Omar's Page
Hi there,

My name is Omar Isidro Marquez Merceron. I was born May 15 1971 in Santiago de Cuba, caribbean east of Cuba. So I have 2 names Omar, because my mother was platonically in love with an egipcian actor "Omar Mutkar" and Isidro because is the catolic saint of the day I was born. Now Isidro in the syncretic afro-cuban cults is a bit more than a saint is almost a god, the rain maker; and Omar is an arabic name that I have been told in its roots means constructor or builder. Hmm, that kind of make me something like the Builder of Rain, and I like it. :)

I have a Computer Science Degree and a Master Degree from cuban universities in 1994 and 1997 respectively.

Professional Experience

Computer Science Teacher, ISP Admin, Net Admin, MIS Director, Unix Programmer, System Analyst

: Definitevely reading is my favorite passtime, my favorite authors are Dostoievsky, Humberto Eco, James Clavell,  Tolkien, Asimov, Fernando del Paso, Julio Cortazar, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Mary Stewart, Isabel Allende, others.

Computers, Unix, Linux, Quake : yes I know, is my job, but is not only work, is also fun.

Scuba Diving: During my years in the Caribbean I manage to scape from work enough time for getting an Open Water Diver Cerification from PADI

Chess: I consider my self an average to good player. My father teach me to play  when I was 6 years old and I still like it.

Sports: I practiced Judo for alnost 6 years in Cuba, were regional champion once, and during my university years I won once the  university cup. I'm looking forward to organize my life and work in such a way that I can reasume the practice of Judo. As well I enjoy playing volleyball with friends and did it regularly for almost 2 years in a beautifull caribean beach.

Favorite Movies:Pulp Fiction, Snatch, The Piano, The Wall, Shakespeare in Love, Moulin Rouge, Shrek, Antonia's Line ... many others.

Travel: While I lived in Cuba travel was something beyond my possibilities, fortunately that changed when I moved out of the country. I have travel almost all the Caribbean, Rasta Nation ya man ;-) but still havent found nothing as beautifull as Cuba, may be St Lucia.
In the future I would like to visit some day the Serengeti park in Kenya, the floating market in Bangkok, Amsterdam and Machu Pichu in Peru.

Music: What would life be without it, eh? But I'm so ecleptic that it would have no sense to try summarize here bands or singers or even kind of music

Dancing: Many people things that being cuban I have been dancing since the craddle, unfortunately for me it was not like that, I was wasting my time and I discovered that only a few years ago; but since them I'm trying to correct it in every chance I have. Yes I really enjoy dancing, any music, and specially salsa, so if you know a salsa place here in michigan or kalamazoo I really would appreciate if you give me the tip

Well, thanks for reading this far,  this is what I have to say about me, kind of ;-), if you want to know more send me an email, new friends are always welcome.
At the Carenage Bay Resort Golf Course
My Info:
Omar Marquez
[email protected]
Location: Chicago, IL
My Favorite Links:
Discovery Channel Online
Earth Files
Insomnia Gallery
Anna Begins
My Photos
Other Important Links:
Sunset as used to be from my balcony, oh boy how I miss that...
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