((Well, I finally get back to Drakis and Jessala. The
suspense is finally over. Plus, he was getting cramps,
being held in those restraints for so long.))
There she was, in all her remembered beauty. But this
was tainted, since he knew that she had used him as a
scapegoat for her family. That, and the fact that she
had a ring on her left hand. "Who is he?"
She got out of her chair, and gracefully walked over
to him. Folding her arms, she said, "Not a human, if
that's what you're thinking. And no, not a female
either. I married Farlan Neldus, a Talon. He comforted
me in your abscence, and, well, I fell in love with
Drakis sneered at her. "So I really meant that little
to you?!"
She immediately grew defensive, snapping back. "You
had no IDEA of what I went through! I had USED you! I
wanted to kill myself for that! He was the only person
who had cared enough to listen to me and to try and
help me get you out! I regret ever using you as a
scapegoat for my family. They didn't even thank me!"
She took a few steps away from him, turning her back
on him.
Drakis sighed, realizing that rage wasn't going to
help him now. "I understand where you're coming from.
I WOULD have liked a little more loyalty, but still, I
She turned back to him, at first with an enraged look,
but it died away. She sighed. "I pulled some major
favors and got the breakout blamed on someone else who
ran for it. I have your release papers right here."
"I'm only leaving here on two conditions." Jessala
eyed her former lover as if he was completely insane.
"Fist condition, I want the glaive wyvern named
Skyshadow set free. I didn't want him being picked up
as an accomplice to me, so I tried to bring him with
me away from here. The second condition is the release
of Regulen, a wolf anthro, who doesn't really deserve
to be here, either. Do that, and I'll forgive you
completely, and you'll never have to see me again, so
you can go about your life without guilt."
Jessala looked at him, hr piercing gaze sizing her
former lover up. After a length, she relented. "I'll
do what I can. You're free as soon as you sign the
release form."
"Which I can't really do without the use of my hands."
She pressed a button on her desk, and all the
restraints popped free. She thought for a moment that
drakis was going to attack her, but he didn't. He just
camly strode over to the desk, used willbending to
make the pen move on its own, and signed his release
form. "Where is all my stuff? I know you have it here somewhere."


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