Miller, William (NJ)

Mitchell, Abraham (NC))

Mitchell, Stephen (VA)

Murfree, LTC Hardy (NC)

Newkirk, Captain Cornelius (NJ)

Ogden, Jason (NJ)

Patrick, Abner (NJ)

Pierce, Isaac (MA)

Piercy, Major Christian (PA)

Sawyers, Captain John (VA)

Sheppard, Lawrence (NJ)

Sherman, Nathan (VT)

Smick, William (NJ)

Smith, Captain William (NJ)

Stafford, John (NJ-PA)

Spengler, Philip, Jr. (PA)

Stephens, Isaac (NJ)

Swazey, Daniel (NJ)

Talton, James (NC)

Tomlinson, Lt. James (NJ)

Weigel, Johann Martin II (PA)

Ayars, John (NJ)

Beals, Abel (MA)

Benjamin, Joseph (VA)

Bray, Daniel (NJ)

Burdick, Thompson (RI)

Cheeseman, Thomas (NJ)

Coombs, Moses Newell (NJ)

Dare, James A. (NJ)

DeHart, Hendrick (NJ

Ellis, Major William (NJ)

Field, Paul (PA)

Fiske, Major John (RI)

Fite, John (NJ)

Grossclose, Peter (PA)

Kern, Michael (PA)

Loring, Nathaniel Thomas (MA)

Magill, Hugh (PA)

Mecum, William (NJ)

Miles, Colonel Samuel (PA)

Miller, James (VA)
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