Chris Eubanks
Born: Pheonix, AZ   on: July 5th, 1976
Born again:  April 9th, 1990

Married Sarah Ann Martin on March 18, 2000 at Harding Street Church of Christ at Morrilton, Arkansas.  A son Noah Christopher was born December 30, 2004 at Conway Regional Hospital in Conway, Arkansas.

Church Camp at Camp Caudle (pictured)
Preaching the Gospel, simple web page design (duh), fishing, hunting, camping, playing RISK, Monopoly, and UNO.

(1) Graduation from Memphis School of Preaching
(2) B.S. in Bible/Ministry from Southern Christian University; Montegomery, Alabama.
(3) Currently Student teaching at Conway High School East Campus finishing a B.S. in Education in the discipline on English.
My E-mail:  [email protected]
Hi, my name is Chris.  I hope you will come to Oak and let us meet you, but to introduce myself:

I went to preaching school after my first couple of years of college.  I began preaching for the Oak Church of Christ during my second year of preaching school in 1998 and preached here for 3 and 1/2 years.  I moved to Greenbrier and began working with the congregation there for almost three years.  From Greenbrier I went to work with the Southside congregation in Cabot, Arkansas, and at Southside I served as their associate minister, interim preacher, and again as the associate minister within a year's time until Oak asked me to return and work with them again as the pulpit minister.

I have been at Oak now for a year, and I love every minute of it.  I have never been anywhere that I feel as at home and among family (even though I am the least related to anyone in the congregation).  I am currently a student at the University of Central Arkansas seeking a Secondary English Education degree. I plan to teach English in a public school and continue to preach for Oak as long as they will have me or I see that both they and I will better be served by my absence.

I am a conservative religiously, politically, and in the realms of fishing, but I think for myself.  I love language, and I love studying the Bible.  I am very extraverted and love to talk, but arn't most preachers?

I have a wonderful wife, Sarah, and a cute little boy, Noah, with whom I love to spend time.  I have a grandfather, James Taylor (not THE James Taylor), with whom I talk and listen to WWII stories. 

I love the Father, Son, and the Spirit, and I try my best to teach others.  It was nice to tell you about myself, please come and introduce yourself.
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