*All characters copyrighted to Poseidon Simons

Chapter 27

A Little



                Babe ran out after them, fearing the worst.  He saw Bill hit Kale..."They're fine..."  Babe didn't want to take chances though.  He raced to the spot Kale had gone down.There was a roar of rockets overhead, "But I killed him...how the hell does he keep coming back?!"  Babe reached Kale's body after Kain.  He found them; Kale was just starting to sit up.


                "Kale, get up."

                Kale scowled at the Copy's face, "What happened?  How the hell did he--"

                "His chip.  Get up.  I've installed some new weapons, and added a shield.  Hurry.  The Protector's on his way here."

                Kale sat up slowly.  His body wouldn't react very fast..."How bad was the damage?"

                "Bad enough that you'll have to come back to the factory to get fixed.  All I've done is weld your neck shut and added those few things."


                The Copy looked up and smiled, "Hello AGAIN, Babe."

                "What does it take to get rid of you?!!!"  The Protector's cannon was charged.  He was going to fire any second.

                "A lot more than you'll ever be able to dish out, Babe."

                Kale looked at the Protector, "Babe?  THAT'S your real name?!!!"  He couldn't help himself.  He started laughing.

                Kain shut him up, "Laugh later.  Move now."

                Kale grumbled, but activated his wings.

                Babe fired a single shot at Kale, smiling when it hit an exposed spot on Kale's leg.  Kale ignored it and took off.  The blast at takeoff was enough to break the leg clean off!  Kain kept Babe busy while Kale flew away...


                Babe glared at Kain.  He didn't care about Kale right then, "Why won't you ever DIE?!!!!!!"

                Kain grinned, "I'd ask you the same thing, but we both know the answer.  The next time we meet, you'll perish, Babe.  I've developed new weaponry...no one will survive."  Kain blasted off.  Babe tried to hit him, tried to bring him back down to explain, but Kain managed to get away...

                With a shudder, Babe headed back to the lab..."As soon as I get back we HAVE to start working on getting my wings back.  I'm next to useless without them..."  But at least he'd kept Kale and Kain from getting his friends...


                Blake had alrready helped Helen to another room.  He was now sitting alone, in his daughter's empty room, holding the note he'd found:

                                Blake Gargan.  Come to the abandoned factory at seven tonight, or forfeit your daughter's life.

                "Why?.."  He gazed about the empty room.  He and Helen had worked so hard to make Jasmine feel like a part of the family..."Why did they do this to me?..kidnapping a helpless little girl..."  But he had no choice.  they'd kill her if he didn't go!  Blake glanced at the clock.  He had four hours to get there..."I need to check on Helen."  He walked to their room and knocked on the door, "Helen...Helen, are you okay?"

                No answer.

                Blake opened the door slowly.  She was asleep, and the pillow her head rested on was soggy from crying, "Helen?.."  He thought about waking her, but decided he wouldn't be able to stand the goodbye.

                He wrote her a note...his last letter to her:

                                Helen...how do I say this?  I love you just isn't enough.  I'm writing this to you because you went to sleep, and I couldn't bear to wake you.  Please know that, no matter what happens, I've always loved you, always WILL love you...that still doesn't sound like enough.  Helen...I can't put this into words.  You've given me the best years of my life...and Helen...I love you...and I wish words could describe just how deep that love is...goodbye, Helen.                  Goodbye.



                "He's waiting outside, right on time."  Kale stepped away from the window, "I've kept my part of the bargain.  You know where the rest of his men go for work, and now you've got him.  That was the deal, right?  Give me control over my entire body now."

                Kain's Copy waited until he was done talking, "Come with me."  Kale was led through a small maze; to the real Kain.

                Kain sighed where he sat.  It looked like a few of the thicker wires were gone, "You still have to catch Griffin for me.  That was the last part of our bargain, Kale.  Once I have him back, you're free."

                "What about the weapons?"

                "My copy installed those already."

                "How'm I supposed to use them?"

                Kain sighed again, "You'll figure it out.  It isn't THAT hard.  Now, Griffin was taken to the same lab where Babe lives.  We'll give you the coordinates, AND free reign over your new weaponry, but if we don't like what we see, we'll take control again.  Understood?"

                "I got it.  Is the copy over there going to come with me, or do I do this alone?"

                "That, Kale, is entirely up to you.  I'm giving you charge over this SINGLE mission."  Kain moved an arm up to his chin and leaned on it.  The movement was slow, and thin metal plates slid up and down, connecting him to the chair...such a normal movement almost seemed alien...Kale shrugged it off and nodded, "I'll take him with me.  Any back up is usually good, even if I won't need it."

                Kain lowered his hand back to its usual resting place on the chair handle.  He noticed Kale's stare and smiled, "Isn't it wonderful?  I can actually move now.  My damn scientists finally got off their lazy butts and DID something for once."  His smile had already turned into a scowl, "Look at me.  I'm pathetic.  My ROBOTS function better than I do!  The minute I'm detached from this damn chair will be the beginning of this island's bloodiest day in history."

                Kale shrugged, "Whatever.  The sooner I've got Griffin, the better...one favor to ask though."

                "And that is?"

                "I want to see Blake die before I grab Griffin.  Do you mind?"

                Kain smiled, "You and I are a lot alike, Kale.  I had the same wishes for Babe and his friends.  You'll get your wish.  It's one of the greatest pleasures you'll ever get while you're in that body."

                Kale could think of a few others, but had to admit, this one was high on his list of favorites.


                Griffin groaned, "I haven't had this much of a workout since I was little...whatve I been doing?.."

                Sarah was above him, "You're up already?  How much energy do you HAVE?"

                Griffin sat up, feeling groggy, "Today's been impressive...I usually don't have this much energy without a good meal..."  He glanced at his stomach as it growled, "Speaking of which..."

                A strangely familiar voice called from the other end of the room, "Be careful.  He's got a good appetite."

                "Poseidon?.."  Griffin glanced towards the voice.  Sure enough, Poseidon was there, along with every single other person Griffin had been introduced to...except Julie, thank god.

                Bill shrugged, "It can't be that bad, can it?  How much can one guy eat?"

                "Believe me, it'll cost you a fortune if you take him out to eat."  Poseidon smiled and leaned back in the chair he sat in.  He accidentally leaned a little too far back and fell over.

                Everyone laughed.  Griffin saw some small movement, "Johnny?  Was that you?"

                Johnny poked his head out from among the group, "You SAW me?  No one can EVER see me!"

                "Well, there's a first time for everything, right?"

                That remark met stunned silence.  Johnny flew forward, "How the hell did you HEAR what I said?!  No one except James has anything close to that type of hearing!!!!"

                A new small voice entered the buzz that started up again, "Johnny...aren't you going to introduce us?"

                Griffin watched for any sort of movement and saw another tiny anthro appear.  She was holding what looked like a baby.  Griffin smiled, "Who's she?"

                Johnny looped back to fly beside her, and didn't introduce them until all three were sitting by Griffin's head.  Johnny was beaming as he spoke, "This is my wife, Kim, and our son, Maiky."  He offered to take Maiky from her.

                She handed him over, "So...you can hear us HOW easily?"

                "Well, I heard Johnny talking while he was in that little crowd over there...does that answer your question?"

                She stared at Poseidon and everyone else, "But...they're making so much noise...how could you hear Johnny OVER all of that?"

                "Well...I don't know, I just can.  Johnny said there was a whole island full of people like you, Kim.  I'm curious...could you tell me about it?"

                She smiled, "Well, I go over and visit my family now and then...Johnny's not allowed on the island because of his views about you giants."


                "Well, one of the professions on Little Island is being a thief.  Johnny was one of the best before they kicked him out."

                "A thief?  As an honest profession?"

                "Well, they steal from the giants here.  Some of them go out and kill giants...it's an act of heroism over there.  Of course, not every single one of us is like that.  We have groups that live on this island for the specific purpose to prove that giants are really just like us..."

                Griffin sighed, "Well, I asked, right?"  He said, trying to keep the good mood.

                Kim smiled too.


                Blake stood in front of the factory, not knowing quite what to think.  He had one goal, and one goal only, "My daughter...is she alright?"

                KALE answered him, "Yeah, she's fine.  You want her?  Come in and get her."

                "You--you'll let her go, right?  You won't hurt her at all?"

                "We'll see.  It depends on how nicely you cooperate."

                He approached the building uneasily.  The door's hinges were so rusted that when he opened the door, it hurt his ears to hear the screech.  He saw that another set of doors looked well oiled, "This place was never abandoned...just used secretly."  But what for?  He shuddered and stepped in, "Hello?.."  Blake's voice echoed in the immense building.  He ignored it, "My daughter...can I see her?"

                A metallic figure walked toward him, "She's right here..."  Kale was holding her by her shirt's neck collar.  She was unconscious, but looked alright.  Kale smiled, "Don't worry.  Someone here'll take her home.  YOU on the other hand.  Come with me."  Kale turned and walked away.  Blake hurried to catch up, watching his daughter until they rounded a corner, and he couldn't see her anymore.  Kale grabbed him and threw him forward, "Get moving."

                Blake shouted when he hit the floor, but got up.  The place they walked through was dark...half the time, Blake couldn't see where they were going.  There was even one incident where he HIT the wall before Kale turned him in the right direction..."At least she'll be alright..."  He didn't care.  All he wanted was for his family to be safe.

                Kale was smiling at Blake the whole time.  Blake couldn't help but wonder why...


                Kale couldn't WIPE the smile OFF.  Blake looked so pathetic right now!  He kept glancing back at Kale, and all Kale had to do to make th guy even MORE frightened was smile more, or give a tiny chuckle.  It was incredible finding out how weak Blake really was.  He reached out and shoved Blake once more, relishing the shocked look that passed over Blake's face as he hit the wall again.


                Jasmine woke crying..."Where's my dad?..mom...why weren't you there for me?..you promised..."  She slowly opened her eyes.  It was bright, "Bright?..but they never let go to a light...where am I?"  She opened her eyes all the way and saw that she was outside a huge building.  They were letting her go?  Why?..well, she didn't want to ask.  Jasmine just wanted to go HOME.  She stood up and started down the road, "Hello?..is anybody there?"

                No answer.

                She sighed.  Without someone with her, she got scared easily...she kept going, thinking how great it would be to see her mom and dad again...soon, she lost sight of the big building.  That was okay with her.  Maybe she'd find someone while she walked...

                "Hello there, little girl."

                Jasmine whirled around, scared of the voice.  All she saw was an old man...he looked friendly, "H--hello..."

                The old man smiled, "Now what's a little tyke like you doin' out here?  Ain't you a tad young t'be walkin' around by yerself?"

                She giggled at his silly accent, "My name's Jasmine, what's yours?"

                He looked a little shocked by her question, but smiled, "Me?  Aw, you don't need t' worry 'bout little ol me, missy.  I'm jus' headin' in t' town is all.  Care t' give this old timer a little company?"

                She remembered for the tiniest second that she wasn't even supposed to be talking with this stranger, but he seemed so nice...and how could an old man be any harm?  Jasmine accepted his invitation and took his hand.  He smiled and started talking about a little granddaughter he had that looked just about the same age she was.  A long ways down the road, they stopped.  She glanced up, "What's wrong?"

                He smiled, "Oh, this is where I'm supposed t' stop, little missy.  What 'bout you?"

                She looked around, somewhat lost, "Uh...I'm trying to get home..."

                He nodded, "Y'know where you live?  I think I could get you a taxi if'n one happens by."

                She smiled, "I'm okay...I think I can walk now."

                "Alright, missy.  Don't you be fallin' and hurtin' yerself now, hear?  It'd be plumb bad if'n somethin' happened t' you.  Yer too sweet fer anythin' bad to hurt you."

                She smiled and waved as she walked away, "I'll be careful.  I promise!"

                He called after her, "Jus' you make sure you mean it, missy!  It'd be a durn shame if'n you got hurt while no one were with you!"

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