When that vision faded, another began to form in my head. The Lupius again, a little older. His clothes were regal, Celtic crosses and swirls adorning the green and red silk of his cape. He had a chain mail undershirt on, though he was just walking through what appeared to be a garden. Fountains lined the sides and hedges, roses of every hue choking the wall. The Lupius looked angry. This time, he was about my age or so. And he had a sword in his thick belt, and looked prepared to use it. He walked to the engraved doors of the palace, and violently pushed them open. They swung, and the polished redwood doors smashed against the wall. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” he barked at someone across the hall. He was standing at the wall, staring at a large portrait. He also had regal clothes, a thick cape lined with leopard skin adorning the armor that he had on. He held his gauntlet adorned hands behind his back. “What do you mean?” he said. The voice chilled me. “I mean, why the hell did you just assault Veronica?!” “Assault her? I believe you are mistaken. I did no such thing.”  The Lupius’ face filled with unspoken yet not-so-silent rage. His lips curled, his teeth bared. “I loved her. You knew that. We were meant to be WED!!!” he shouted, his voice echoing in the vaulted hall. “Wed? Wed?! How could she possibly marry you?” he said with a laugh. Not a mocking laugh. A real laugh, as if he actually found it funny. “So you found someone who shares the same tainted, filthy blood as you. You are to a human king, you filthy, vile creature, and she is actually respected where she is from. Your future kingdom hasn’t even seen you!! You hide here, with only our father to love you, and shun me. You are hated by those who should kiss your boots, you are feared by those that you will one day govern. Your face sickens anyone who looks upon it!! You are FILTH!!!” the man turned, and I saw the he was actually only barely older than the lupius. The lupius drew his sword, a rapier. The other boy drew a sword that seemed too big for him, a broadsword with a thick metal handle. The boy had bright red hair, like the lupius, and, what scared me most about him, hateful blue eyes that reminded me of Leren. The lupius simply held his sword out straight, aiming it squarely at the throat across the room. He undid a clip, and the heavy cape fell to the ground with a thud. He had a thin white shirt on, with buckles around his wrist and gauntlets. He stared with fierce eyes. I had no idea what was going on. Like the other vision, I only had an idea of the events happening right now, not the ones leading up to them. The boy simply held the sword up, ready to parry. The lupius silently ran across the room, boots thudding quietly on the carpet. The boy only waited. The lupius had obviously been highly trained. “Die, you filthy pig!!” he shouted, teeth bared, black gums showing contrasted with white teeth, as he drew his blade back ready to gut this boy who stood in his way. As he drew upon the boy, he raised the sword high in the air behind him, ready to swing it back upward with a force that would shatter teeth and split bones. He ran to meet the boy’s unmoving form, when he ducked. He anticipated the move as the heavy broadsword, which could decapitate him in a movement, swooshed over his head with astounding speed that made the air inches above his head ripple. The boy grunted with the stree he had to put into simply holding up the massive blade, let alone swing it. The lupius fought as if he were dancing, as he simply poked and stabbed and bled in simple places, not trying to harm him but wear down his patience until his judgement was altered. A quick slash sent a lightning bolt shaped trickle of blood running down the the boy’s leg, but he brought the steel hilt down heavily on the lupius’ head. The lupius unfortunately caught the brunt of it, although he moved out of the way. The sound of clashing steel broke the dusty silence of the room, a clang and a shatter of shaking and vibrating metal. “Yeeagh!!!” the boy shouted. With one hand he punched the lupius in the stomach, and qiuckly tripped him with his foot. They had both been equally trained, as the lupius quickly chopped him in the throught with the end of his fingertips, sending a trickle of blood down the boy’s face. Driven by silent hate for his foe, the boy, in mid-air, threw the heavy sword hilt first into the lupius’ neck, and it soared like an arrow. The lupius got the sword’s end in the adam’s apple, and held his throat as he choked and fell, tumbling on the carpet. He dropped his rapier. The boy in armor charged, screaming wildly, face red, and pounced on the fallen lupius. His hands went for his throat, and he slammed his head repeatedly on the marble floor, the sick sound of bone smashing into metal echoing like a church bell. The lupius punched him across the face several times, drawing blood, but the boy was driven. Driven by a supernatural force, outside his body. Again and again, though his face was bloodied, and his pale blue eyes shone like icy fire frm the contrast, the boy slammed the lupius head viciously against the marble. Eventually the lupius’ punches weakened, his hand only barely grazing the boys face. Then, with newfound energy, his hand shot at the rapier, and slashed the icy metal against his face. “AAAGHH!!!” the boy said as blood sprayed and stained the carpet. He held his face, and his hands were already coated with blood. The lupius quickly got back up, and charged the boy when, the boy screamed. And the scream rose to a howl. As the boy turned, his face stretched, shifted, grew. His nose shot out into a muzzle. And fur appeared throughout his face and body. The lupius looked shocked, and his hands were shaking. He backed away slowly, and the rapier fell with a clatter. His boots shook noisily against the floor, and his face was filled with horror. “You’re... you’re a...” and with a snarl, the new lupius attacked the old one. His face a snarl, vicious but inhuman screams coming from his mouth, he was insane. His eyes wide in pure, unleashed fury.I’M... NOT SUPPOSED TO BE... LIKE YOU!!!!! NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO KNOW!!!!!” he hissed. Just as he said that, the old lupius’ face pooling with blood, a girl walked in, and screamed in fear. No, I should correct that. She wasn’t a girl. She was a lupius.  The new lupius’ face slowly shifted back, obviously he was ignoring the horrendous pain. I watched as his eyes stared hatefullly at the female lupius, and as, thread by thread, the strands of pigment in his iris slowly shimmered to a glowing silver. He winced as it happened, much like I did.“What are you doing?!” she screamed, pulling them apart. Her green, silky dress was soon stained with blood. The old lupius wiped his mouth with a determined expression, and then rose. His ears flicked back, and he put his cape back on, nobly. “Let’s go.” he said. “What?! Answer me!! What the hell were you doing killing each other?!” she screamed. But he stared on hatefully at the other lupius. He took her hand and walked out angrily. His nose still bled, his eyes pooling with blood. The second lupius remained. His voice shook with unspeakable rage. He slowly walked back toward the painting. Then he ran, screaming. “Why?! Why did I have to be born with him?! Why did HE have to be born?!” he shouted at the picture. It was a portrait of a family, all dressed like royalty. There was a crowned man, presumably the father. There was a mother with long blond hair, and fair eyes. There was the boy I had seen, with deep red hair and a pale face. And finally, at the bottom of the picture, looking slightly to the side remorsefully, there was the lupius. He was clinging slightly to his father, and the father’s arm was around him protectively. But the most shocking part of it was, the father had silver eyes. The boy stared at the picture, and then, with rage, slashed through it with a clawed hand. Canvas and paper fell like rain, and a large claw-mark was slashed right through the picture. Aimed through the face of the lupius. And with that, as the boy howled in rage, the vision faded. 

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