Chapter 3

What’s in the back of your head’s hard to beat, but hell sure comes close


            Things had taken a turn for the worse at the Stolis Research and Development facility. Ever since the discovery of the uniquely beneficial form of trisomy was discovered, funding had dwindled, research slowing, and general stagnation was creeping in. Most of the researchers were looking for other opportunities. Dakarth had another set of things to worry about. On top of Melody being pregnant, her electrical powers were not flowing properly, requiring her to leave the facility and be hospitalized at the Yann City General hospital. He did, however, have one thing that lifted his spirits. His psychic auguries consistently told him that he would have sufficient funds to be able to go through with marrying Melody within a month. But, of all the things happening at the facility, one weighed on him the most.


            TDO had been making threats.


            A mountain dragon walked into Dakarth’s office, his attitude amplified by the fresh scars on him and the nunchaku in his belt.

            “So, Dakarth, been reviewing your options?”

            “Hey, Greg. Yeah, I have.” The psychic razor’s antennae drooped, and he gave a small sigh. “I just hope that the rumors circulating about TDO’s suicide fanatics are just rumors.”

            “In my experience, all rumors have at least some truth behind them. It might not be related to what’s being talked about, but has some truth in it still.”

            “Heh, I guess it’s a good thing, then, that Melody’s powers made her leave. If TDO does carry out its threats, I wouldn’t want her here.”

            “Of course not. You love her too much. I’ve even thought of leaving, but then I lose my paycheck as security. So, I stay. I wouldn’t worry overmuch, though. I’ve showed you how to fight, and your telekinetic powers are nearly enough to take on an army.”

            “Even so, I still fear for her…” He looked out the window at the stars, feeling for the presence of his lover. “I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her.”

            The mountain dragon moved over to him and put his hand on the psychic’s shoulder. The psychic felt a comforting wave of faith emanate from him. “Don’t worry. My prayers are for your child and Melody’s safety. God has them in very capable hands.”

            “Thanks, Greg.”


                        ***                              ***                              ***                              ***                              ***                              ***


            Deep in the mountain of Stolis, an ancient and terrible being reviewed its plans. <All the pieces are in place. All that is needed now is to strike. Then, we shall see if he is ready to join my service.> It sent out a message, the force of its sending rippling through the entire mountain. <Now, the end begins…>


                        ***                              ***                              ***                              ***                              ***                              ***


            Later that night, TDO’s secret army of fanatics closed in on the facility, like a murderer looming over its sleeping victim. Several other beings were with them, emissaries of the dark, there to ensure that the fanatics did what they were told.


            For reasons unknown to them, both Dakarth and Gregory couldn’t get to sleep, and both were in the common room, sharing each other’s life stories. Dakarth had been feeling a roiling, seething darkness playing at the edge of his mind. Thinking it a bit paranoid, but doing so anyways, he erected a telekinetic shield around himself and his friend.


            Outside the facility, at the main gate, a lone figure walked toward the gates. The security guards moved forward to stop him. “Halt! What the hell are you doing out here at one in the morning?” He looked at them, and the demonic light coming from the figure’s eyes transfixed the guards, freezing them with terror. He spoke in a terrible voice, in a language the guards didn’t know, but understood. The air itself shook with the power the words carried. “Yes, I am here for a little hell…” Then the figure called upon a power deep within him, and burned the security guards away.


            A twinge of horror shot through Dakarth, as if lost souls were screaming at him. Greg looked over at him. “Did you feel that too?”, he asked.

            Swallowing, Dakarth replied. “Yeah… Something definitely isn’t right.”

            “I agree. Something tells me that we should get out of here.”

            As soon as he was finished, bullets tore through the windows, spanging off Dakarth’s telekinetic shield. Bullets fired from semiautomatic weapons. Military grade semiautomatic weapons.


            Jumping back in shock, Dakarth thanked his paranoia. “I can teleport us out of here!”

            A look of vengeance on his face, Greg replied. “We can’t just leave all these people here! I showed you how to use your powers to protect. Now is the time to use them! Come on, if we can grab a security tape, we can have those responsible punished!” Explosions from outside added force to his words. The first of a great many screams could be heard.

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