sound of his voice Christina smiled "I knew you could talk... I love your voice..." She let go of him. "Do you have a name? Something to remember you with?" Name..? No... You don't need my name... He grabbed his DR Chain. The only thing he loved. He wore it wherever he was going. He put it on
Christina "Just remember me as your dragon..."

"He's gone... my dragon is gone... he went home... I'll always remember you... I love you"
Christina is sitting on her bed looking at the chain and remembering Her Dragon. The chain had something like a D and an R. Was it DRagon? Yes... that's what it was: Dragon!


DR means Deep Rockers. And somewhere far away from where Christina is now; a lonely Deep Rocker plays the guitar. He remembers a little girl and smiles. The one of the very few who loved him and became his friend in his lonely life. And in the future, the two will meet several times again. But that's another story..

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