Click here and you can read about Jordyn from birth until 7 months old.
Click here and you can read about Jordyn from 7 months old to time of her diagnosis of AML Lekemia
Click here to read about Jordyn 's treatement in Germany and her flight to THE USA!!!
Read about Jordyn's arrival at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and her life there and at the Ronald McDonald House!
By Clicking on this book you will read about Jordyn's adventures while being treated at Walter Reed and her life in Virginia....
Read about Jordyn's First Relapse, the upcoming bone marrow transplant, and getting ready for life in a new hospital....
Here you can read about Jordyn's admission to Children's for her Bone Marrow Transplant and the beginnings of the BMT
From here you can go into the writings we started on Jordyn's progress during her bmt
Continute reading about Jordyn's Bone Marrow Transplant Days...
Here you can read about Jordyn's exciting return home and Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
Here you can find out about Jordyn's progress after Christmas with her new BMT
After Relapsed..what lies ahead for Jordyn now.....
Happy 2nd Birthday...Jordyn!!!
Click here to go to 2nd page of index of journals
Click here to Read through journals in order of beginning to current......
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