Joshua frantically looked through his clothes to find something nice to wear.

“MOOOM!! Where’s my black jacket???” He wanted to look perfect for her.

“It’s in the laundry,” his mother answered as she came in his room.

“Aw mom! That jacket was the best I had!!” He sat on the bed, disappointed.

“Well…” his mother said as she approached his closet. “How bout this one? It makes you look handsome!” She said and tossed him a jacket. Joshua grabbed it but didn’t put it on. Instead, he was looking at the ground.

She sighed and sat next to him. “Josh… you are very nervous!”

“I know mom… I just… I want to be perfect for tonight.”

She laughed. “Well you could take her somewhere more romantic rather than the funfair…”

“I wanted to go to the movies, but she INSISTED that we should go to the funfair. I don’t think she wanted to stay in a dark room with me…” That surprised his mother but she couldn’t ask because Joshua told her to leave so that he could get dressed.

As soon as his mother left the room, Joshua sighed and started getting dressed. His thoughts turned to Miranda. He didn’t love her. He didn’t feel a thing a bout her, but she was the most popular girl in school and the fact that she even ALLOWED him to be seen with her made him content. All his life he felt invisible, just a Razor boy that no one saw. But now with Miranda, thinks changed. Now he wasn’t just a Razor, he was Joshua, the guy who hanged around with Miranda. His eighteenth birthday was in three months and he was planning on inviting almost everyone so that they could see him with her.

He finished getting dressed and walked out the door. Once he was out, he felt a small headache, but he didn’t think about it much. It was probably just a small flu. He spread his arms and flew towards Melodies house.




“Joshua!! Stop yawning!!” She nudged him with her elbow. She smiled when he nodded. Finally, she had found the perfect ‘pet’. This Razor fool was so pathetic, that he did everything she told him. It was the perfect person to humiliate.

They spent a lot of time just walking around; at one time Joshua played a game of darts and won a little dragon toy from Miranda. She smiled and hugged it.

“Oh look!!” She grabbed him from his sleeve and run towards a tent she saw. Joshua struggled from her grasp and fixed his jacket.

“I don’t think we should get in. Those people are liars! They tell you the things you want to hear! And you pay them for that!”

“Oh lighten up a little!” She said as she pushed him in. “MIRANDA!!”

His attention turned to an old woman sitting in front of a table. She was a Mountain dragon with a wrinkled face and one of her horns was broken in half. A glass globe was set in front of her on the table. Joshua laughed at the sight, thinking of how similar the woman looked with the witches they show on films.

“See something funny, boy?” The woman said as she stared at him. Joshua felt a little threatened by the woman’s gaze, but he replied

“Sorry, didn’t want to offend you, but I find this whole setting ridiculous…”

“Ridiculous?” She cut him off

“Well… I don’t believe in all those psychic shit… I’m sorry I’m leaving. I won’t let you rob me of my money…” he turned towards the exit… “Joshua!” Miranda yelled but he didn’t stop.

“So you don’t believe…” Joshua froze where he stood. He felt cold S sweat running down his face. The old woman’s voice had a cold hue in it.

“You offend me boy… I’m not gonna let you walk away like that!” Joshua gasped. The woman’s eyes were glowing. How did she do that? “Would you believe if I trapped your personality in another body?” Joshua stepped back as the woman got up. She spoke as she walked around the table and towards him. “You will die boy… and you will still be alive. Cursed to be trapped … and die twice! You will die another’s death!” As she spoke her last words, she was inches away from his face, which was pale and sweating. He got panicked and run away.

“JOSHUA You’re such a coward! Come back!” He didn’t hear Miranda scream. He didn’t care how she was supposed to go home. All he wanted to do now was go at his place and lock all doors. He wanted to be alone and calm down.




Days went by, and Joshua found himself ill in bed. Miranda hasn’t called him since he left her alone at the fair, and the words of the old woman plagued his dreams. He was afraid of his life. Many times he asked his mother what the doctor said,, but she didn’t answer him.




He had just finished examining him. He packed his equipment in his bag and shook his head. He was so young…

“Excuse me doctor…” Joshua’s parents approached him. “How is he…?” His mother asked. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could the father added “we want the truth.”

 He motioned them to get out of the room and he closed the door behind them.

“It’s not good…” The doctor scratched his arm. “He has a very serious flu… I tried everything I could. All we could do now is to hope and pray…”

The mother started screaming “DAMN YOU!! Don’t tell me to pray!! Save my son!” “Calm down, please!!” Joshua’s father was trying to hold her down.

“I’m so sorry… the doctor said and started walking towards the door.

“NO!!” She screamed and run towards him. She kneeled in front of the surprised doctor and begged. “Please… I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to yell at you please… save my boy… I beg you…”

The doctor was trying to hold back his tears. He slowly shook his head, walked out of the door and closed it behind him.

Joshua’s father stood stunned, unable to believe what was happening. He was loosing his son… and there was nothing he could do to save him. He walked over to his crying wife and hugged her. They stayed like that for a long time.


- - - - -


Joshua opened his eyes. He still had a very high fever and his body was sweaty. His head throbbed and he couldn’t look either left or right. He heard a light nock on the door and right after his mother came in holding a cup of tea.

“Good morning honey… I brought you some tea to make you feel better.” He didn’t take the cup, so she placed it on the table next to his bed and sat next to him.

“Mom…” his voice was a whisper, but she could hear him. “Am… I going to die…?”

“Honey…” she said and touched his face. “Of course not! You’re gonna be alright!” Joshua tried to laugh but he ended up coughing. When he calmed down he spoke again.

“Don’t lie to me mom… I know I’m dying. I can feel it.” His mother had no words to speak. She hugged her son and started crying.


- - - - -


A week passed by with Joshua getting worse day by day. That day was very painful and he was pleased that he finally managed to fall asleep. He could feel himself slowly rising out of bed and floating into the air in what he though was a dream. He looked down and saw a body of a young man lying in bed. Even though his scales were white, he could tell that he was pale.

He could see a light shining above his head on the room’s ceiling. He smiled and felt content by the light’s warmth that was growing steadily. He slowly floated towards the light when something sucked him downwards. He looked to the floor and what he saw scared him so much that he screamed.

A large rotating hole was gaping below his feet, darkness was trapped within it and it seemed to suck him in. He struggled and flapped his arms, desperately trying to escape the monster below him, but it was in vain. He didn’t know if it was his imagination, but he could hear the old woman’s voice echo in the room.

“You are cursed to be trapped boy… You will die twice! You will die another’s death!”


He screamed his lungs out as the darkness engulfed him. He looked up and saw the opening closing, leaving him floating into nothingness.


- - - - -


“Joshua, I made you a sandwich.” His mother said with a smile as she entered his room. She placed the plate onto the table and walked towards the curtains. “Come on sleepy-head wake up!” She said as she opened the curtains, letting the sunlight fill the room.

“Joshua, wake up honey”. Nothing. Joshua was laying in bed, as still as a… body…

“No… no no no. Please no…” She approached him with hesitation. “Joshua… wake up!!” She touched his face. It was so cold… Her eyes widened as she checked her son for any sign of breathing or a pulse. She screamed and hugged him.




He didn’t know how long he was trapped into the darkness. Was it days? Months? Years? He had lost count of time.


A few times he thought he felt the darkness fade and he felt the environment around him shake, as if his soul was concealed into a box and that box was being picked up. At one day, he felt that he was being dropped. He screamed as the ‘box’ hit something. He felt himself rocking slightly from left to right… as if he was in water. Then, stillness came again. He cried. He was trapped into this nothingness for eternity. 


Ten years have passed since he got trapped into the darkness, when all of a sudden, he felt movement again. He heard cracking noises and looked up. Suddenly, a beam of light shone upon him and he felt him self being lifted and being driven towards the source of the light. He closed his eyes and let the light consume him. . He had no idea where he was being taken and why. All he knew was that this was a new beginning.





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