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Greg's Sermon Page
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and a couple of pictures of the "gathering place"


The latest sermons

06-26-05 Morning - Blessed...  - James 1:12

07-03-05 Morning -  The Origin of Sin - James 1:13

07-10-05 Evening - Authority of Jesus - Mark 1:21-22


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There's new blood in the
leadership of Oak Hill Chapel

Greg Fiala has been selected to join with our established servant - leaders. He joins the team of Teddie Renollet, Bob Pothoven and Charles Carmody. Greg is candidating to become a teaching Pastor after Teddie Renollet retires. Greg has served as a Deacon, Sunday school teacher, and the Audio/Recording technician prior to his call to the Pastoral ministry. He is the leader of our Children's ministry and also serves in the capacity as a worship leader and/or  teacher in our Sunday evening service.  It is our hope that 2005 will be a year of growth at Oak Hill Chapel; expansion in our spiritual depth and perhaps some new members?.

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A word from Pastor Greg:   It's been a privilege for my family and I to have been part of this congregation since 1996. I've had the occasion to both rejoice and weep with my flock along the way. If I were to attempt to describe what makes Oak Hill Chapel unique in an age where cookie cutter copy churches dominate, it's the love - familial love. I credit that to the leaders who preceded me here. Their humble servant/leader approach blurred the unbiblical clergy/laity distinctions and created an environment where love can flourish. We just blended into one big family of bondservants. In as much as it is up to me, I would like to see that legacy continue and for the identity of Oak Hill Chapel to remain - a church that loves one another and loves God's Word.

Greg Fiala - 2 Corinthians 4:1 Therefore, since we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we do not lose heart. 

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This page last updated on 07-31-05


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